Chapter 1. Introduce

Internet ?: a.specific construction of handware and softwareapp

                b.communication services provied for applicationsui

Protocal ?: it define format, order of msgs sent and received among network entities, and actions taken on msg transmission, receipt(語法&語義||格式&次序+動做).net

Network edge
 end systems, access networks, linksorm

Network core
 circuit switching, packet switching, network structurerouter

circuit vs packet switch:ip

great for bursty data
resource sharing
simpler, no call setup
excessive congestion: packet delay and loss
protocols needed for reliable data transfer, congestion controlci


Four sources of packet delay

1. nodal processing:
 check bit errors
 determine output linkelement

2. queueing
 time waiting at output
link for transmission
 depends on congestion
level of routerit

3. Transmission delay:
 R=link bandwidth (bps)
 L=packet length (bits)
 time to send bits into
link = L/Rio

4. Propagation delay:


Internet protocol stack

1.application: supporting network applications
  2.transport: process-process data transfer
 routing of datagrams from source to destination
IP, routing protocols
 data transfer between neighboring network elements
PPP, Ethernet
  5.physical: bits 「on the wire
