不一樣的操做系統,支持不一樣的IO事件機制,linux 支持epoll,
windows支持select, freebsd 支持kqueue. 詳細以下:linux
select (任何 POSIX os, 含windows) poll (任何 POSIX os) epoll (linux >= 2.5.44) kqueue (FreeBSD >= 4.1, OpenBSD >= 2.9, NetBSD >= 2.0) /dev/poll (Solaris >= 7) port (Solaris >= 10)
爲了省事,須要有個統一的接口來處理. 這個需求早就有聰明人爲咱們考慮到了.
現成的庫libevent, libev, libuv就是對不一樣操做系統IO事件機制的封裝,
PHP FPM 沒有使用上述封裝好的庫, 而是本身實現了一個簡單的封裝.
咱們看看FPM怎麼封裝的? 同時也瞭解下C語言對函數的封裝實現.api
//fpm_event.h struct fpm_event_s { int fd; /* IO 文件句柄*/ struct timeval timeout; struct timeval frequency; void (*callback)(struct fpm_event_s *, short, void *); /* 回調函數 */ void *arg; /* 回調函數的參數 */ int flags; int index; short which; }; //隊列,多個事件對象的容器 typedef struct fpm_event_queue_s { struct fpm_event_queue_s *prev; struct fpm_event_queue_s *next; struct fpm_event_s *ev; } fpm_event_queue;
struct fpm_event_module_s { const char *name; int support_edge_trigger; int (*init)(int max_fd); int (*clean)(void); //等待多個事件 int (*wait)(struct fpm_event_queue_s *queue, unsigned long int timeout); int (*add)(struct fpm_event_s *ev); int (*remove)(struct fpm_event_s *ev); };
就是對事件對象的 添加,移除,等待操做,
因爲事件回調函數及其參數也放到了事件對象裏, 等到事件發生時,觸發回調函數便可.函數
瞭解的外觀接口後,咱們看看不一樣機制模塊的實現, 以epoll,select爲例.spa
//events/epoll.c //環境變量,在編譯時肯定是否歸入. #if HAVE_EPOLL #include <sys/epoll.h> #include <errno.h> static int fpm_event_epoll_init(int max); static int fpm_event_epoll_clean(); static int fpm_event_epoll_wait(struct fpm_event_queue_s *queue, unsigned long int timeout); static int fpm_event_epoll_add(struct fpm_event_s *ev); static int fpm_event_epoll_remove(struct fpm_event_s *ev); static struct fpm_event_module_s epoll_module = { .name = "epoll", .support_edge_trigger = 1, .init = fpm_event_epoll_init, .clean = fpm_event_epoll_clean, .wait = fpm_event_epoll_wait, .add = fpm_event_epoll_add, .remove = fpm_event_epoll_remove, }; //全局變量 static struct epoll_event *epollfds = NULL; static int nepollfds = 0; static int epollfd = -1; #endif /* HAVE_EPOLL */ //這是使用時,獲取模塊對象的函數 //系統不支持返回NULL,這個函數老是編入二進制文件裏. struct fpm_event_module_s *fpm_event_epoll_module() /* {{{ */ { #if HAVE_EPOLL return &epoll_module; #else return NULL; #endif /* HAVE_EPOLL */ } /* }}} */ #if HAVE_EPOLL /* * Init the module */ static int fpm_event_epoll_init(int max) /* {{{ */ { if (max < 1) { return 0; } /* init epoll */ epollfd = epoll_create(max + 1); if (epollfd < 0) { zlog(ZLOG_ERROR, "epoll: unable to initialize"); return -1; } /* allocate fds */ epollfds = malloc(sizeof(struct epoll_event) * max); if (!epollfds) { zlog(ZLOG_ERROR, "epoll: unable to allocate %d events", max); return -1; } memset(epollfds, 0, sizeof(struct epoll_event) * max); /* save max */ nepollfds = max; return 0; } /* }}} */ /* * Clean the module */ static int fpm_event_epoll_clean() /* {{{ */ { /* free epollfds */ if (epollfds) { free(epollfds); epollfds = NULL; } if (epollfd != -1) { close(epollfd); epollfd = -1; } nepollfds = 0; return 0; } /* }}} */ /* * wait for events or timeout */ static int fpm_event_epoll_wait(struct fpm_event_queue_s *queue, unsigned long int timeout) /* {{{ */ { int ret, i; /* ensure we have a clean epoolfds before calling epoll_wait() */ memset(epollfds, 0, sizeof(struct epoll_event) * nepollfds); /* wait for inconming event or timeout */ ret = epoll_wait(epollfd, epollfds, nepollfds, timeout); if (ret == -1) { /* trigger error unless signal interrupt */ if (errno != EINTR) { zlog(ZLOG_WARNING, "epoll_wait() returns %d", errno); return -1; } } /* events have been triggered, let's fire them */ for (i = 0; i < ret; i++) { /* do we have a valid ev ptr ? */ if (!epollfds[i].data.ptr) { continue; } /* fire the event */ fpm_event_fire((struct fpm_event_s *)epollfds[i].data.ptr); /* sanity check */ if (fpm_globals.parent_pid != getpid()) { return -2; } } return ret; } /* }}} */ /* * Add a FD to the fd set */ static int fpm_event_epoll_add(struct fpm_event_s *ev) /* {{{ */ { struct