The joint pmf of two discrete rv's X and Y describes how much probability mass is placed on each posssible pair of values (x,y).dom
Let X and Y be two discrete rv's defined on the sample space δ of an experiment. The joint probability mass function p(x,y) is defined for each pair of numbers (x,y) byspa
p(x,y) = P(X=x and Y=y)it
Let A be any set consisting of pairs of (x,y) values. Then the probability P[(X,Y) →A]io
The marginal probability mass functions of X and of Y, denoted by px(x) and pY(y), respectively, are given byfunction
pX(x) = ∑p(x,y)im
pY(y) = ∑p(x,y)margin
Let X and Y be continuous rv's. Then ƒ(x,y) is the joint probability density function for X and Y if for any two-dimensional set Adi