
 1 #!/usr/bin/env python
 3 '''
 5 Python Crypto Wrapper - By Chase Schultz  6 
 7 Currently Supports: AES-256, RSA Public Key, RSA Signing, ECC Public Key, ECC Signing  8 
 9 Dependencies: pyCrypto -  10  PyECC -  11 
 13 Python Cryptography Wrapper based on pyCrypto  14  Copyright (C) 2011 Chase Schultz -  15 
 16  This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify  17  it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by  18  the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or  19  (at your option) any later version.  20 
 21  This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,  22  but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of  23  MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the  24  GNU General Public License for more details.  25 
 26  You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License  27  along with this program. If not, see <>.  28 
 30 '''
 32 __author__ = 'Chase Schultz'
 33 __version__ = '0.1'
 35 import os  36 import base64  37 from Crypto.Cipher import AES  38 from Crypto.PublicKey import RSA  39 from Crypto.Hash import SHA256  40 from pyecc import ECC  41 
 42 class CryptoWrapper():  43 
 44     '''AES Cipher Specifics'''
 45     blockSize = 16          #Block Size
 46     keySize = 32            #keySize in Bytes - 32 bytes = 256bit Encryption
 47     mode = AES.MODE_CBC     #Cipher Block Mode
 49     def __init__(self):  50         
 51         pass
 53     def __generateAESKeystring__(self):  54         '''Generates Pseudo Random AES Key and Base64 Encodes Key - Returns AES Key'''
 55         key = os.urandom(self.keySize)  56         keyString = base64.urlsafe_b64encode(str(key))  57         return keyString  58         
 59     def __extractAESKey__(self, keyString):  60         '''Extracts Key from Base64 Encoding'''
 61         key = base64.urlsafe_b64decode(keyString)  62         if len(key) != self.keySize:  63             raise Exception('Error: Key Invalid')  64             os._exit(1)  65         return key  66     
 67     def __extractCrypto__(self, encryptedContent):  68         '''Decodes Base64 Encoded Crypto'''
 69         cipherText = base64.urlsafe_b64decode(encryptedContent)  70         return cipherText  71     
 72     def __encodeCrypto__(self, encryptedContent):  73         '''Encodes Crypto with Base64'''
 74         encodedCrypto = base64.urlsafe_b64encode(str(encryptedContent))  75         return encodedCrypto  76     
 77     def aesEncrypt(self, data):  78         '''Encrypts Data w/ pseudo randomly generated key and base64 encodes cipher - Returns Encrypted Content and AES Key'''
 79         key = self.__generateAESKeystring__()  80         encryptionKey = self.__extractAESKey__(key)  81         pad = self.blockSize - len(data) % self.blockSize  82         data = data + pad * chr(pad)  83         iv = os.urandom(self.blockSize)  84         cipherText =, self.mode, iv).encrypt(data)  85         encryptedContent = iv + cipherText  86         encryptedContent = self.__encodeCrypto__(encryptedContent)  87         return encryptedContent, key  88 
 89     def aesDecrypt(self, key, data):  90         '''Decrypts AES(base64 encoded) Crypto - Returns Decrypted Data'''
 91         decryptionKey = self.__extractAESKey__(key)  92         encryptedContent = self.__extractCrypto__(data)  93         iv = encryptedContent[:self.blockSize]  94         cipherText = encryptedContent[self.blockSize:]  95         plainTextwithpad =, self.mode, iv).decrypt(cipherText)  96         pad = ord(plainTextwithpad[-1])  97         plainText = plainTextwithpad[:-pad]  98         return plainText  99     
100     def generateRSAKeys(self,keyLength): 101         '''Generates Public/Private Key Pair - Returns Public / Private Keys'''
102         private = RSA.generate(keyLength) 103         public  = private.publickey() 104         privateKey = private.exportKey() 105         publicKey = public.exportKey() 106         return privateKey, publicKey 107     
108     def rsaPublicEncrypt(self, pubKey, data): 109         '''RSA Encryption Function - Returns Encrypted Data'''
110         publicKey = RSA.importKey(pubKey) 111         encryptedData = publicKey.encrypt(data,'') 112         return encryptedData 113          
114     def rsaPrivateDecrypt(self, privKey, data): 115         '''RSA Decryption Function - Returns Decrypted Data'''
116         privateKey = RSA.importKey(privKey) 117         decryptedData = privateKey.decrypt(data) 118         return decryptedData 119     
