轉換爲時間能夠用js, javascript
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==>Tue Jul 17 2018 23:35:45 GMT+0800 (中國標準時間)html
refreshtoken僅僅在hybrid, authorization和ResourceOwnPassword三種模式中支持java
一般在IdentityServer中, git
若是客戶端是.net程序, 咱們使用hybrid和ResourceOwnPassword受權github
若是客戶端是純js程序, 那麼使用implicit受權. web
須要加上offline_access的scope權限, 才能夠拿到refresh_tokenvim
5down voteacceptedapp
I can recommend the library for managing token for the javascript application:https://github.com/IdentityModel/oidc-client-js框架
You've correctly used the implicit flow for SPA - here is the description about which flow is right one - https://leastprivilege.com/2016/01/17/which-openid-connectoauth-2-o-flow-is-the-right-one/
provides great feature calledautomaticSilentRenew
- check the docs. There is the timer on the background and handle an event before token expiration and using hidden iframe for getting new access token.(看起來好像是這個js框架會自動使用iframe在受權到期的時候本身去idsv刷新token)Example for
: https://github.com/jmurphzyo/Angular2OidcClientVideo with overview for authentication and authorization in JavaScript web applications using IdentityServer - https://vimeo.com/131636653
實戰一, mvc客戶端使用ResourceOwnPassword, 如何管理accesstoken續期
實戰二, js客戶端的續期
實戰三, mvc客戶端使用hybrid, 如何管理續期