【Mysql】 正則表達式
查看owner欄位中每一個值的出現次數。 sql
select distinct owner as uowner , count(*) as count 測試
from t_l0group by uowner spa
order by count DESC 字符串
【Mysql】模式匹配 REGEXP string
SELECT * FROM `t_l1` WHERE `file` REGEXP "custom/[_0-9a-zA-Z]+/modem/" it
【Mysql】substring()截取字符串 和 concat()鏈接字符串 擴展
SELECT file as afile,owner,context FROM `t_l0_mp1` WHERE context=(select context from t_l0_flag2 where file = substring(afile,19)) date
【Mysql】Left join ,right join,join(=inner join) file
A 右鏈接B,結果顯示A的所有,反之,A左鏈接B,結果會顯示B的所有
Select A.file,B.file
From t_l0_mp1 AS A
Left Join t_l0_flag2 AS B
On substring(A.file,20)=B.file and A.owner=B.owner and A.context=B.context
Select A.file,B.file
From t_l0_mp1 AS A
Join t_l0_flag2 AS B
On substring(A.file,20)=B.file and A.owner=B.owner and A.context=B.context
Select A.file,B.file
From t_l0_mp1 AS A,t_l0_flag2 AS B
WHERE substring(A.file,20)=B.file and A.owner=B.owner and A.context=B.context
【Mysql】聯表更新 update + join
update t_l0_mp8 as A Join t_l0_flag2 as B
ON substring(A.file,20)=B.file
and A.owner = B.owner
and A.context = B.context
SET A.flag=2
INSERT IGNORE INTO `t_flag2`( `file`, `owner`, `context`) SELECT concat(substring_index(concat('/alps',substring_index(file,'/alps',-1)),'#',1),'#'),owner,context from t_l0_mp8 where flag=2
避免重複插入的方法 :ignore,Replace,ON DUPLICATE KEY UPDATE
DELETE FROM sync_flag2 WHERE EXISTS (SELECT id from t_l0_mp2 AS B where (B.flag=4 or B.flag=1) and concat(substring_index(concat('/alps',substring_index(B.file,'/alps',-1)),'#',1),'#')=file and B.owner=owner and B.context=context)
DELETE FROM sync_flag2 AS A WHERE EXISTS (SELECT id from t_l0_mp2 AS B where (B.flag=4 or B.flag=1) and concat(substring_index(concat('/alps',substring_index(B.file,'/alps',-1)),'#',1),'#')=A.file and B.owner=A.owner and B.context=A.context)【DELETE FROM sync_flag2 AS A格式不能用在delete當中】
使用「_」匹配任何單個字符,而「%」匹配任意數目字符(包括零個字符)。在 MySQL中,SQL的模式缺省是忽略大小寫的。注意在你使用SQL模式時,你不能使用=或!=;而使用LIKE或NOT LIKE比較操做符。
由MySQL提供的模式匹配的其餘類型是使用擴展正則表達式。當你對這類模式進行匹配測試時,使用REGEXP和NOT REGEXP操做符(或RLIKE和NOT RLIKE,它們是同義詞)。
「 * 」匹配零個或多個在它前面的東西。例如,「x*」匹配任何數量的「x」字符,「[0-9]*」匹配的任何數量的數字,而「.*」匹配任何數量的任何東西。
sysdate 比北京時間早8小時