進行假設檢驗的結果相好比何?對所得多項式擬合數據進行繪圖。加載工資數據集。保留全部交叉驗證偏差的數組。咱們執行K=10 K倍交叉驗證。python
1. rm(list = ls()) 2. set.seed(1) 5. # 測試偏差 6. cv.MSE <- NA 8. # 循環遍歷年齡 9. for (i in 1:15) { 10. <- glm(wage ~ poly(age, i), data = Wage) 11. # 咱們使用cv.glm的交叉驗證並保留cv偏差 12. cv.MSE[i] <- cv.glm(Wage,, K = 10)$delta[1] 13. } 14. # 檢查結果對象 15. cv.MSE
1. ## [1] 1675.837 1601.012 1598.801 1594.217 1594.625 1594.888 1595.500 2. ## [8] 1595.436 1596.335 1595.835 1595.970 1597.971 1598.713 1599.253 3. ## [15] 1595.332
咱們經過繪製type = "b"
1. # 用線圖說明結果 2. plot( x = 1:15, y = cv.MSE, xlab = "power of age", ylab = "CV error", 3. type = "b", pch = 19, lwd = 2, bty = "n", 4. ylim = c( min(cv.MSE) - sd(cv.MSE), max(cv.MSE) + sd(cv.MSE) ) ) 6. # 水平線 7. abline(h = min(cv.MSE) + sd(cv.MSE) , lty = "dotted") 9. # 最小值 10. points( x = which.min(cv.MSE), y = min(cv.MSE), col = "red", pch = "X", cex = 1.5 )
1. ## Analysis of Deviance Table 2. ## 3. ## Model 1: wage ~ poly(age, a) 4. ## Model 2: wage ~ poly(age, a) 5. ## Model 3: wage ~ poly(age, a) 6. ## Model 4: wage ~ poly(age, a) 7. ## Model 5: wage ~ poly(age, a) 8. ## Model 6: wage ~ poly(age, a) 9. ## Model 7: wage ~ poly(age, a) 10. ## Model 8: wage ~ poly(age, a) 11. ## Model 9: wage ~ poly(age, a) 12. ## Model 10: wage ~ poly(age, a) 13. ## Model 11: wage ~ poly(age, a) 14. ## Model 12: wage ~ poly(age, a) 15. ## Model 13: wage ~ poly(age, a) 16. ## Model 14: wage ~ poly(age, a) 17. ## Model 15: wage ~ poly(age, a) 18. ## Resid. Df Resid. Dev Df Deviance F Pr(>F) 19. ## 1 2998 5022216 20. ## 2 2997 4793430 1 228786 143.5637 < 2.2e-16 *** 21. ## 3 2996 4777674 1 15756 9.8867 0.001681 ** 22. ## 4 2995 4771604 1 6070 3.8090 0.051070 . 23. ## 5 2994 4770322 1 1283 0.8048 0.369731 24. ## 6 2993 4766389 1 3932 2.4675 0.116329 25. ## 7 2992 4763834 1 2555 1.6034 0.205515 26. ## 8 2991 4763707 1 127 0.0795 0.778016 27. ## 9 2990 4756703 1 7004 4.3952 0.036124 * 28. ## 10 2989 4756701 1 3 0.0017 0.967552 29. ## 11 2988 4756597 1 103 0.0648 0.799144 30. ## 12 2987 4756591 1 7 0.0043 0.947923 31. ## 13 2986 4756401 1 190 0.1189 0.730224 32. ## 14 2985 4756158 1 243 0.1522 0.696488 33. ## 15 2984 4755364 1 795 0.4986 0.480151 34. ## --- 35. ## Signif. codes: 0 '***' 0.001 '**' 0.01 '*' 0.05 '.' 0.1 ' ' 1
根據F檢驗,咱們應該選擇年齡提升到3次的模型,經過交叉驗證 。函數
1. plot(wage ~ age, data = Wage, col = "darkgrey", bty = "n") 2. ...
