Spring Cloud Eureka 全解 (1) - 總覽篇




Eureka 1.x版本是純基於servlet的應用。爲了與spring cloud結合使用,除了自己eureka代碼,還有個粘合模塊spring-cloud-netflix-eureka-server。在咱們啓動EurekaServer實例的時候,只用加入對於spring-cloud-starter-eureka-server的依賴便可。以後經過@EnableEurekaServer註解便可啓動一個Eureka服務器實例。服務器

What is Spring Cloud Netflix?


Spring Cloud Netflix provides Netflix OSS integrations for Spring Boot apps through autoconfiguration and binding to the Spring Environment and other Spring programming model idioms. With a few simple annotations you can quickly enable and configure the common patterns inside your application and build large distributed systems with battle-tested Netflix components. The patterns provided include Service Discovery (Eureka), Circuit Breaker (Hystrix), Intelligent Routing (Zuul) and Client Side Load Balancing (Ribbon)..架構

Spring Cloud Netflix這個項目對於Spring Boot應用來講,它集成了NetFlix OSS的一些組件,只需經過註解配置和Spring環境的通用簡單的使用註解,你能夠快速的啓用和配置這些久經測試考驗的NetFlix的組件於你的應用和用於構建分佈式系統中。這些組件包含的功能有服務發現(Eureka),熔斷器(Hystrix),智能路由(Zuul)以及客戶端的負載均衡器(Ribbon) 簡單的來講,Spring Cloud NetFlix這個項目對NetFlix中一些久經考驗靠譜的服務發現,熔斷,網關,智能路由,以及負載均衡等作了封裝,並經過註解的或簡單配置的方式提供給Spring Cloud用戶用。app

What is Eureka?

Eureka is a REST (Representational State Transfer) based service that is primarily used in the AWS cloud for locating services for the purpose of load balancing and failover of middle-tier servers. We call this service, the Eureka Server. Eureka also comes with a Java-based client component,the Eureka Client, which makes interactions with the service much easier. The client also has a built-in load balancer that does basic round-robin load balancing. At Netflix, a much more sophisticated load balancer wraps Eureka to provide weighted load balancing based on several factors like traffic, resource usage, error conditions etc to provide superior resiliency.負載均衡


Spring Cloud Eureka 與 Eureka

其實有點不太同樣,Spring Cloud Netflix提供的膠水代碼更換了一些初始化配置,而且去掉了一些不合理的例如單實例EurekaServer服務等待時間,還增長了更人性化的界面:ide





  1. Eureka不持久化,緩存,Zookeeper持久化,對於註冊中心不必持久化,咱們只關心當前瞬時的服務狀態
  2. Eureka經過增量更新註冊信息,Zookeeper經過Watch事件監控變化,對於服務註冊變化的過程,咱們不關心,只關心瞬時狀態
  3. Eureka提供客戶端緩存,Zookeeper無客戶端緩存,在網絡隔離註冊中心訪問不了的狀況下,寧肯返回某服務5分鐘以前在哪幾個服務器上可用的信息,也不能由於暫時的網絡故障而找不到可用的服務器




比較細節的架構圖以下所示,以後的文章咱們會詳細解釋: image

EurekaServer 關鍵API與用途解釋


header 1 header 2
row 1 col 1 row 1 col 2
row 2 col 1 row 2 col 2
Operation HTTP action(針對SpringCloudNetflix環境下啓動的Eureka) Description
註冊新服務實例或者修改實例基本信息(就是InstanceInfo類) POST /eureka/apps/appID Input:JSON/XMLpayload HTTPCode: 204 on success
撤銷刪除服務實例 DELETE /eureka/apps/appID/instanceID HTTP Code: 200 on success
實例心跳 PUT /eureka/apps/appID/instanceID HTTP Code:* 200 on success * 404 ifinstanceIDdoesn’t exist
查詢全部服務實例列表 GET /eureka/apps HTTP Code: 200 on success Output:JSON/XML
查詢某個服務的實例列表 GET /eureka/apps/appID HTTP Code: 200 on success Output:JSON/XML
查詢某個服務某個實例信息 GET /eureka/apps/appID/instanceID HTTP Code: 200 on success Output:JSON/XML
查詢某個實例信息 GET /eureka/instances/instanceID HTTP Code: 200 on success Output:JSON/XML
將某個實例設置爲下線,這個和刪除不一樣,若是你手動調用刪除,但若是客戶端還活着,定時任務仍是會將實例註冊上去。可是改爲這個狀態,定時任務更新不了這個狀態 PUT /eureka/apps/appID/instanceID/status?value=OUT_OF_SERVICE HTTP Code:* 200 on success * 500 on failure
下線狀態恢復 DELETE /eureka/apps/appID/instanceID/status?value=UP (The value=UP is optional, it is used as a suggestion for the fallback status due to removal of the override) HTTP Code:* 200 on success * 500 on failure
更新元數據(這個不是InstanceInfo,是本身能夠往裏面自定義的數據) PUT /eureka/apps/appID/instanceID/metadata?key=value HTTP Code: * 200 on success * 500 on failure
查詢某個VIP下的全部實例 GET /eureka/vips/vipAddress * HTTP Code: 200 on success Output:JSON/XML * 404 if thevipAddressdoes not exist.
查詢某個SVIP下的全部實例 GET /eureka/svips/svipAddress * HTTP Code: 200 on success Output:JSON/XML * 404 if thesvipAddressdoes not exist.