epoll_event e; /* fill epoll struct */ e.events = EPOLLIN; e.data.fd = ev->fd; //data.ptr 設爲自定義對象, 事件觸發時,以此獲取自定義對象 e.data.ptr = (void *)ev; if (ev->flags & FPM_EV_EDGE) { e.events = e.events | EPOLLET; } /* add the event to epoll internal queue */ if (epoll_ctl(epollfd, EPOLL_CTL_ADD, ev->fd, &e) == -1) { zlog(ZLOG_ERROR, "epoll: unable to add fd %d", ev->fd); return -1; } /* mark the event as registered */ ev->index = ev->fd; return 0; } /* }}} */ /* * Remove a FD from the fd set */ static int fpm_event_epoll_remove(struct fpm_event_s *ev) /* {{{ */ { struct epoll_event e; /* fill epoll struct the same way we did in fpm_event_epoll_add() */ e.events = EPOLLIN; e.data.fd = ev->fd; e.data.ptr = (void *)ev; if (ev->flags & FPM_EV_EDGE) { e.events = e.events | EPOLLET; } /* remove the event from epoll internal queue */ if (epoll_ctl(epollfd, EPOLL_CTL_DEL, ev->fd, &e) == -1) { zlog(ZLOG_ERROR, "epoll: unable to remove fd %d", ev->fd); return -1; } /* mark the event as not registered */ ev->index = -1; return 0; } /* }}} */ #endif /* HAVE_EPOLL */
////events/select.c //環境變量,在編譯時肯定是否歸入. #if HAVE_SELECT /* According to POSIX.1-2001 */ #include <sys/select.h> /* According to earlier standards */ #include <sys/time.h> #include <sys/types.h> #include <unistd.h> #include <errno.h> static int fpm_event_select_init(int max); static int fpm_event_select_wait(struct fpm_event_queue_s *queue, unsigned long int timeout); static int fpm_event_select_add(struct fpm_event_s *ev); static int fpm_event_select_remove(struct fpm_event_s *ev); static struct fpm_event_module_s select_module = { .name = "select", .support_edge_trigger = 0, .init = fpm_event_select_init, .clean = NULL, .wait = fpm_event_select_wait, .add = fpm_event_select_add, .remove = fpm_event_select_remove, }; //全局變量 static fd_set fds; #endif /* HAVE_SELECT */ //這是使用時,獲取模塊對象的函數 //系統不支持返回NULL,這個函數老是編入二進制文件裏. struct fpm_event_module_s *fpm_event_select_module() /* {{{ */ { #if HAVE_SELECT return &select_module; #else return NULL; #endif /* HAVE_SELECT */ } /* }}} */ #if HAVE_SELECT /* * Init the module */ static int fpm_event_select_init(int max) /* {{{ */ { FD_ZERO(&fds); return 0; } /* }}} */ /* * wait for events or timeout */ static int fpm_event_select_wait(struct fpm_event_queue_s *queue, unsigned long int timeout) /* {{{ */ { int ret; struct fpm_event_queue_s *q; fd_set current_fds; struct timeval t; /* copy fds because select() alters it */ current_fds = fds; /* fill struct timeval with timeout */ t.tv_sec = timeout / 1000; t.tv_usec = (timeout % 1000) * 1000; /* wait for inconming event or timeout */ ret = select(FD_SETSIZE, ¤t_fds, NULL, NULL, &t); if (ret == -1) { /* trigger error unless signal interrupt */ if (errno != EINTR) { zlog(ZLOG_WARNING, "poll() returns %d", errno); return -1; } } /* events have been triggered */ if (ret > 0) { /* trigger POLLIN events */ q = queue; while (q) { if (q->ev) { /* sanity check */ /* check if the event has been triggered */ if (FD_ISSET(q->ev->fd, ¤t_fds)) { /* fire the event */ fpm_event_fire(q->ev); /* sanity check */ if (fpm_globals.parent_pid != getpid()) { return -2; } } } q = q->next; /* iterate */ } } return ret; } /* }}} */ /* * Add a FD to the fd set */ static int fpm_event_select_add(struct fpm_event_s *ev) /* {{{ */ { /* check size limitation */ if (ev->fd >= FD_SETSIZE) { zlog(ZLOG_ERROR, "select: not enough space in the select fd list (max = %d). Please consider using another event mechanism.", FD_SETSIZE); return -1; } /* add the FD if not already in */ if (!FD_ISSET(ev->fd, &fds)) { FD_SET(ev->fd, &fds); ev->index = ev->fd; } return 0; } /* }}} */ /* * Remove a FD from the fd set */ static int fpm_event_select_remove(struct fpm_event_s *ev) /* {{{ */ { /* remove the fd if it's in */ if (FD_ISSET(ev->fd, &fds)) { FD_CLR(ev->fd, &fds); ev->index = -1; } return 0; } /* }}} */ #endif /* HAVE_SELECT */