os:Windows 10 x64 Python:3.6.3
#encoding: utf-8 #author: walker #date: 2017-12-01 #summary: 用socket建立tcp server以接收文件 import os, time import socket import struct cur_dir_fullpath = os.path.dirname(os.path.abspath(__file__)) Host = '' Port = 6789 BufSize = 8196 FmtHead = '256sHL' #L決定單個文件必須小於4G FmtHeadLen = struct.calcsize(FmtHead) DstRoot = os.path.join(cur_dir_fullpath, 'output') #目標目錄 StartTime = time.time() #開始時間 def ProcAll(): cnt = 0 fileSizeTotal = 0 sockServer = socket.socket(socket.AF_INET, socket.SOCK_STREAM) sockServer.bind((Host, Port)) print('Listen prot %d ...' % Port) sockServer.listen(1) sock, addr = sockServer.accept() print('local: %s:%d' % (sock.getsockname())) print('client: %s:%d' % addr) while True: #接收數據包頭(相對路徑,相對路徑長度,文件大小) pkgHead = sock.recv(FmtHeadLen) relPath, relPathLen, fileSize = struct.unpack(FmtHead, pkgHead) relPath = relPath.decode('utf8')[0:relPathLen] if relPath == 'OVER' and fileSize == 0: print('All file recv over!') break pathfile = os.path.join(DstRoot, relPath) dstDir = os.path.dirname(pathfile) if not os.path.exists(dstDir): os.makedirs(dstDir) with open(pathfile, mode='wb') as f: recvSize = 0 #單文件已接收字節數 while True: if recvSize >= fileSize: break bufSize = BufSize if fileSize - recvSize < BufSize: #剩餘字節數小於BufSize bufSize = fileSize - recvSize buf = sock.recv(bufSize) f.write(buf) recvSize += len(buf) fileSizeTotal += recvSize cnt += 1 print('cnt: %d, time cost: %.2fs, %s'% (cnt, time.time()-StartTime, pathfile)) sock.close() sockServer.close() print('cnt: %d, time total: %.2fs, send bytes:%ld B'% (cnt, time.time()-StartTime, fileSizeTotal)) if __name__ == '__main__': ProcAll() print('Time total:%.2fs' % (time.time() - StartTime))
#encoding: utf-8 #author: walker #date: 2017-12-01 #summary: 用socket鏈接tcp server以傳送文件 import os, time import socket import struct cur_dir_fullpath = os.path.dirname(os.path.abspath(__file__)) Host = '' Port = 6789 BufSize = 8196 FmtHead = '256sHL' #L決定單個文件必須小於4G SrcRoot = os.path.join(cur_dir_fullpath, 'input') #源目錄 ExtSet = {'.pdf', '.html', '.htm'} #後綴列表 StartTime = time.time() #開始時間 def ProcAll(): cnt = 0 fileSizeTotal = 0 sockClient = socket.socket(socket.AF_INET, socket.SOCK_STREAM) print('Connect %s:%d ...' % (Host, Port)) sockClient.connect((Host, Port)) print('local: %s:%d' % (sockClient.getsockname())) for parent, dirnames, filenames in os.walk(SrcRoot): for filename in filenames: if os.path.splitext(filename)[1].lower() not in ExtSet: #排除非指定後綴的文件 continue pathfile = os.path.join(parent, filename) relPath = pathfile[len(SrcRoot):].strip(os.path.sep) #相對路徑(相對於SrcRoot) fileSize = os.path.getsize(pathfile) #發送數據包頭(相對路徑,相對路徑長度,文件大小) pkgHead = struct.pack(FmtHead, relPath.encode('utf8'), len(relPath), fileSize) sockClient.sendall(pkgHead) with open(pathfile, mode='rb') as f: while True: buf = f.read(BufSize) if len(buf) < 1: break sockClient.sendall(buf) fileSizeTotal += fileSize cnt += 1 print('cnt: %d, time cost: %.2fs, %s'% (cnt, time.time()-StartTime, pathfile)) #發送文件傳送結束消息 pkgHead = struct.pack(FmtHead, 'OVER'.encode('utf8'), len('OVER'), 0) sockClient.sendall(pkgHead) sockClient.close() print('cnt: %d, time total: %.2fs, send bytes:%ld B'% (cnt, time.time()-StartTime, fileSizeTotal)) if __name__ == '__main__': ProcAll() print('Time total:%.2fs' % (time.time() - StartTime))
*** walker的流水帳 ***spa