debian graphics drive has two install methodlinux
0、check two system package,sudo apt-get install build-essential linux-headers-$(uname -r)ui
一、debian origin sources listthis
二、install origin nvidia graphics driveserver
i use nvidia origin graphics drive,once i use debian sources list installed.ip
this i use nvidia origin graphics drive.rem
originally i think diffcult,when do it,it is easy,get
you only need remeber one or two
一、/etc/init.s/gdm3 stopio
二、press key ctrl+alt+f1 into system command modecli
三、cd nvidia drive download dir: chmod +x nvidia graphics drive file
四、run nvidia graphics drive file.
五、nvidia install program note you disable debian default drive
change 'yes' and reboot your system,again into here.
三、check gcc version and now nvidia compile needed gcc 4.6 version
general debian default install gcc version gcc 4.7
usr system soft-link ln -sf /usr/bin/gcc-4.6 /usr/bin/gcc
set gcc compile version gcc 4.6
四、when install complete execute command: startx
五、use root user login system ,find nvidia x server settings in system settings.
六、in section 'x server display configuration' click button 'save to x configuration file' chage 'yes'
now reboot your system.
additional:the installation procedures has more note your,according install description select 'yes' or 'no'
example: whether need on nvidia origin download compile kernel,we select 'no',
has note whether install 32bit drive ,that we select 'yes'
prompt update x configure file we select 'yes'.
basic that's all,we according install description prompt select to complete installation.