1.Object.create() 是什麼?javascript
Object.create(proto [, propertiesObject ]) 是E5中提出的一種新的對象建立方式,第一個參數是要繼承的原型,若是不是一個子函數,能夠傳一個null,第二個參數是對象的屬性描述符,這個參數是可選的。html
例如: java
function Car (desc) { this.desc = desc; this.color = "red"; } Car.prototype = { getInfo: function() { return 'A ' + this.color + ' ' + this.desc + '.'; } }; //instantiate object using the constructor function var car = Object.create(Car.prototype); car.color = "blue"; alert(car.getInfo());
結果爲:A blue undefined.web
2.propertiesObject 參數的詳細解釋:(默認都爲false)ecmascript
3.例子:直接看例子就知道怎麼用。 this
<!DOCTYPE html> <html> <head> <title>yupeng's document </title> <meta charset="utf-8"/> </head> <body> <script type="text/javascript"> var obj = { a:function(){ console.log(100) }, b:function(){ console.log(200) }, c:function(){ console.log(300) } } var newObj = {}; newObj = Object.create(obj,{ t1:{ value:'yupeng', writable:true }, bar: { configurable: false, get: function() { return bar; }, set: function(value) { bar=value } } }) console.log(newObj.a()); console.log(newObj.t1); newObj.t1='yupeng1' console.log(newObj.t1); newObj.bar=201; console.log(newObj.bar) function Parent() { } var parent = new Parent(); var child = Object.create(parent, { dataDescriptor: { value: "This property uses this string as its value.", writable: true, enumerable: true }, accessorDescriptor: { get: function () { return "I am returning: " + accessorDescriptor; }, set: function (val) { accessorDescriptor = val; }, configurable: true } }); child.accessorDescriptor = 'YUPENG'; console.log(child.accessorDescriptor); var Car2 = function(){ this.name = 'aaaaaa' } //this is an empty object, like {} Car2.prototype = { getInfo: function() { return 'A ' + this.color + ' ' + this.desc + '.'; } }; var newCar = new Car2(); var car2 = Object.create(newCar, { //value properties color: { writable: true, configurable:true, value: 'red' }, //concrete desc value rawDesc: { writable: true, configurable:true, value: 'Porsche boxter' }, // data properties (assigned using getters and setters) desc: { configurable:true, get: function () { return this.rawDesc.toUpperCase(); }, set: function (value) { this.rawDesc = value.toLowerCase(); } } }); car2.color = 'blue'; console.log(car2.getInfo()); car2.desc = "XXXXXXXX"; console.log(car2.getInfo()); console.log(car2.name); </script> </body> </html>