selModel: { //鍵盤導航, false則鍵盤操做無效 enableKeyNav: true, //選擇模式 SINGLE, SIMPLE, 和 MULTI mode: 'MULTI', //點擊checkbox框選中 checkOnly: false, //在表頭顯示全選checkbox框 showHeaderCheckbox: true, //複選框選擇模式Ext.selection.CheckboxModel selType: 'checkboxmodel', allowDeselect: true },
{ text: bizI18n_hr.hrProdAccidentItem.effectUnit, width: 110, align: 'center', dataIndex: 'effectUnit', editor: { xtype: 'comboSearchUtil', table: '(select * from sadp_md_common_types t where t.type_id<>\'HR_EFFECT_UNIT\' start with t.type_id=\'HR_EFFECT_UNIT\' connect by prior t.sid = t.parent_sid) sadp_md_common_types', tableKey: 'type_id', tableValue: 'type_name', orderField: 'type_seq', filterName: 'type_id', emptyText: translations.pleaseInput, msgTarget: 'under', listeners: { change: function (combo, nV, oV) { combo.up('grid').getSelectionModel().getSelection()[0].set("accidentCode", ""); } } } }, { text: bizI18n_hr.hrProdAccidentItem.accidentCode, width: 120, align: 'center', dataIndex: 'accidentCode', editor: { xtype: 'comboSearchUtil', table: '(select * from sadp_md_common_types t where t.type_id<>\'HR_ACCIDENT_CODE\' start with t.type_id=\'HR_ACCIDENT_CODE\' connect by prior t.sid = t.parent_sid) sadp_md_common_types', tableKey: 'type_id', tableValue: 'type_name', orderField: 'type_seq', filterName: 'type_desc', emptyText: translations.pleaseInput, msgTarget: 'under', listeners: { focus: function (combo) { var effectUnit = combo.up('grid').getSelectionModel().getSelection()[0].data.effectUnit; var store = combo.getStore(); var params = store.proxy.extraParams; params['qm.filterValue'] = effectUnit; store.load(); } } }, renderer:function (v) { return getCommonTypeItemName('HR_ACCIDENT_CODE',v); } },