# encoding: utf-8 # [@Author](https://my.oschina.net/arthor) : hanqi
## 導入相關模塊 import arcpy from arcpy import env import numpy as np import pandas as pd import geopandas as gpd import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
plt.rcParams['font.family'] = ['sans-serif'] plt.rcParams['font.sans-serif'] = ['SimHei']#替換sans-serif字體爲黑體 plt.rcParams['axes.unicode_minus'] = False # 解決座標軸負數的負號顯示問題
env.workspace = r"F:\ArcGIS\多規對比" path = "F:\ArcGIS\多規對比\圖斑對比.gdb" tg_path = "F:\ArcGIS\多規對比\圖斑對比.gdb\土規用地" cg_path = "F:\ArcGIS\多規對比\圖斑對比.gdb\城規用地"
land = gpd.GeoDataFrame.from_file(path,layer='土規用地') city = gpd.GeoDataFrame.from_file(path,layer='城規用地')
land.head() city.head()
## 刪除字段 ## 由於我作過一遍,因此先刪除 arcpy.DeleteField_management(tg_path, "tg_yongdi") arcpy.DeleteField_management(cg_path, "cg_yongdi")
## 添加字段 fieldName1 = "tg_yongdi" fieldLength = 30 # Execute AddField twice for two new fields arcpy.AddField_management(tg_path, fieldName1, "TEXT", field_length=fieldLength) fieldName2 = "cg_yongdi" fieldLength = 30 arcpy.AddField_management(cg_path, fieldName2, "TEXT", field_length=fieldLength)
## 字段計算器 ## 城規字段計算器 ## 只有一個水域不是建設用地 # Set local variables inTable = cg_path fieldName = "cg_yongdi" expression = "getClass((!cg_fenlei!))" codeblock = """ def getClass(cg_fenlei): if cg_fenlei in "E11": return "城規_非建設用地" else: return "城規_建設用地" """ # Execute CalculateField arcpy.CalculateField_management(inTable, fieldName, expression, "PYTHON_9.3", codeblock)
## 土規字段計算器 # Set local variables inTable = tg_path fieldName = "tg_yongdi" expression = "getClass((!Layer!))" codeblock = """ def getClass(Layer): if Layer in ("TG-通常農田", "TG-基本農田", "TG-林地", "TG-水系", "TG-林地"): return "土規_非建設用地" if Layer is None: return None else: return "土規_建設用地" """ # Execute CalculateField arcpy.CalculateField_management(inTable, fieldName, expression, "PYTHON_9.3", codeblock)
## 聯合工具 inFeatures = [cg_path, tg_path] outFeatures = outFeatures = path + "\\多規比對" arcpy.Union_analysis (inFeatures, outFeatures, "ALL")
dg_path = "F:\ArcGIS\多歸對比\圖斑對比.gdb\多規比對" dg = gpd.GeoDataFrame.from_file(path, layer="多規比對") dg.head()
# Set local variables ## 多規字段計算器 inTable = dg_path fieldName = "cg_yongdi" expression = "getClass3((!cg_yongdi!))" codeblock = """ def getClass3(cg_yongdi): if cg_yongdi is None: return "城規_非建設用地" else: return cg_yongdi """ # Execute CalculateField arcpy.CalculateField_management(inTable, fieldName, expression, "PYTHON_9.3", codeblock)
## 刪除字段 arcpy.DeleteField_management(dg_path, ["FID_城規用地","Layer","cg_fenlei","FID_土規用地"])
## 添加合併字段 fieldName3 = "dg_hebing" fieldLength = 30 # Execute AddField twice for two new fields arcpy.AddField_management(dg_path, fieldName3, "TEXT", field_length=fieldLength)
## 城規字段合併 # Set local variables inTable = dg_path fieldName = "dg_hebing" expression = "!tg_yongdi!+'_'+!cg_yongdi!" # Execute CalculateField arcpy.CalculateField_management(inTable, fieldName, expression, "PYTHON_9.3")
dg = gpd.GeoDataFrame.from_file(path, layer="多規比對") dg_path = path+'\\多規比對' dg
## 添加索引 rec = 0 inTable = dg_path fieldName = "Identify" expression = "autoIncrement()" codeblock = """ def autoIncrement(): global rec pStart = 1 pInterval = 1 if (rec == 0): rec = pStart else: rec = rec + pInterval return rec """ # Execute AddField arcpy.AddField_management(inTable, fieldName, "LONG") # Execute CalculateField arcpy.CalculateField_management(inTable, fieldName, expression, "PYTHON_9.3", codeblock)
dg = gpd.GeoDataFrame.from_file(path, layer="多規比對") dg.head()
## 按屬性分割 # Set local variables in_feature_class = dg_path target_workspace = path fields = ['dg_hebing'] arcpy.SplitByAttributes_analysis(in_feature_class, target_workspace, fields)
cgfjs_tgjs = gpd.GeoDataFrame.from_file(path, layer="土規_非建設用地_城規_建設用地") cgfjs_tgjs.plot()
cgjs_tgfjs = gpd.GeoDataFrame.from_file(path, layer="土規_建設用地_城規_非建設用地") cgjs_tgfjs.plot()
