1)檢測沒有用的佈局 刪除
2)未使用到的資源 好比 圖片 ---刪除
aapt l -v apkfile
Android 中具備18個資源維度,
1 public final class LEDataInputStream 2 implements DataInput { 3 private static final String EMBEDDED_COPYRIGHT = "copyright (c) 1999-2010 Roedy Green, " + 4 "Canadian Mind Products, http://mindprod.com"; 5 protected final DataInputStream dis; 6 protected final InputStream is; 7 protected final byte[] work; 8 9 public static String readUTF(DataInput in) 10 throws IOException { 11 return DataInputStream.readUTF(in); 12 } 13 14 public LEDataInputStream(InputStream in) { 15 this.is = in; 16 this.dis = new DataInputStream(in); 17 this.work = new byte[8]; 18 } 19 20 public final void close() 21 throws IOException { 22 this.dis.close(); 23 } 24 25 public final int read(byte[] ba, int off, int len) 26 throws IOException { 27 return this.is.read(ba, off, len); 28 } 29 30 public final boolean readBoolean() 31 throws IOException { 32 return this.dis.readBoolean(); 33 } 34 35 public final byte readByte() 36 throws IOException { 37 return this.dis.readByte(); 38 } 39 40 public final char readChar() //讀取一個字節 41 throws IOException { 42 this.dis.readFully(this.work, 0, 2); 43 return (char) ((this.work[1] & 0xFF) << 8 | this.work[0] & 0xFF); 44 } 45 46 public final double readDouble() 47 throws IOException { 48 return Double.longBitsToDouble(readLong()); 49 } 50 51 public final float readFloat() 52 throws IOException { 53 return Float.intBitsToFloat(readInt()); 54 } 55 56 public final void readFully(byte[] ba) 57 throws IOException { 58 this.dis.readFully(ba, 0, ba.length); 59 } 60 61 public final void readFully(byte[] ba, int off, int len) 62 throws IOException { 63 this.dis.readFully(ba, off, len); 64 } 65 66 public final int readInt() //讀4個字節 67 throws IOException { 68 this.dis.readFully(this.work, 0, 4); 69 return (this.work[3] << 24 | (this.work[2] & 0xFF) << 16 | (this.work[1] & 0xFF) << 8 | 70 this.work[0] & 0xFF); 71 } 72 73 @Deprecated 74 public final String readLine() 75 throws IOException { 76 return this.dis.readLine(); 77 } 78 79 public final long readLong() 80 throws IOException { 81 this.dis.readFully(this.work, 0, 8); 82 return (this.work[7] << 56 | 83 (this.work[6] & 0xFF) << 48 | 84 (this.work[5] & 0xFF) << 40 | 85 (this.work[4] & 0xFF) << 32 | 86 (this.work[3] & 0xFF) << 24 | 87 (this.work[2] & 0xFF) << 16 | 88 (this.work[1] & 0xFF) << 8 | 89 this.work[0] & 0xFF); 90 } 91 92 public final short readShort() //讀取2個字節 93 throws IOException { 94 this.dis.readFully(this.work, 0, 2); 95 return (short) ((this.work[1] & 0xFF) << 8 | this.work[0] & 0xFF); 96 } 97 98 public final String readUTF() 99 throws IOException { 100 return this.dis.readUTF(); 101 } 102 103 public final int readUnsignedByte() 104 throws IOException { 105 return this.dis.readUnsignedByte(); 106 } 107 108 public final int readUnsignedShort() 109 throws IOException { 110 this.dis.readFully(this.work, 0, 2); 111 return ((this.work[1] & 0xFF) << 8 | this.work[0] & 0xFF); 112 } 113 114 public final int skipBytes(int n) 115 throws IOException { 116 return this.dis.skipBytes(n); 117 } 118 }
1 /** 2 * @function: 示例解析了resources_arsc二進制表的Resource Table、StringPool、packageHeader 三部份內容,沒有徹底讀取結束 3 * 簡單的演示 4 */ 5 6 public class ArscTest { 7 public static void main(String[] args){ 8 ArscTest arscTest = new ArscTest(); 9 try { 10 // arscTest.readInputStream("C:/Users/luoding/workspace_test/arscTest/input.apk"); 11 // arscTest.readInputStream("C:/Users/luoding/workspace_test/arscTest/Lsn10SearchView.apk"); 12 arscTest.readInputStream("C:/Users/luoding/workspace_test/arscTest/dn_jobschduler.apk"); 13 } catch (IOException e) { 14 // TODO Auto-generated catch block 15 e.printStackTrace(); 