"$CATALINA_HOME"是Tomcat的根目錄。 假如進入這個網頁 是在你預料以外。瀏覽器
一種狀況是 你無心中瀏覽到了一個新安裝的tomcat頁面,安全
另外一種狀況是 你的tomcat並無正確設置(若是你是管理員,你設置tomcat關閉,但tomcat還在運行)。 app
本tomcat版本 包含了Servlets和JSPs例子(包括相關源代碼), 更多的文檔、介紹手冊,以幫助你開發web應用程序。
users@tomcat.apache.org 諮詢tomcat的通常問題、設置問題。
dev@tomcat.apache.org 用於tomcat的開發交流。
If you're seeing this page via a web browser, it means you've setup Tomcat successfully. Congratulations!
As you may have guessed by now, this is the default Tomcat home page. It can be found on the local filesystem at:
where "$CATALINA_HOME" is the root of the Tomcat installation directory. If you're seeing this page, and you don't think you should be, then you're either a user who has arrived at new installation of Tomcat, or you're an administrator who hasn't got his/her setup quite right. Providing the latter is the case, please refer to the Tomcat Documentation for more detailed setup and administration information than is found in the INSTALL file.
NOTE: For security reasons, using the administration webapp is restricted to users with role "admin". The manager webapp is restricted to users with role "manager". Users are defined in $CATALINA_HOME/conf/tomcat-users.xml
Included with this release are a host of sample Servlets and JSPs (with associated source code), extensive documentation, and an introductory guide to developing web applications.
Tomcat mailing lists are available at the Tomcat project web site:
users@tomcat.apache.org for general questions related to configuring and using Tomcat
dev@tomcat.apache.org for developers working on Tomcat
Thanks for using Tomcat!