

  1. select
  2. from
  3. where
  4. group by


  1. from
  2. where
  3. group by
  4. select



create table emp(
  id int not null unique auto_increment,
  name varchar(20) not null,
  sex enum('male','female') not null default 'male', #大部分是男的
  age int(3) unsigned not null default 28,
  hire_date date not null,
  post varchar(50),
  post_comment varchar(100),
  salary double(15,2),
  office int, #一個部門一個屋子
  depart_id int


insert into emp(name,sex,age,hire_date,post,salary,office,depart_id) values
('jason','male',18,'20170301','張江第一帥形象代言',7300.33,401,1), #如下是教學部


('張野','male',28,'20160311','operation',10000.13,403,3), #如下是運營部門



# 1.查詢id大於等於3小於等於6的數據
select * from emp where id>= 3 and id<= 6;
select * from emp where id between 3 and 6;

# 2.查詢薪資是20000或者18000或者17000的數據
select * from emp where salary = 20000 or salary = 18000 or salary = 17000;
select * from emp where salary in (20000, 18000, 17000);

# 3.查詢員工姓名中包含o字母的員工姓名和薪資
select * from emp where name like "%o%";

# 4.查詢員工姓名是由四個字符組成的員工姓名與其薪資
select * from emp where name like "____";

# 5.查詢id小於3或者大於6的數據
select * from emp where id<= 3 or id>= 6;
select * from emp where not id between 3 and 6;

# 6.查詢薪資不在20000,18000,17000範圍的數據
select * from emp where salary not in (20000,18000,17000);

# 7.查詢崗位描述爲空的員工名與崗位名  針對null不能用等號,只能用is
select name,post  from emp where post_comment is not NULL;

四丶group by


# 數據分組應用場景:每一個部門的平均薪資,男女比例等
# 1.按部門分組
select post from emp group by post;

# 2.獲取每一個部門的最高工資 
# 每一個部門的最高工資()
select post,max(salary) from emp group by post;

# 每一個部門的最低工資
select post,min(salary) from emp group by post;

# 每一個部門的平均工資
select post,avg(salary) from emp group by post;

# 每一個部門的工資總和
select post,sum(salary) from emp group by post;

# 每一個部門的人數
select post,count(id) from emp group by post;

# 3.查詢分組以後的部門名稱和每一個部門下全部的成員姓名
select post,group_concat(name) from emp group by post;

# group_concat(分組以後用)不只能夠用來顯示除分組外字段還有拼接字符串的做用
select post, group_concat("教師:",name) from emp group by post;

# 4.補充concat(不分組時用)拼接字符串達到更好的顯示效果 as語法使用
select concat("薪資:",salary),concat("姓名:",name) from emp where salary >= 5000;

# 補充as語法 便可以給字段起別名也能夠給表起
select concat("薪資:",salary) as "薪資",concat("姓名:",name) as "姓名" from emp where salary >= 5000;

# 查詢四則運算
# 查詢每一個人的年薪
select concat("姓名:",name) as "姓名",concat("薪資:",salary*12) as "年薪" from emp where salary >= 5000;



強調:having必須在group by後面使用!!!函數


select post,avg(salary) from emp2
        where age >= 30
        group by post
        having avg(salary) > 10000;

#強調:having必須在group by後面使用
select * from emp having avg(salary) > 10000;  # 報錯



select distinct post from emp;

七丶order by


asc(默認) 升序code

desc 降序regexp

select * from emp order by salary asc; #默認升序排
select * from emp order by salary desc; #降序排

select * from emp order by age desc; #降序排

select * from emp order by age desc,salary asc; 

# 統計各部門年齡在10歲以上的員工平均工資,而且保留平均工資大於1000的部門,而後對平均工資進行排序
select post,avg(salary) from emp
    where age > 10
    group by post
    having avg(salary) > 1000
    order by avg(salary)


# 限制展現條數
select * from emp limit 3;
# 查詢工資最高的人的詳細信息
select * from emp order by salary desc limit 1;

# 分頁顯示
select * from emp limit 0,5;  # 第一個參數表示起始位置,第二個參數表示的是條數,不是索引位置
select * from emp limit 5,5;


select * from emp where name regexp '^j.*(n|y)$';   #這邊的正則解讀爲以j開頭,以y或者n結尾,中間儘量匹配更多的字符