安裝 axiosvue
npm install axios
目前接觸到最多的就是淘寶npm鏡像: http://npm.taobao.org/ ios
$ npm install -g cnpm --registry=https://registry.npm.taobao.org
$ cnpm install [模塊名稱] //安裝模塊
$ cnpm sync connect //同步模塊
cnpm install axios
axios get請求之參數寫在連接裏:api
axios.get('http://p.haoservice.com/Utility/GetProductList?key=8682dcb1b5c5488d84c10eb1767de0c5') .then(function (res) { console.log("請求成功:"+JSON.stringify(res)) }) .catch(function (error) { console.log("請求失敗:"+JSON.stringify(error)) })
axios get請求之參數寫在params裏:
axios.get('http://p.haoservice.com/Utility/GetProductList',{ params:{ key:'8682dcb1b5c5488d84c10eb1767de0c5' } }) .then(function (res) { console.log("請求成功:"+JSON.stringify(res)) }) .catch(function (error) { console.log("請求失敗:"+JSON.stringify(error)) })
axios post請求:
axios.post('http://p.haoservice.com/Utility/GetProductList',{ key:'8682dcb1b5c5488d84c10eb1767de0c5' }) .then(function (res) { console.log("請求成功:"+JSON.stringify(res)) }) .catch(function (error) { console.log("請求失敗:"+JSON.stringify(error)) })
axios 本身配置參數生成請求:
axios({ method:'post',//方法 url:'/user/12345',//地址 data:{//參數 firstName:'Fred', lastName:'Flintstone' } });
function getUserAccount(){ return axios.get('/user/12345'); } function getUserPermissions(){ return axios.get('/user/12345/permissions'); } axios.all([getUerAccount(),getUserPermissions()]) .then(axios.spread(function(acc,pers){ //spread方法至關於拆分數組 //兩個請求如今都完成 console.log(acc)
console.log(pers) }));
axios.request(config) axios.get(url[,config]) axios.delete(url[,config]) axios.head(url[,config]) axios.options(url[,config]) axios.post(url[,data[,config]]) axios.put(url[,data[,config]]) axios.patch(url[,data[,config]])
axios 配置參數列表:
{ // 請求地址 url: '/user', // 請求類型 method: 'get', // 請根路徑 baseURL: 'http://www.mt.com/api', // 請求前的數據處理 transformRequest:[function(data){}], // 請求後的數據處理 transformResponse: [function(data){}], // 自定義的請求頭 headers:{'x-Requested-With':'XMLHttpRequest'}, // URL查詢對象 params:{ id: 12 }, // 查詢對象序列化函數 paramsSerializer: function(params){ } // request body data: { key: 'aa'}, // 超時設置s timeout: 1000, // 跨域是否帶Token withCredentials: false, // 自定義請求處理 adapter: function(resolve, reject, config){}, // 身份驗證信息 auth: { uname: '', pwd: '12'}, // 響應的數據格式 json / blob /document /arraybuffer / text / stream responseType: 'json', // xsrf 設置 xsrfCookieName: 'XSRF-TOKEN', xsrfHeaderName: 'X-XSRF-TOKEN', // 下傳和下載進度回調 onUploadProgress: function(progressEvent){ Math.round( (progressEvent.loaded * 100) / progressEvent.total ) }, onDownloadProgress: function(progressEvent){}, // 最多轉發數,用於node.js maxRedirects: 5, // 最大響應數據大小 maxContentLength: 2000, // 自定義錯誤狀態碼範圍 validateStatus: function(status){ return status >= 200 && status < 300; }, // 用於node.js httpAgent: new http.Agent({ keepAlive: treu }), httpsAgent: new https.Agent({ keepAlive: true }), // 用於設置跨域請求代理 proxy: { host: '', port: 8080, auth: { username: 'aa', password: '2123' } }, // 用於取消請求 cancelToken: new CancelToken(function(cancel){}) }
axios 響應數據:
{ // 服務器迴應的數據將被包在data{}中,這點須要注意 data: {}, // `status` is the HTTP status code from the server response status: 200, // `statusText` is the HTTP status message from the server response statusText: 'OK', // `headers` the headers that the server responded with // All header names are lower cased headers: {}, // `config` is the config that was provided to `axios` for the request config: {}, // `request` is the request that generated this response // It is the last ClientRequest instance in node.js (in redirects) // and an XMLHttpRequest instance the browser request: {} }
//axios串聯js對象爲JSON格式。爲了發送application/x-wwww-form-urlencoded格式數據 //瀏覽器中使用URLSearchParams var params = new URLSearchParams(); params.append('param1','value1'); params.append('param2','value2'); axios.post('/foo',params);
//使用qs格式化數據 var qs = require('qs'); axios.post('/foo', qs.stringify({'bar':123}));
更多詳細用法,官方文檔寫的灰常灰常詳細,沒必要亂找資料。 官網傳送門: https://www.npmjs.com/package/axios
一片不錯的文檔翻譯: https://segmentfault.com/a/1190000008470355?utm_source=tuicool&utm_medium=referral