Greenplum 在數據加載上有一個明顯的優點,就是支持數據的併發加載,gpfdisk是併發加載的工具,數據庫中對應的就是外部表 所謂外部表,就是在數據庫中只有表定義、沒有數據,數據都存放在數據庫以外的數據文件。greenplum能夠對一個外部表執行正常的DML操做,當讀取數據的時候,數據庫從數據文件中加載數據。外部表支持在segment上併發地告訴從gpfdist導入數據,因爲是從segment上導入數據,因此效率很高。
外部表須要指定gpfdist的IP和端口,還要有詳細的目錄地址,文件名支持通配符匹配。能夠編寫多個gpfdist地址,可是總數不能超過總的segment數量,不然會報錯。 GPDB提供兩種外部表:可讀外部表用於數據裝載、可寫外部表用於數據卸載。外部表可基於文件、亦可基於WEB,這兩種都能實現可讀、可寫。 當一個查詢使用一個常規的外部表,該外部表被認爲是可重讀的,由於在該查詢期間數據是靜態的。而對於WEB外部表,數據是不可重讀的,由於在該查詢的執行期間數據可能會發生變化。 可寫外部表用以從數據庫表中選擇記錄並輸出到文件、命名管道或其餘可執行程序。 好比,能夠從GPDB中卸載數據併發送到一個可執行程序,該程序鏈接到其餘數據庫或者ETL工具並裝載數據到其餘地方。 可寫外部表還能夠用於輸出到GPDB的並行MapReduce計算。 可寫外部表被定義後,數據便可從數據庫表中被選擇並插入到該可寫外部表。 可寫外部表只容許INSERT操做 – SELECT、 UPDATE、 DELETE或TRUNCATE是不容許的。可寫外部表輸出數據到一個可執行程序,該程序要可以接受流輸入數據。 在建立外部表的時候,能夠指定分隔符、err表、指定容許出錯的數據條數,以及源文件的編碼等信息。
CREATE [READABLE] EXTERNAL [TEMPORARY | TEMP] TABLE table_name ( column_name data_type [, ...] | LIKE other_table ) LOCATION ('file://seghost[:port]/path/file' [, ...]) | ('gpfdist://filehost[:port]/file_pattern[#transform]' | ('gpfdists://filehost[:port]/file_pattern[#transform]' [, ...]) FORMAT 'TEXT' [( [HEADER] [DELIMITER [AS] 'delimiter' | 'OFF'] [NULL [AS] 'null string'] [ESCAPE [AS] 'escape' | 'OFF'] [NEWLINE [ AS ] 'LF' | 'CR' | 'CRLF'] [FILL MISSING FIELDS] )] | 'CSV' [( [HEADER] [QUOTE [AS] 'quote'] [DELIMITER [AS] 'delimiter'] [NULL [AS] 'null string'] [FORCE NOT NULL column [, ...]] [ESCAPE [AS] 'escape'] [NEWLINE [ AS ] 'LF' | 'CR' | 'CRLF'] [FILL MISSING FIELDS] )] | 'CUSTOM' (Formatter=<formatter specifications>) [ ENCODING 'encoding' ] [ [LOG ERRORS] SEGMENT REJECT LIMIT count [ROWS | PERCENT] ] CREATE [READABLE] EXTERNAL WEB [TEMPORARY | TEMP] TABLE table_name ( column_name data_type [, ...] | LIKE other_table ) LOCATION ('http://webhost[:port]/path/file' [, ...]) | EXECUTE 'command' [ON ALL | MASTER | number_of_segments | HOST ['segment_hostname'] | SEGMENT segment_id ] FORMAT 'TEXT' [( [HEADER] [DELIMITER [AS] 'delimiter' | 'OFF'] [NULL [AS] 'null string'] [ESCAPE [AS] 'escape' | 'OFF'] [NEWLINE [ AS ] 'LF' | 'CR' | 'CRLF'] [FILL MISSING FIELDS] )] | 'CSV' [( [HEADER] [QUOTE [AS] 'quote'] [DELIMITER [AS] 'delimiter'] [NULL [AS] 'null string'] [FORCE NOT NULL column [, ...]] [ESCAPE [AS] 'escape'] [NEWLINE [ AS ] 'LF' | 'CR' | 'CRLF'] [FILL MISSING FIELDS] )] | 'CUSTOM' (Formatter=<formatter specifications>) [ ENCODING 'encoding' ] [ [LOG ERRORS] SEGMENT REJECT LIMIT count [ROWS | PERCENT] ] CREATE WRITABLE EXTERNAL [TEMPORARY | TEMP] TABLE table_name ( column_name data_type [, ...] | LIKE other_table ) LOCATION('gpfdist://outputhost[:port]/filename[#transform]' | ('gpfdists://outputhost[:port]/file_pattern[#transform]' [, ...]) FORMAT 'TEXT' [( [DELIMITER [AS] 'delimiter'] [NULL [AS] 'null string'] [ESCAPE [AS] 'escape' | 'OFF'] )] | 'CSV' [([QUOTE [AS] 'quote'] [DELIMITER [AS] 'delimiter'] [NULL [AS] 'null string'] [FORCE QUOTE column [, ...]] ] [ESCAPE [AS] 'escape'] )] | 'CUSTOM' (Formatter=<formatter specifications>) [ ENCODING 'write_encoding' ] [ DISTRIBUTED BY (column [opclass], [ ... ] ) | DISTRIBUTED RANDOMLY ] CREATE WRITABLE EXTERNAL WEB [TEMPORARY | TEMP] TABLE table_name ( column_name data_type [, ...] | LIKE other_table ) EXECUTE 'command' [ON ALL] FORMAT 'TEXT' [( [DELIMITER [AS] 'delimiter'] [NULL [AS] 'null string'] [ESCAPE [AS] 'escape' | 'OFF'] )] | 'CSV' [([QUOTE [AS] 'quote'] [DELIMITER [AS] 'delimiter'] [NULL [AS] 'null string'] [FORCE QUOTE column [, ...]] ] [ESCAPE [AS] 'escape'] )] | 'CUSTOM' (Formatter=<formatter specifications>) [ ENCODING 'write_encoding' ] [ DISTRIBUTED BY (column [opclass], [ ... ] ) | DISTRIBUTED RANDOMLY ] testDB=#
