Stimulsoft Reports 2014.2新版本系統配置說明

Stimulsoft宣佈軟件系統配置變動公告:Stimulsoft Reports 2014.2官方發售版本開始,要求配置.NET Framework 4.0 或更高。web

若是你想要提早使用開發平臺和框架,能夠下載Stimulsoft Reports 2014.1版本


Stimulsoft company announces the changes in system requirements to the software. Starting with the official release of Stimulsoft Reports 2014.2 it will be necessary to have minimum .NET Framework 4.0 or higher.ui

For working with Stimulsoft Reports.Silverlight it is required to have installed Silverlight

Stimulsoft Reports.WinRT will support Framework Apps for Windows

ASP.NET 4 or ASP.NET MVC 4 is the minimal requirement for working with the product Stimulsoft Reports.Web.orm

When you want to use earlier versions of development platforms and frameworks, then the previous version of our software –Stimulsoft Reports 2014.1 is available for download on our

It worth remembering that when you need to use the reports for .NET Framework 1.1, you can use the Stimulsoft Reports 2008.1, that is available for download on our web site and supports .NET Framework 1.1.