。繪製得到的擬合圖。1. cv.error <- NA 2. ... 4. # 突出顯示最小值 5. points( x = which.min(cv.error), y = min(cv.error, na.rm = TRUE),
交叉驗證代表,在k = 8的狀況下,測試偏差最小。最小值的1sd以內的最簡約模型具備k = 4,所以將數據分爲5個不一樣的區域。編碼
1. <- glm(wage ~ cut(age, 4), data = Wage) 3. matlines(age.grid, cbind( lm.pred$fit + 2* lm.pred$, 4. lm.pred$fit - 2* lm.pred$, 5. col = "red", lty ="dashed")
1. ... 2. summary(Wage[, c("maritl", "jobclass")] )
1. ## maritl jobclass 2. ## 1. Never Married: 648 1. Industrial :1544 3. ## 2. Married :2074 2. Information:1456 4. ## 3. Widowed : 19 5. ## 4. Divorced : 204 6. ## 5. Separated : 55
1. # 關係箱線圖 2. par(mfrow=c(1,2)) 3. plot(Wage$maritl, Wage$wage, frame.plot = "FALSE")
1. m1 <- lm(wage ~ maritl, data = Wage) 2. deviance(m1) # fit (RSS in linear; -2*logLik)
## [1] 4858941
1. m2 <- lm(wage ~ jobclass, data = Wage) 2. deviance(m2)
## [1] 4998547
1. m3 <- lm(wage ~ maritl + jobclass, data = Wage) 2. deviance(m3)
## [1] 4654752
1. library(gam) 2. m4 <- gam(...) 3. deviance(m4)
## [1] 4476501
anova(m1, m2, m3, m4)
1. ## Analysis of Variance Table 2. ## 3. ## Model 1: wage ~ maritl 4. ## Model 2: wage ~ jobclass 5. ## Model 3: wage ~ maritl + jobclass 6. ## Model 4: wage ~ maritl + jobclass + s(age, 4) 7. ## Res.Df RSS Df Sum of Sq F Pr(>F) 8. ## 1 2995 4858941 9. ## 2 2998 4998547 -3.0000 -139606 31.082 < 2.2e-16 *** 10. ## 3 2994 4654752 4.0000 343795 57.408 < 2.2e-16 *** 11. ## 4 2990 4476501 4.0002 178252 29.764 < 2.2e-16 *** 12. ## --- 13. ## Signif. codes: 0 '***' 0.001 '**' 0.01 '*' 0.05 '.' 0.1 ' ' 1
1. rm(list = ls()) 2. set.seed(1) 3. library(MASS) 4. attach(Boston)
1. ## The following objects are masked from Boston (pos = 14): 2. ## 3. ## age, black, chas, crim, dis, indus, lstat, medv, nox, ptratio, 4. ## rad, rm, tax, zn
。報告迴歸輸出,並繪製結果數據和多項式擬合。1. m1 <- lm(nox ~ poly(dis, 3)) 2. summary(m1)
1. ## 2. ## Call: 3. ## lm(formula = nox ~ poly(dis, 3)) 4. ## 5. ## Residuals: 6. ## Min 1Q Median 3Q Max 7. ## -0.121130 -0.040619 -0.009738 0.023385 0.194904 8. ## 9. ## Coefficients: 10. ## Estimate Std. Error t value Pr(>|t|) 11. ## (Intercept) 0.554695 0.002759 201.021 < 2e-16 *** 12. ## poly(dis, 3)1 -2.003096 0.062071 -32.271 < 2e-16 *** 13. ## poly(dis, 3)2 0.856330 0.062071 13.796 < 2e-16 *** 14. ## poly(dis, 3)3 -0.318049 0.062071 -5.124 4.27e-07 *** 15. ## --- 16. ## Signif. codes: 0 '***' 0.001 '**' 0.01 '*' 0.05 '.' 0.1 ' ' 1 17. ## 18. ## Residual standard error: 0.06207 on 502 degrees of freedom 19. ## Multiple R-squared: 0.7148, Adjusted R-squared: 0.7131 20. ## F-statistic: 419.3 on 3 and 502 DF, p-value: < 2.2e-16
