轉自: http://www.neatstudio.com/show-2568-1.shtmlphp
終端顯示顏色,在之前的想法當中,都是由於有了.profile的配色方案。而我通常也都是 採用默認的(snakevil是寫過一個bash帶顏色的方案的。我以爲太花哨了就沒有使用)html
1、shell下的實現方法 shell
先來說在shell下,如何實現。用echo命令就能夠實現,參看如下例子: 編程
echo -e "\033[32mHello, world!"
echo -e "\033[20;1H\033[1;4;32mHello,world\033[0m"
int color = 32; printf("\033[20;1H\033[1;4;%dmHello, world.\033[0m", color);
color=32 print 「\033[20;1H\033[1;4;%dHello, world.\033[0m"%color
class Colors { private $foreground_colors = array(); private $background_colors = array(); public function __construct() { // Set up shell colors $this->foreground_colors['black'] = '0;30'; $this->foreground_colors['dark_gray'] = '1;30'; $this->foreground_colors['blue'] = '0;34'; $this->foreground_colors['light_blue'] = '1;34'; $this->foreground_colors['green'] = '0;32'; $this->foreground_colors['light_green'] = '1;32'; $this->foreground_colors['cyan'] = '0;36'; $this->foreground_colors['light_cyan'] = '1;36'; $this->foreground_colors['red'] = '0;31'; $this->foreground_colors['light_red'] = '1;31'; $this->foreground_colors['purple'] = '0;35'; $this->foreground_colors['light_purple'] = '1;35'; $this->foreground_colors['brown'] = '0;33'; $this->foreground_colors['yellow'] = '1;33'; $this->foreground_colors['light_gray'] = '0;37'; $this->foreground_colors['white'] = '1;37'; $this->background_colors['black'] = '40'; $this->background_colors['red'] = '41'; $this->background_colors['green'] = '42'; $this->background_colors['yellow'] = '43'; $this->background_colors['blue'] = '44'; $this->background_colors['magenta'] = '45'; $this->background_colors['cyan'] = '46'; $this->background_colors['light_gray'] = '47'; } // Returns colored string public function getColoredString($string, $foreground_color = null, $background_color = null) { $colored_string = ""; // Check if given foreground color found if (isset($this->foreground_colors[$foreground_color])) { $colored_string .= "\033[" . $this->foreground_colors[$foreground_color] . "m"; } // Check if given background color found if (isset($this->background_colors[$background_color])) { $colored_string .= "\033[" . $this->background_colors[$background_color] . "m"; } // Add string and end coloring $colored_string .= $string . "\033[0m"; return $colored_string; } // Returns all foreground color names public function getForegroundColors() { return array_keys($this->foreground_colors); } // Returns all background color names public function getBackgroundColors() { return array_keys($this->background_colors); } }
// Create new Colors class $colors = new Colors(); // Test some basic printing with Colors class echo $colors->getColoredString("Testing Colors class, this is purple string on yellow background.", "purple", "yellow") . "\n"; echo $colors->getColoredString("Testing Colors class, this is blue string on light gray background.", "blue", "light_gray") . "\n"; echo $colors->getColoredString("Testing Colors class, this is red string on black background.", "red", "black") . "\n"; echo $colors->getColoredString("Testing Colors class, this is cyan string on green background.", "cyan", "green") . "\n"; echo $colors->getColoredString("Testing Colors class, this is cyan string on default background.", "cyan") . "\n"; echo $colors->getColoredString("Testing Colors class, this is default string on cyan background.", null, "cyan") . "\n";
function colorize($text, $status) { $out = ""; switch($status) { case "SUCCESS": $out = "[42m"; //Green background break; case "FAILURE": $out = "[41m"; //Red background break; case "WARNING": $out = "[43m"; //Yellow background break; case "NOTE": $out = "[44m"; //Blue background break; default: throw new Exception("Invalid status: " . $status); } return chr(27) . "$out" . "$text" . chr(27) . "[0m"; } echo colorize("Your command was successfully executed...", "SUCCESS");
四種顏色也夠了。不過。。。NOTE的blue background。。。若是你的字符仍是黑色的,真心看不到字符串了。