## 定義路徑 tgfjs_cgjs_path = path+"\\土規_非建設用地_城規_建設用地"
# Set local variables ## 土地面積大於10000依城規 inTable = tgfjs_cgjs_path fieldName = "gz_1" expression = "getClass((!Shape_Area!))" codeblock = """ def getClass(Shape_Area): if Shape_Area>10000: return "依城規用地" else: return "依土規用地" """ # Execute CalculateField arcpy.CalculateField_management(inTable, fieldName, expression, "PYTHON_9.3", codeblock)
## 限制1000之內不隱藏 pd.set_option('max_columns',1000) pd.set_option('max_row',1000)
tgjs_cgfjs_path = path+"\\土規_建設用地_城規_非建設用地" tgjs_cgfjs = gpd.GeoDataFrame.from_file(path, layer="土規_建設用地_城規_非建設用地") tgjs_cgfjs.sort_values('Shape_Area',ascending=False) ##觀察面積
# Set local variables ## 土地面積大於10000以土規 inTable = tgjs_cgfjs fieldName = "gz_2" expression = "getClass5((!Shape_Area!))" codeblock = """ def getClass5(Shape_Area): if Shape_Area>10000: return "依土規用地" else: return "依城規用地" """ # Execute CalculateField arcpy.CalculateField_management(inTable, fieldName, expression, "PYTHON_9.3", codeblock)
tgjs_cgfjs = gpd.GeoDataFrame.from_file(path, layer="土規_建設用地_城規_非建設用地") tgjs_cgfjs.plot(column='gz_2',legend=True)
layerName = dg_path joinTable = cgjs_tgfjs_path joinField = "Identify" # Join the feature layer to a table arcpy.AddJoin_management(layerName, joinField, joinTable, joinField)
layerName = '多規比對_Layer1' joinTable = cgfjs_tgjs_path joinField = "Identify" # Join the feature layer to a table arcpy.AddJoin_management(layerName, joinField, joinTable, joinField)
## 導出數據 # 輸入 in_features = ['多規比對_Layer1'] # 輸出 out_location = path # 執行 FeatureClassToGeodatabase arcpy.FeatureClassToGeodatabase_conversion(in_features, out_location)
dg_3 = gpd.GeoDataFrame.from_file(path, layer="多規比對_Layer3") dg_3.head()
## 重命名 # Set local variables in_data = "多規比對_Layer1" out_data = "多規比對_最終" # Execute Rename arcpy.Rename_management(in_data, out_data)
# Set local variables inTable = path+"\\多規對比_最終" fieldName = "gz_all" expression = "getClass5(!土規_非建設用地_城規_建設用地_gz_1! , !土規_建設用地_城規_非建設用地_gz_2!)" ## 不能用別名 codeblock = """ def getClass6(gz_1,gz_2): if gz_1 is not None: return gz_1 if gz_2 is not None: return gz_2 else: return "無衝突" """ arcpy.AddField_management(inTable, fieldName, "TEXT", 30) # Execute CalculateField arcpy.CalculateField_management(inTable, fieldName, expression, "PYTHON_9.3", codeblock)
dg_zz = gpd.GeoDataFrame.from_file(path, layer="多規比對_最終") dg_zz.plot(column='gz_all',legend=True)
就是根據衝突比對來返回想對呀的地塊用地,這裏我用字段計算pyhton作不出來,用vb能夠,可是能夠用pandas來處理。 vb腳本工具
if [gz_all] = "依土規用地" then value = [多規比對_tg_yongdi] if [gz_all] = "依成規用地" then value = [多規比對_cg_yongdi] if [gz_all] = "無衝突" then value = [多規比對_cg_yongdi] end if
## 最終用地 for i in dg_zz.index: if dg_zz.at[i,'gz_all']=="無衝突": dg_zz["最終用地"].at[i] = dg_zz["多規比對_tg_yongdi"].at[i] if dg_zz.at[i,'gz_all'] == "依城規用地": dg_zz["最終用地"].at[i] = dg_zz["多規比對_cg_yongdi"].at[i] else: dg_zz["最終用地"].at[i] = dg_zz["多規比對_tg_yongdi"].at[i] dg_zz.head()
## 分列 dg_zz["用地"] = dg_zz['最終用地'].str.split('_',expand=True)[1] dg_zz.head() #dg_zz["用地"] = s.split('_')[1]
結果,這裏我進行過不少次計算了 spa
## 寫入excel文件 dg_zz.to_excel("成果.xlsx",index=None,encoding="utf8")
## 分割字段 # Set local variables inTable = path + "\\多規比對_最終" fieldName = "yongdi" expression = "getClass6(!zz_yongdi!)" ## 不能用別名 codeblock = """ def getClass6(zz_yongdi): value = zz_yongdi.split('_')[1] return value """ arcpy.AddField_management(inTable, fieldName, "TEXT", 30) # Execute CalculateField arcpy.CalculateField_management(inTable, fieldName, expression, "PYTHON_9.3", codeblock)
dg_zz = gpd.GeoDataFrame.from_file(path, layer="多規比對_最終") dg_zz.plot(column='zz_yongdi',legend=True)
fig, ax = plt.subplots(figsize=(10, 10)) ax = dg_zz.plot(ax=ax,column='yongdi',cmap='Set1',legend=True,legend_kwds={ 'loc': 'lower left', 'title': '圖例', 'shadow': True}) plt.suptitle('土地利用建設分佈圖', fontsize=24) # 添加最高級別標題 plt.tight_layout(pad=4.5) # 調整不一樣標題之間間距 plt.grid(True, alpha=0.3) fig.savefig('土地利用建設分佈圖.png', dpi=300)
fig, ax = plt.subplots(figsize=(10, 10)) ax = dg_zz.plot(ax=ax,column='gz_all',cmap='tab10',legend=True,legend_kwds={ 'loc': 'lower left', 'title': '圖例', 'shadow': True}) plt.suptitle('規劃衝突調整圖', fontsize=24) # 添加最高級別標題 plt.tight_layout(pad=4.5) # 調整不一樣標題之間間距 plt.grid(True, alpha=0.3) fig.savefig('規劃衝突調整圖.png', dpi=300)