1. dislim <- range(dis) 2. ... 3. lines(x = dis.grid, y = lm.pred$fit, col = "red", lwd = 2) 4. matlines(x = dis.grid, y = cbind(lm.pred$fit + 2* lm.pred$, 5. lm.pred$fit - 2* lm.pred$ 6. , col = "red", lwd = 1.5, lty = "dashed")
1. # 2. train.rss <- NA 3. ... 4. # 在訓練集中顯示模型擬合 5. train.rss
1. ## [1] 2.768563 2.035262 1.934107 1.932981 1.915290 1.878257 1.849484 2. ## [8] 1.835630 1.833331 1.832171
1. cv.error <- matrix(NA, nrow = nrow(Boston), ncol = 10) 3. ... 4. names(result) <- paste( "^", 1:10, sep= "" ) 5. result
1. ## ^1 ^2 ^3 ^4 ^5 ^6 2. ## 0.005471468 0.004022257 0.003822345 0.003820121 0.003785158 0.003711971 3. ## ^7 ^8 ^9 ^10 4. ## 0.003655106 0.003627727 0.003623183 0.003620892
1. plot(result ~ seq(1,10), type = "b", pch = 19, bty = "n", xlab = "powers of dist to empl. center", 2. ylab = "cv error") 3. abline(h = min(cv.error) + sd(cv.error), col = "red", lty = "dashed")
1. library(splines) 2. m4 <- lm(nox ~ bs(dis, knots = c(3, 6, 9))) 3. summary(m4)
1. ## 2. ## Call: 3. ## lm(formula = nox ~ bs(dis, knots = c(3, 6, 9))) 4. ## 5. ## Residuals: 6. ## Min 1Q Median 3Q Max 7. ## -0.132134 -0.039466 -0.009042 0.025344 0.187258 8. ## 9. ## Coefficients: 10. ## Estimate Std. Error t value Pr(>|t|) 11. ## (Intercept) 0.709144 0.016099 44.049 < 2e-16 *** 12. ## bs(dis, knots = c(3, 6, 9))1 0.006631 0.025467 0.260 0.795 13. ## bs(dis, knots = c(3, 6, 9))2 -0.258296 0.017759 -14.544 < 2e-16 *** 14. ## bs(dis, knots = c(3, 6, 9))3 -0.233326 0.027248 -8.563 < 2e-16 *** 15. ## bs(dis, knots = c(3, 6, 9))4 -0.336530 0.032140 -10.471 < 2e-16 *** 16. ## bs(dis, knots = c(3, 6, 9))5 -0.269575 0.058799 -4.585 5.75e-06 *** 17. ## bs(dis, knots = c(3, 6, 9))6 -0.303386 0.062631 -4.844 1.70e-06 *** 18. ## --- 19. ## Signif. codes: 0 '***' 0.001 '**' 0.01 '*' 0.05 '.' 0.1 ' ' 1 20. ## 21. ## Residual standard error: 0.0612 on 499 degrees of freedom 22. ## Multiple R-squared: 0.7244, Adjusted R-squared: 0.7211 23. ## F-statistic: 218.6 on 6 and 499 DF, p-value: < 2.2e-16
1. # 繪圖結果 2. ... 3. # 4. matlines( dis.grid, 5. ... 6. col = "black", lwd = 2, lty = c("solid", "dashed", "dashed"))
1. box <- NA 3. for (i in 3:16) { 4. ... 5. } 7. box[-c(1, 2)]
1. ## [1] 1.934107 1.922775 1.840173 1.833966 1.829884 1.816995 1.825653 2. ## [8] 1.792535 1.796992 1.788999 1.782350 1.781838 1.782798 1.783546
1. rm(list = ls()) 2. set.seed(1) 3. library(leaps) 4. attach(College)
