問題來源於 ovirt部署在jboss中,所用到的版本Jboss版本以下。html
JBoss AS release: 7.5.4.Final-redhat-4 "Janus" JBoss AS product: EAP 6.4.4.GA
系統提供的 static module 多種應用 就可使用同一個公用的jar。tomcat
- jboss目錄中的modules文件夾下就提供了module,
- /jbossas/modules/system/layers/base/ 目錄下,就是提供了各module
- 如 commons-io,目錄結構以下,
[root@localhost main]# ls commons-io.jar module.xml [root@localhost main]# pwd /usr/share/jbossas/modules/system/layers/base/org/apache/commons/io/main而該commons.jar指向了commons-io.jar -> /usr/share/java/commons-io-eap6/commons-io.jar ,而該版本爲2.1.- 若是咱們須要在ovirt中引用commos-io的jar包,有兩種方式,第一種是使用系統提供的module,則版本只能爲2.1,而若是 不想使用系統提供的。則使用下面第二種方式,本身建立module。
- 而對於第一種引用,則直接在對應的project的 pom.xml引用相關的配置便可,version爲2.1。
- 同時因爲jboss的依賴問題,還須要在對應的MANIFEST.MF文件中添加Dependencies:commons-io。
- 或者在pox.xml中加入自動 生成的依賴
<manifestEntries> <Dependencies>org.apache.commons.io</Dependencies></manifestEntries>
Module A depends on Module B and Module B depends on Module C. Module A can access the classes of Module B, and Module B can access the classes of Module C. Module A cannot access the classes of Module C unless:ui
Module A declares an explicit dependency on Module C, orthis
Module B exports its dependency on Module C.spa
4. Class Loading in Deployments
For the purposes of classloading all deployments are treated as modules by JBoss EAP 6. These are called dynamic modules. Class loading behavior varies according to the deployment type.
WAR Deployment
A WAR deployment is considered to be a single module. Classes in the WEB-INF/lib
directory are treated the same as classes in WEB-INF/classes
directory. All classes packaged in the war will be loaded with the same class loader.
EAR Deployment
EAR deployments are made up more than one module. The definition of these modules follows these rules:
The lib/
directory of the EAR is a single module called the parent module.
Each WAR deployment within the EAR is a single module.
Each EJB JAR deployment within the EAR is a single module.
Subdeployment modules (the WAR and JAR deployments within the EAR) have an automatic dependency on the parent module. However they do not have automatic dependencies on each other. This is called subdeployment isolation and can be disabled on a per deployment basis or for the entire application server.
Explicit dependencies between subdeployment modules can be added by the same means as any other module.
5. Class Loading Precedence
The JBoss EAP 6 modular class loader uses a precedence system to prevent class loading conflicts.
During deployment a complete list of packages and classes is created for each deployment and each of its dependencies. The list is ordered according to the class loading precedence rules. When loading classes at runtime, the class loader searches this list, and loads the first match. This prevents multiple copies of the same classes and packages within the deployments class path from conflicting with each other.
The class loader loads classes in the following order, from highest to lowest:
Implicit dependencies.
These are the dependencies that are added automatically by JBoss EAP 6, such as the JAVA EE APIs. These dependencies have the highest class loader precedence because they contain common functionality and APIs that are supplied by JBoss EAP 6.
Refer to Section 3.7.1, 「Implicit Module Dependencies」 for complete details about each implicit dependency.
Explicit dependencies.
These are dependencies that are manually added in the application configuration. This can be done using the application's MANIFEST.MF
file or the new optional JBoss deployment descriptor jboss-deployment-structure.xml
Refer to Section 3.2, 「Add an Explicit Module Dependency to a Deployment」 to learn how to add explicit dependencies.
Local resources.
Class files packaged up inside the deployment itself, e.g. from the WEB-INF/classes
or WEB-INF/lib
directories of a WAR file.
Inter-deployment dependencies.
These are dependencies on other deployments in a EAR deployment. This can include classes in the lib
directory of the EAR or classes defined in other EJB jars.
https://access.redhat.com/documentation/zh-CN/JBoss_Enterprise_Application_Platform/6.1/html/Migration_Guide/Find_the_JBoss_Module_Dependency1.html 查找 JBoss 模塊依賴關係
http://jbosscn.iteye.com/blog/1143426 jboss modules介紹
http://blog.csdn.net/andyelvis/article/details/6719996 tomcat classpath 類加載介紹