120     def rsaSign(self, privKey, data): 121         '''RSA Signing - Returns an RSA Signature'''
122         privateKey = RSA.importKey(privKey) 123         if privateKey.can_sign() == True: 124             digest = 125             signature = privateKey.sign(digest,'') 126             return signature 127         else: 128             raise Exception("Error: Can't Sign with Key") 129         
130     def rsaVerify(self, pubKey, data, signature): 131         '''Verifies RSA Signature based on Data received - Returns a Boolean Value'''
132         publicKey = RSA.importKey(pubKey) 133         digest = 134         return publicKey.verify(digest, signature) 135 
136     def eccGenerate(self): 137         '''Generates Elliptic Curve Public/Private Keys'''
138         ecc = ECC.generate() 139         publicKey = ecc._public 140         privateKey = ecc._private 141         curve = ecc._curve 142         return privateKey, publicKey, curve 143     
144     def eccEncrypt(self,publicKey, curve, data): 145         '''Encrypts Data with ECC using public key'''
146         ecc = ECC(1, public=publicKey, private='', curve=curve) 147         encrypted = ecc.encrypt(data) 148         return encrypted 149     
150     def eccDecrypt(self,privateKey, curve, data): 151         '''Decrypts Data with ECC private key'''
152         ecc = ECC(1, public='', private=privateKey, curve=curve) 153         decrypted = ecc.decrypt(data) 154         return decrypted 155     
156     def eccSign(self, privateKey, curve, data): 157         '''ECC Signing - Returns an ECC Signature'''
158         ecc = ECC(1, public='', private=privateKey, curve=curve) 159         signature = ecc.sign(data) 160         return signature 161         
162     def eccVerify(self, publicKey, curve, data, signature): 163         '''Verifies ECC Signature based on Data received - Returns a Boolean Value'''
164         ecc = ECC(1, public=publicKey, private='', curve=curve) 165         return ecc.verify(data, signature) 166         
167 if __name__ == '__main__': 168     '''Usage Examples'''
170     print '''
172  Python Crypto Wrapper - By Chase Schultz 173             
174  Currently Supports: AES-256, RSA Public Key, RSA Signing, ECC Public Key, ECC Signing 175             
176  Dependencies: pyCrypto - 177  PyECC - 178             
179             '''
181     '''Instantiation of Crypto Wrapper and Message'''
182     crypto = CryptoWrapper(); 183     message = 'Crypto Where art Thou... For ye art a brother...'
184     print 'Message to be Encrypted: %s\n' % message 185     
188     '''***Currently Supporting AES-256***'''
189     encryptedAESContent, key = crypto.aesEncrypt(message) 190     print 'Encrypted AES Message: %s\nEncrypted with Key: %s' % (encryptedAESContent, key) 191     decryptedAESMessage = crypto.aesDecrypt(key, encryptedAESContent) 192     print '\nDecrypted AES Content: %s\n' % decryptedAESMessage 193 
196     privateKey, publicKey = crypto.generateRSAKeys(2048) 197     
198     encryptedRSAContent = crypto.rsaPublicEncrypt(publicKey, message) 199     print 'Encrypted RSA Message with RSA Public Key: %s\n' % encryptedRSAContent 200     decryptedRSAMessage = crypto.rsaPrivateDecrypt(privateKey, encryptedRSAContent) 201     print '\nDecrypted RSA Content with RSA Private Key: %s\n' % decryptedRSAMessage 202     
204     '''RSA SIGNING USAGE'''
205     signature = crypto.rsaSign(privateKey, message) 206     print 'Signature for message is: %s\n ' % signature 207     if crypto.rsaVerify(publicKey, message, signature) is False: 208         print 'Could not Verify Message\n' 
209     else: 210         print 'Verified RSA Content\n'
213     eccPrivateKey, eccPublicKey, eccCurve = crypto.eccGenerate() 214     
215     encryptedECCContent = crypto.eccEncrypt(eccPublicKey, eccCurve , message) 216     print 'Encrypted ECC Message with ECC Public Key: %s\n' % encryptedECCContent 217     decryptedECCContent = crypto.eccDecrypt(eccPrivateKey, eccCurve, encryptedECCContent) 218     print 'Decrypted ECC Content with ECC Private: %s\n' % decryptedECCContent 219     
220     '''ECC SIGNING USAGE'''
221     signature = crypto.eccSign(eccPrivateKey, eccCurve, message) 222     print 'Signature for message is: %s\n ' % signature 223     if crypto.eccVerify(eccPublicKey, eccCurve, message, signature) is False: 224         print 'Could not Verify Message\n' 
225     else: 226         print 'Verified ECC Content\n'