gpfdist [-d directory] [-p http_port] [-l log_file] [-t timeout] [-S] [-w time] [-v | -V] [-s] [-m max_length] [--ssl certificate_path] gpfdist -? | --help gpfdist --version
[gpadmin@mdw ~]$ nohup gpfdist -d /home/gpadmin/script/ -p 8081 -l /home/gpadmin/script/gpfdist.log & [1] 32971 [gpadmin@mdw ~]$ nohup: ignoring input and appending output to ‘nohup.out’ [gpadmin@mdw ~]$ [gpadmin@mdw ~]$ [gpadmin@mdw ~]$ [gpadmin@mdw ~]$ [gpadmin@mdw ~]$ ll total 75448 drwxrwxr-x 2 gpadmin gpadmin 4096 Apr 14 22:51 gpAdminLogs drwxrwxr-x 2 gpadmin gpadmin 41 Feb 16 16:27 gpconfig drwxr-xr-x 2 gpadmin gpadmin 195 Feb 23 21:43 greenplum-cc-web-6.4.0-gp6-rhel7-x86_64 -rw-r--r-- 1 gpadmin gpadmin 77241507 Feb 17 23:01 greenplum-cc-web-6.4.0-gp6-rhel7-x86_64.zip -rw-rw-r-- 1 gpadmin gpadmin 2733 Feb 23 20:49 initGreenplum drwxrwxr-x 2 gpadmin gpadmin 61 Mar 15 16:33 l -rw------- 1 gpadmin gpadmin 583 Apr 15 01:15 nohup.out -rw-rw-r-- 1 gpadmin gpadmin 84 Apr 14 22:51 recov drwxrwxr-x 2 gpadmin gpadmin 25 Apr 15 01:15 script [gpadmin@mdw ~]$ jobs [1]+ Running nohup gpfdist -d /home/gpadmin/script/ -p 8081 -l /home/gpadmin/script/gpfdist.log & [gpadmin@mdw ~]$ cd script/ [gpadmin@mdw script]$ ls gpfdist.log [gpadmin@mdw script]$ more gpfdist.log [gpadmin@mdw script]$ ss -lntup|grep 8081 tcp LISTEN 0 256 [::]:8081 [::]:* users:(("gpfdist",pid=32971,fd=6)) [gpadmin@mdw script]$ [gpadmin@mdw script]$ [gpadmin@mdw script]$ vim test.txt Prague,Jan,101,4875.33 Rome,Mar,87,1557.39 Bangalore,May,317,8936.99 Beijing,Jul,411,11600.67 San Francisco,Sept,156,6846.34 Paris,Nov,159,7134.56 San Francisco,Jan,113,5397.89 Prague,Dec,333,9894.77 Bangalore,Jul,271,8320.55 Beijing,Dec,100,4248.41
create external table public.test ( country varchar(128), name varchar(128), id int, sale varchar(128) ) location ('gpfdist://') format 'text' (delimiter ',' null as '' escape 'off') encoding 'utf8' log errors segment reject limit 3 rows; --- location 文件所在位置,能夠直接是本地路徑、gpfdist地址、gpfdists地址、gphdfs地址。 --- format 文本類型 --- delimiter 分隔符 --- encoding 編碼 --- log errors into 錯誤數據表,記錄錯誤數據,會自動建立。通常都是tablename_err格式,例如t1_err。 --- segment reject limit 錯誤數據的條數/百分比(rows/percent),超過設置值會報錯。最小值是2。用來確保數據的完整性。 testDB=# create external table public.test testDB-# ( testDB(# country varchar(128), testDB(# name varchar(128), testDB(# id int, testDB(# sale varchar(128) testDB(# ) testDB-# location ('gpfdist://') testDB-# format 'text' testDB-# (delimiter ',' null as '' escape 'off') testDB-# encoding 'utf8' testDB-# log errors segment reject limit 3 rows; CREATE EXTERNAL TABLE testDB=# testDB=# testDB=# select * from public.test; country | name | id | sale ---------------+------+-----+---------- Prague | Jan | 101 | 4875.33 Rome | Mar | 87 | 1557.39 Bangalore | May | 317 | 8936.99 Beijing | Jul | 411 | 11600.67 San Francisco | Sept | 156 | 6846.34 Paris | Nov | 159 | 7134.56 San Francisco | Jan | 113 | 5397.89 Prague | Dec | 333 | 9894.77 Bangalore | Jul | 271 | 8320.55 Beijing | Dec | 100 | 4248.41 (10 rows)
testDB=# create table public.test_in testDB-# ( testDB(# country varchar(128), testDB(# name varchar(128), testDB(# id int, testDB(# sale varchar(128) testDB(# ) testDB-# ; NOTICE: Table doesn't have 'DISTRIBUTED BY' clause -- Using column named 'country' as the Greenplum Database data distribution key for this table. HINT: The 'DISTRIBUTED BY' clause determines the distribution of data. Make sure column(s) chosen are the optimal data distribution key to minimize skew. CREATE TABLE testDB=# insert into test_in select * from public.test; INSERT 0 10 testDB=#
testDB=# insert into testx001 select * from public.test; ERROR: relation "testx001" does not exist LINE 1: insert into testx001 select * from public.test;