is the official AWS SDK for the PHP programming language. In this recipe we will learn how to use aws-sdk-php
with Minio server.php
Install Minio Server from here.html
Install aws-sdk-php
from AWS SDK for PHP official docs here.api
Example below shows putObject and getObject operations on Minio server using aws-sdk-php. Please replace endpoint
, secret
, Bucket
with your local setup in this example.php
file. Note that we set use_path_style_endpoint
to true
to use Minio with AWS SDK for PHP. Read more in the AWS SDK for PHP docs here.ide
Copy<?php // Include the SDK using the Composer autoloader date_default_timezone_set('America/Los_Angeles'); require 'vendor/autoload.php'; $s3 = new Aws\S3\S3Client([ 'version' => 'latest', 'region' => 'us-east-1', 'endpoint' => 'http://localhost:9000', 'use_path_style_endpoint' => true, 'credentials' => [ 'key' => 'YOUR-ACCESSKEYID', 'secret' => 'YOUR-SECRETACCESSKEY', ], ]); // Send a PutObject request and get the result object. $insert = $s3->putObject([ 'Bucket' => 'testbucket', 'Key' => 'testkey', 'Body' => 'Hello from Minio!!' ]); // Download the contents of the object. $retrive = $s3->getObject([ 'Bucket' => 'testbucket', 'Key' => 'testkey', 'SaveAs' => 'testkey_local' ]); // Print the body of the result by indexing into the result object. echo $retrive['Body'];
After the file is updated, run the programui
Copyphp example.php Hello from Minio!!
Copy<?php // Get a command object from the client $command = $s3->getCommand('GetObject', [ 'Bucket' => 'testbucket', 'Key' => 'testkey' ]); // Create a pre-signed URL for a request with duration of 10 miniutes $presignedRequest = $s3->createPresignedRequest($command, '+10 minutes'); // Get the actual presigned-url $presignedUrl = (string) $presignedRequest->getUri();
To get a plain URL, you'll need to make your object/bucket accessible with public permission. Also, note that you'll not get the URL with X-Amz-Algorithm=[...]&X-Amz-Credential=[...]&X-Amz-Date=[...]&X-Amz-Expires=[...]&X-Amz-SignedHeaders=[...]&X-Amz-Signature=[...]
Copy<?php $plainUrl = $s3->getObjectUrl('testbucket', 'testkey');
Copy<?php $bucket = 'testbucket'; // This policy sets the bucket to read only $policyReadOnly = '{ "Version": "2012-10-17", "Statement": [ { "Action": [ "s3:GetBucketLocation", "s3:ListBucket" ], "Effect": "Allow", "Principal": { "AWS": [ "*" ] }, "Resource": [ "arn:aws:s3:::%s" ], "Sid": "" }, { "Action": [ "s3:GetObject" ], "Effect": "Allow", "Principal": { "AWS": [ "*" ] }, "Resource": [ "arn:aws:s3:::%s/*" ], "Sid": "" } ] } '; // If you want to put it on a specific folder you just change 'arn:aws:s3:::%s/*' to 'arn:aws:s3:::%s/folder/*' // Create a bucket $result = $s3->createBucket([ 'Bucket' => $bucket, ]); // Configure the policy $s3->putBucketPolicy([ 'Bucket' => $bucket, 'Policy' => sprintf($policyReadOnly, $bucket, $bucket), ]);
獲取對象的方法: $result = $client->getObject(array( 'Bucket' => '123124', 'Key' => '2018022610202562513.jpeg', 'ResponseContentType' => 'image/jpeg', // 'ResponseContentLanguage' => 'en-US', // 'ResponseContentDisposition' => 'attachment; filename=testing.txt', // 'ResponseCacheControl' => 'No-cache', // 'ResponseExpires' => gmdate(DATE_RFC2822, time() + 3600), ));