當今社會,擅長單個方面的人工智能已經盛行,手機藉助 AI 智慧防抖技術幫助你們拍出清晰照片,谷歌研發的 AI 助手將能夠幫助客戶接打商業電話,阿里發佈一項AI新工具,每秒能夠寫 2 萬行廣告文案......你們都喊着要被人工智能取代了,但卻不知,一些公司卻以「人工智能」爲噱頭,造假 AI 軟件。
Q1: 爲何有的公司會選擇使用造假人工智能軟件?
Q2: algorithm 是什麼意思?
Q3: 使用造假的人工智能會有什麼很差的影響?
Human labor is propping up some companies' fake AI software
There isn’t always a computer program behind 「AI」 services—sometimes it’s just plain old 「I.」
Some background: Effective artificial intelligence programs can require gobs of data, time, and money to produce. That means a lot of up-front investment before achieving a minimum viable product.
The cheap solution? Humans. Some companies have decided to forgo algorithms altogether and use people to power programs that are advertised as AI.
For example: Last year, the expense reporting app Expensify posted images of receipts on Amazon’s Mechanical Turk, and paid gig-workers to manually write up the data contained on the images (the company claimed the process was done using its own SmartScan software). Other companies have enlisted people to pretend to be chatbots.
舉個例子:去年,一個叫 Expensify 的專門作花銷報告的手機 app 在亞馬遜勞務衆包平臺「Amazon MechanicalTurk」上發佈了收據的圖片,而且花錢僱傭臨時工去手工編寫圖片上的數據(公司稱這個過程是用他們本身的一個叫 SmartScan 的軟件完成的)。還有其餘的公司招人去僞裝成聊天機器人和用戶聊天。算法
Why it matters: While it can give businesses a way to test out a new idea before committing engineering resources, it’s not a great way to build trust with customers. Alison Darcy, founder of a mental health support chatbot, told the Guardian, 「There’s already major fear around AI and it’s not really helping the conversation when there’s a lack of transparency.」
————— 文章來源 / MIT Technology Review 
up-front /ˈʌpˌfrʌnt/ adj. 前期的 upfront :坦白直接的。
viable /ˈvaɪəbl/ adj. 切實可行的,有望實現的 via:通過;經過。
forgo /fɔːrˈɡoʊ/ v. 放棄 forwent forgone
algorithm /ˈælɡərɪðəm/ n. 運算法則,演算法,計算程序 e.g. algorithmic tool
power /ˈpaʊər/ v. 運轉,使...運轉
gig-worker /ɡɪɡˈwɜːrkər/ n. 臨時工做者
manually /ˈmænjuəli/ adv. 手工地,體力地
enlist /ɪnˈlɪst/ v. 徵募
chatbot /ˈtʃætbɑːt/ n. 聊天機器人
commit /kəˈmɪt/ v. 投入,把...留做未來用
prop up 支持,支撐 e.g. The roof is held up by props. 屋頂由柱子撐起來的。 prop:支柱,支起,撐住。
gobs of :大量的 a gob of:少許的。