#include <map> #include <set> #include <string> #include <vector> #include <iostream> #include <fstream> #include <iterator> using namespace std; void initialize_exclusion_set(set<string> &);//初始化排除的序列 void process_file(map<string, int>&, const set<string> &, ifstream&); void user_query(const map<string, int>&); void display_word_count(const map<string, int>&, ofstream&); int main() { ifstream ifile("input.txt"); ofstream ofile("output.txt"); if (!ifile || !ofile) { cerr << "unable to open files!\n"; return -1; } set<string> exclude_set; initialize_exclusion_set(exclude_set); map<string, int> word_count; process_file(word_count, exclude_set, ifile); user_query(word_count); display_word_count(word_count, ofile); } void initialize_exclusion_set(set<string> &exs) { static string _excluded_words[5] = {"the", "and", "but", "are", "then"}; exs.insert(_excluded_words, _excluded_words + 5); } void process_file(map<string, int>&word_count, const set<string> &exclude_set, ifstream &ifile) { string word; while (ifile >> word) { if (exclude_set.count(word))//判斷是否須要排除 continue; word_count[word]++; } } void user_query(const map<string, int>&word_map) { string search_word; cout << "Please enter a word to search: q to quit:"; cin >> search_word; while(search_word.size() && search_word !="q") { map<string, int>::const_iterator it; if ((it = word_map.find(search_word)) != word_map.end()) { cout << "Found " << it->first //key <<" occurs " << it->second //value <<" times.\n"; } else cout << search_word << " was not found in text.\n"; cout << "\nAnother search?(q to quit) "; cin >> search_word; } } void display_word_count(const map<string, int>& word_map, ofstream& os) { map<string, int>::const_iterator iter = word_map.begin(), end_it = word_map.end(); while(iter != end_it) { os << iter->first << " ( " << iter->second << " ) " << endl; ++iter; } os << endl; }
#include <iostream> #include <fstream> #include <iterator> #include <vector> #include <string> #include <algorithm> using namespace std; class LessThan { public: bool operator()(const string& s1, const string& s2) { return s1.size() < s2.size(); } }; template<typename elemType> void display_vector(const vector<elemType> &vec, ostream &os = cout, int len = 8) { vector<elemType>::const_iterator iter = vec.begin(), end_it = vec.end(); int elem_cnt = 1; while (iter != end_it) { os << *iter++ <<(!(elem_cnt++ % len) ? '\n' : ' '); os << endl; } } int main() { ifstream infile("input.txt"); ofstream outfile("output.txt"); vector<string> word; string str; if( ! infile) { cerr << "unable to open the file.\n"; return -1; } while (infile >> str) { word.push_back(str); } // vector<string>::iterator it = word.begin(), end_it = word.end(); // for ( ; it != end_it; it++) // { // cout << *it << endl; // } sort(word.begin(), word.end(), LessThan());//這個sort能夠直接這麼調用,開始想錯了,還打算用嵌套循環實現,這個直接就是function object display_vector(word, outfile); }