- username = joseph,passwd = 123456
- 讓用戶輸入帳號和密碼,輸入用戶和密碼輸入正確的話,提示你 xxx,歡迎登陸,今天的日期是xxx,程序結束
- 錯誤的話,提示帳號/密碼輸入錯誤,最多輸入3次,若是輸入3次都沒有登陸成功,提示失敗次數過多。
- 須要判斷輸入是否爲空,輸入空也算輸入錯誤一次

1 # 使用 for 循環 2 import datetime 3 today = datetime.date.today() 4 username = 'joseph' 5 passwd = 123456 6 for i in range(3): 7 get_username = input('Please input username:') 8 get_passwd = input('Please input passwd:') 9 if get_username.strip() == str(username).strip(): 10 if get_passwd.strip() == str(passwd).strip(): 11 print('%s,歡迎登陸,今天的日期是%s' %(get_username,today)) 12 break 13 else: 14 print('帳號/密碼輸入錯誤') 15 else: 16 print('帳號/密碼輸入錯誤') 17 else: 18 print('失敗次數過多')

1 1 # 使用 While 循環 2 2 import datetime 3 3 today = datetime.date.today() 4 4 username = 'joseph' 5 5 passwd = 123456 6 6 count = 0 7 7 while count < 3: 8 8 get_username = input('Please input username:') 9 9 get_passwd = input('Please input passwd:') 10 10 if get_username.strip() == str(username).strip(): 11 11 if get_passwd.strip() == str(passwd).strip(): 12 12 print('%s,歡迎登陸,今天的日期是%s' %(get_username,today)) 13 13 break 14 14 else: 15 15 print('帳號/密碼輸入錯誤') 16 16 else: 17 17 print('帳號/密碼輸入錯誤') 18 18 count = count + 1 19 19 else: 20 20 print('失敗次數過多')
- while...else,for...else 的用法
- .strip() 的用法

1 1 import datetime 2 2 today = datetime.date.today() 3 3 username = 'joseph' 4 4 passwd = 123456 5 5 count = 0 6 6 while count < 3: 7 7 get_username = input('Please input username:') 8 8 get_passwd = input('Please input passwd:') 9 9 if get_username.strip() != '' and get_passwd != '': 10 10 if get_username.strip() == str(username).strip(): 11 11 if get_passwd == str(passwd): 12 12 print('%s,歡迎登陸,今天的日期是%s' %(get_username,today)) 13 13 break 14 14 else: 15 15 print('帳號/密碼輸入錯誤') 16 16 else: 17 17 print('帳號/密碼輸入錯誤') 18 18 else: 19 19 print('用戶名/密碼不能爲空') 20 20 count = count + 1 21 21 else: 22 22 print('失敗次數過多')
- 判斷字符串爲空:s.strip() == ''

1 # 增長提示用戶名、密碼爲空 2 import datetime 3 today = datetime.date.today() 4 username = 'joseph' 5 passwd = 123456 6 count = 0 7 while count < 3: 8 get_username = input('Please input username:') 9 get_passwd = input('Please input passwd:') 10 if not get_username and not get_passwd: 11 print('用戶名/密碼不能爲空') 12 elif get_username.strip() == str(username).strip(): 13 if get_passwd == str(passwd): 14 print('%s,歡迎登陸,今天的日期是%s' %(get_username,today)) 15 break 16 else: 17 print('帳號/密碼輸入錯誤') 18 else: 19 print('帳號/密碼輸入錯誤') 20 count = count + 1 21 else: 22 print('失敗次數過多')
- 非空即真 ,非0即真。