16 } 17 } 18 19 @SuppressWarnings("resource") 20 public void readInputStream(String path) throws IOException{ 21 //讀取壓縮文件:resources_arsc 22 ZipFile zipFile = new ZipFile(path); 23 //以流形式讀進來 24 InputStream inputStream = zipFile.getInputStream(new ZipEntry(""+"resources.arsc")); 25 LEDataInputStream leDataInputStream = new LEDataInputStream(inputStream); 26 //Resource Table 27 // 讀整個包的RES_TABLE_TYPE,2個字節? 28 short type = leDataInputStream.readShort(); 29 //跳過了--整個包的頭大小:2個字節 30 leDataInputStream.skipBytes(2); 31 //整個包的文件大小 32 leDataInputStream.readInt(); 33 //整個包的package個數,通常的個數是1個 34 int packageNum = leDataInputStream.readInt(); 35 System.out.println("num of package:"+packageNum); 36 37 //StringPool對應的內容 38 // 直接了4個字節:包含RES_STRING_POOL_TYPE+頭的大小,沒有使用?? 39 int got =leDataInputStream.readInt(); 40 //塊大小 41 int chunkSize = leDataInputStream.readInt(); 42 //字符串數量 43 int stringCount = leDataInputStream.readInt(); 44 //style數量 45 int styleCount = leDataInputStream.readInt(); 46 //標記 47 int flags = leDataInputStream.readInt(); 48 //字符串起始位置 49 int stringsOffset = leDataInputStream.readInt(); 50 //style起始位置 51 int stylesOffset = leDataInputStream.readInt(); 52 //下面的循環讀的是字符串的偏移數組,每一個元素存的是字符串的起始位置 53 int[] array = new int[stringCount]; 54 for (int i = 0; i < stringCount; ++i){ 55 array[i] = leDataInputStream.readInt(); 56 } 57 //下面讀取的style的內容 58 if (styleCount != 0) { 59 for (int i = 0; i < styleCount; ++i) 60 array[i] = leDataInputStream.readInt(); 61 } 62 63 //字符串長度 64 int size = ((stylesOffset == 0) ? chunkSize : stylesOffset) - stringsOffset; 65 byte[] m_strings = new byte[size]; 66 StringBuffer ss = new StringBuffer(); 67 leDataInputStream.readFully(m_strings); 68 //讀取了全部的字符串的內容 69 for(int i = 0;i<m_strings.length;i++){ 70 //(經過打開resources.arsc看到一些亂碼 猜得出字符都是ASCII碼) 71 char c = (char) m_strings[i]; 72 ss.append(c); 73 } 74 System.out.println(ss.toString()); 75 if (stylesOffset != 0) { 76 size = chunkSize - stylesOffset; 77 if (size % 4 != 0) 78 throw new IOException("Style data size is not multiple of 4 (" + size + ")."); 79 80 for (int i = 0; i < size / 4; ++i) 81 leDataInputStream.readInt(); 82 } 83 84 //nextChunk--packageHeader 85 leDataInputStream.readShort(); 86 leDataInputStream.skipBytes(2); 87 leDataInputStream.readInt(); 88 89 int id = (byte) leDataInputStream.readInt(); 90 StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder(16); 91 int length = 256; 92 //拿包名 93 while (length-- != 0) { 94 short ch = leDataInputStream.readShort(); 95 if (ch == 0) 96 break; 97 sb.append((char)ch); 98 } 99 System.out.println("pacakgeName:"+sb.toString()); 100 } 101 }
1 /** 2 * 程序的總入口: 3 * @param args 4 */ 5 public static void main(String[] args) { 6 mBeginTime = System.currentTimeMillis(); 7 Main m = new Main(); 8 //獲取保存的優化後文件的路徑 9 getRunningLocation(m); 10 //運行程序:須要傳入args參數 11 m.run(args); 12 }
1 private void run(String[] args) { 2 if (args.length < 1) { 3 goToError(); 4 } 5 6 File configFile = null;// 配置文件 7 File outputFile = null;// 輸出文件 8 String apkFileName = null;// apk輸入文件 9 10 File signatureFile = null;// 簽名祕鑰 11 File mappingFile = null;// 修改後映射文件 12 String keypass = null;// 祕鑰主密碼 13 String storealias = null;// 別名 14 String storepass = null;// 別名密碼 15 16 String signedFile = null;// 簽名apk 17 // 檢查參數 18 for (int index = 0; index < args.length; ++index) { 19 String arg = args[index]; 20 if ((arg.equals("--help")) || (arg.equals("-h"))) { 21 goToError(); 22 } else if (arg.equals("-config")) {// 配置文件不能最後讀,後面的執行須要依賴配置文件,或者不是.xml則報錯 23 if ((index == args.length - 1) || (!(args[(index + 1)].endsWith(".xml")))) { 24 System.err.println("Missing XML configuration file argument"); 25 goToError(); 26 } 27 // 參數後面的參數纔是config配置文件的路徑 28 configFile = new File(args[(++index)]); 29 if (!(configFile.exists())) { 30 System.err.println(configFile.getAbsolutePath() + " does not exist"); 31 goToError(); 32 } 33 System.out.printf("special configFile file path: %s\n", new Object[] { configFile.getAbsolutePath() });