1. ## The following objects are masked from College (pos = 14): 2. ## 3. ## Accept, Apps, Books, Enroll, Expend, F.Undergrad, Grad.Rate, 4. ## Outstate, P.Undergrad, perc.alumni, Personal, PhD, Private, 5. ## Room.Board, S.F.Ratio, Terminal, Top10perc, Top25perc
1. # 訓練/測試拆分行的索引號 2. train <- sample( length(Outstate), length(Outstate)/2) 3. test <- -train 4. ... 5. abline(h=max.adjr2 - std.adjr2, col="red", lty=2)
1. ... 2. coefi <- coef(m5, id = 4) 3. names(coefi)
## [1] "(Intercept)" "PrivateYes" "Room.Board" "perc.alumni" "Expend"
1. library(gam) 2. ... 3. plot(, se=TRUE, col="blue")
1. gam.pred <- predict(, College.test) 2. gam.err <- mean((College.test$Outstate - gam.pred)^2) 3. gam.err
## [1] 3745460
1. gam.tss <- mean((College.test$Outstate - mean(College.test$Outstate))^2) 2. test.rss <- 1 - gam.err / gam.tss 3. test.rss
## [1] 0.7696916
1. ## 2. ## Call: gam(formula = Outstate ~ Private + s(Room.Board, df = 2) + s(PhD, 3. ## df = 2) + s(perc.alumni, df = 2) + s(Expend, df = 5) + s(Grad.Rate, 4. ## df = 2), data = College.train) 5. ## Deviance Residuals: 6. ## Min 1Q Median 3Q Max 7. ## -4977.74 -1184.52 58.33 1220.04 7688.30 8. ## 9. ## (Dispersion Parameter for gaussian family taken to be 3300711) 10. ## 11. ## Null Deviance: 6221998532 on 387 degrees of freedom 12. ## Residual Deviance: 1231165118 on 373 degrees of freedom 13. ## AIC: 6941.542 14. ## 15. ## Number of Local Scoring Iterations: 2 16. ## 17. ## Anova for Parametric Effects 18. ## Df Sum Sq Mean Sq F value Pr(>F) 19. ## Private 1 1779433688 1779433688 539.106 < 2.2e-16 *** 20. ## s(Room.Board, df = 2) 1 1221825562 1221825562 370.171 < 2.2e-16 *** 21. ## s(PhD, df = 2) 1 382472137 382472137 115.876 < 2.2e-16 *** 22. ## s(perc.alumni, df = 2) 1 328493313 328493313 99.522 < 2.2e-16 *** 23. ## s(Expend, df = 5) 1 416585875 416585875 126.211 < 2.2e-16 *** 24. ## s(Grad.Rate, df = 2) 1 55284580 55284580 16.749 5.232e-05 *** 25. ## Residuals 373 1231165118 3300711 26. ## --- 27. ## Signif. codes: 0 '***' 0.001 '**' 0.01 '*' 0.05 '.' 0.1 ' ' 1 28. ## 29. ## Anova for Nonparametric Effects 30. ## Npar Df Npar F Pr(F) 31. ## (Intercept) 32. ## Private 33. ## s(Room.Board, df = 2) 1 3.5562 0.06010 . 34. ## s(PhD, df = 2) 1 4.3421 0.03786 * 35. ## s(perc.alumni, df = 2) 1 1.9158 0.16715 36. ## s(Expend, df = 5) 4 16.8636 1.016e-12 *** 37. ## s(Grad.Rate, df = 2) 1 3.7208 0.05450 . 38. ## --- 39. ## Signif. codes: 0 '***' 0.001 '**' 0.01 '*' 0.05 '.' 0.1 ' ' 1