Running static file server anywhere. 隨時隨地將你的當前目錄變成一個靜態文件服務器的根目錄。html
Install it as a command line tool via npm -g.html5
npm install anywhere -g
$ anywhere // or with port $ anywhere -p 8000 // or start it but silent(don't open browser) $ anywhere -s // or with hostname $ anywhere -h localhost -p 8888 // or with folder $ anywhere -d ~/git/anywhere // or enable html5 history $ anywhere -f /index.html
$ anywhere --help Usage: anywhere --help // print help information anywhere // 8000 as default port, current folder as root anywhere 8888 // 8888 as port anywhere -p 8989 // 8989 as port anywhere -s // don't open browser anywhere -h localhost // localhost as hostname anywhere -d /home // /home as root anywhere -f /index.html // Enable html5 history,the index is /index.html
http://localhost:8000 執行命令後,默認瀏覽器將爲您自動打開主頁。
參考: anywheregit