Exception in thread "main" 19/01 21:47:32 WARN util.Utils: Truncated the string representation of a plan since it was too large. This behavior can be adjusted by setting 'spark.debug.maxToStringFields' in SparkEnv.conf.
org.apache.spark.sql.AnalysisException: cannot resolve '`province`' given input columns: [bidfloor, isbilling, imeisha1, adprice, apptype, networkmannerid, imeimd5, uuidunknow, ip, keywords, age, cur, adxrate, ispid, ispname, macsha1, tagid, idfasha1, provincename, adplatformproviderid, lat, openudidmd5, rtbcity, imei, winprice, appname, paymode, cityname, iseffective, district, advertisersid, osversion, rtbprovince, uuid, putinmodeltype, adppprice, androididmd5, requestmode, tel, iswin, pw, networkmannername, channelid, adspacetypename, density, devicetype, adspacetype, androidid, storeurl, aw, device, ph, macmd5, agentrate, cnywinprice, realip, sex, adorderid, requestdate, sdkversion, rate, callbackdate, client, sessionid, rtbstreet, bidprice, adplatformkey, initbidprice, idfa, adpayment, appid, userid, mediatype, lomarkrate, androididsha1, ah, isbid, processnode, iptype, long, openudid, adcreativeid, rtbdistrict, title, mac, email, openudidsha1, isqualityapp, idfamd5]; line 1 pos 7;
'Aggregate [provincename#24, cityname#25], ['province, cityname#25, count(1) AS count#180L]
+- SubqueryAlias ods, `ods`node