路人甲大佬: 爲啥不用day.js或者moment.js這些現成的庫git
此功能無非調用原生js的Date對象的 getFullYear() 、 getMonth() 、 getDate() 等方法獲取值以後的拼接,在這裏不作贅述後端
Demo 1 - 比較兩天大小(笨辦法)spa
const day1 = '2018-11-12'
const day2 = '2018-10-22'
function compareDate (day1, day2) {
const day1Num = parseInt((day1.split('-').join('')), 10)
const day2Num = parseInt((day2.split('-').join('')), 10)
const differenceCount = day2Num - day1Num
console.log(differenceCount) // -90
let result = differenceCount === 0 ?
'the same day' : differenceCount > 0 ?
'the day1 is earlier than the day2' :
'the day2 is earlier than the day1'
return result
console.log(compareDate(day1, day2)) // the day2 is earlier than the day1
Demo 1 - 比較兩天大小(利用換算成距 1970 年 1 月 1 日之間的毫秒數)orm
function newCompareDate (day1, day2) {
const day1Date = new Date(day1)
const day1Time = day1Date.getTime()
const day2Date = new Date(day2)
const day2Time = day2Date.getTime()
const differenceCount = day2Time - day1Time
console.log(differenceCount) // -1814400000
let result = differenceCount === 0 ?
'the same day' : differenceCount > 0 ?
'the day1 is earlier than the day2' :
'the day2 is earlier than the day1'
return result
console.log(newCompareDate(day1, day2)) // the day2 is earlier than the day1
利用js提供的getTime()方法換算成「距 1970 年 1 月 1 日之間的毫秒數」而後進行差值計算,若是要獲得小時數或者天數,則進行進一步計算便可對象
demo 2ip
function getAllDateArr (begin, end) {
let arr = []
let beginArr = begin.split('-')
let endArr = end.split('-')
let beginDate = new Date()
beginDate.setUTCFullYear(parseInt(beginArr[0], 10), parseInt(beginArr[1], 10) - 1, parseInt(beginArr[2], 10))
let endDate = new Date()
endDate.setUTCFullYear(parseInt(endArr[0], 10), parseInt(endArr[1], 10) - 1, parseInt(endArr[2], 10))
let beginSec = db.getTime() - 24 * 60 * 60 * 1000
let endSec = de.getTime()
for (let i = beginSec; i < endSec; i++) {
i = i + 24 * 60 * 60 * 1000
// 使用day.js格式化日期
arr.push(dayjs(new Date(i)).format('YYYY-MM-DD'))
return arr
getAllDateArr('2018-11-12', '2018-12-12')
BY--LucaLJX (LucaLJX的github)