當月最長連續發文天數: //臨時:id_time_table: select distinct app_id, from_unixtime(create_date_time, 'yyyy-MM-dd') fawen_date from bjh_ods_task_manage_df where event_day='$baseDay' and object_type=2 and from_unixtime(create_time,'yyyyMMdd')>='$firstDay' and from_unixtime(create_time,'yyyyMMdd')<='$lastDay' //最終:longest_days_table select app_id, max(cnt) longest_continuous_days from ( select app_id, group_no, count(*) cnt from ( select app_id, fawen_date,(day(fawen_date) - ROW_NUMBER() OVER (partition by app_id order by fawen_date asc)) group_no from id_time_table ) T1 group by app_id, group_no ) T2 group by app_id