if 條件:
#_*_coding:utf-8_*_ --------------------------------------------------- #單分支 username = 'Lisa' password = '123' Username = input('Input your name: ') Password = input('Input your password: ') if Username == username and Password == password : print('Welcome to the system!') else : print('The username or password is not right!') --------------------------------------------------- #雙分支 Name = input('Input your name: ') Sex = input('Input your sex: ') Age = int(input('Input your age: ')) if Sex == 'girl' : if Age < 18 : print('She is a little princess!') else : print('She is going to marry!') else : print('No one likes him!') --------------------------------------------------- #多分支 (1) age = 26 user_guess = int(input('Input a number you guess: ')) if user_guess == age : print('You are right!') elif user_guess > age : print('Try smaller!') else : print('Try bigger!') (2)#根據成績不一樣,給予不一樣等級 Score = int(input('Input Score: ')) if Score <= 100 : if Score >= 90 : print('A') elif Score >= 80 : print('B') elif Score >= 60 : print('C') elif Score >= 40 : print('D') elif Score >= 0 : print('E') else : print('You are a fool!') else : print('Must be less than 100!')