1 <?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?> 2 <resproguard> 3 <!--defaut property to set --> 4 <issue id="property"> 5 <!--是否使用極限壓縮:7zip --> 6 <!--whether use 7zip to repackage the signed apk, you must install the 7z command line version in window --> 7 <!--sudo apt-get install p7zip-full in linux --> 8 <!--and you must write the sign data fist, and i found that if we use linux, we can get a better result --> 9 <seventzip value="true"/> 10 <!--密鑰--> 11 <!--the sign data file name in your apk, default must be META-INF--> 12 <!--generally, you do not need to change it if you dont change the meta file name in your apk--> 13 <metaname value="META-INF"/> 14 <!--名稱的極端的壓縮--> 15 <!--if keep root, res/drawable will be kept, it won't be changed to such as r/s--> 16 <keeproot value="false"/> 17 </issue>
微信中的r目錄下的文件 命名:
1 <!--whitelist, some resource id you can not proguard, such as getIdentifier--> 2 <!--isactive, whether to use whitelist, you can set false to close it simply--> 3 <!--白名單:能夠指定第三方的資源不被修更名稱 --> 4 <issue id="whitelist" isactive="true"> 5 <!--you must write the full package name, such as com.tencent.mm.R --> 6 <!--for some reason, we should keep our icon better--> 7 <!--and it support *, ?, such as com.tencent.mm.R.drawable.emoji_*, com.tencent.mm.R.drawable.emoji_?--> 8 <path value="com.codeboy.autoresguarddemo.R.mipmap.ic_launcher"/> 9 </issue> 10 11 <!--是否生成映射文件 --> 12 <!--keepmapping, sometimes if we need to support incremental upgrade, we should keep the old mapping--> 13 <!--isactive, whether to use keepmapping, you can set false to close it simply--> 14 <!--if you use -mapping to set sign property in cammand line, these setting will be overlayed--> 15 <issue id="keepmapping" isactive="false"> 16 <!--the old mapping path, in window use \, in linux use /, and the default path is the running location--> 17 <path value="resource_mapping.txt"/> 18 </issue>
config.xml 還包括是否使用簽名,其中指定簽名的路徑和密碼等
1 <!--sign, if you want to sign the apk, and if you want to use 7zip, you must fill in the following data--> 2 <!--isactive, whether to use sign, you can set false to close it simply--> 3 <!--if you use -signature to set sign property in cammand line, these setting will be overlayed--> 4 <issue id="sign" isactive="true"> 5 <!-- <issue id="sign" isactive="false"> --> 6 <!--the signature file path, in window use \, in linux use /, and the default path is the running location--> 7 <!-- <path value="簽名路徑"/> --> 8 <!-- storepass --> 9 <!-- <storepass value="簽名密碼"/> --> 10 <!-- keypass --> 11 <!-- <keypass value="別名密碼"/> --> 12 <!-- alias --> 13 <!-- <alias value="別名"/> --> 14 <path value="C:\Users\luoding\workspace_test\dn_android_resproguard\mykeystore.keystore"/> 15 <!--storepass--> 16 <storepass value="123456"/> 17 <!--keypass--> 18 <keypass value="123456"/> 19 <!--alias--> 20 <alias value="123456"/> 21 </issue>
關於Android平臺的Zipalign或Zipaligned: 什麼是Zipalign? Zipalign是一個檔案整理工具,它首次被介紹是在Android 1.6版本的SDK(Software Development Kit)軟件開發工具包中。它優化Android應用程序包(APK)到整合包, 以使Android操做系統與應用程序之間的交互做用更有效率,而後應用程序和總體系統的運行速度更快,發揮更大的潛能。它使Zipaligned的應用程序執行時間達到最低限度,其最終結果致使當設備運行APK應用程序時佔更少的RAM(Random Access Memory)隨機訪問內存 Zipalign如何準備的執行(工做)呢? 在Android的操做環境中,存儲在每一個應用程序包的數據文件經過多個進程訪問,例如,程序安裝工具將讀取數據列表肯定相關的權限;由於包括顯示通知等在內的多種緣由,系統服務器能夠讀取這些資源;主界面應用程序要讀取資源以便獲取應用程序的名稱與圖標等。由於Android是基於一個真正的多任務操做基礎架構,這些文件是不斷地讀取。最後但也是最重要的,應用程序自己讀取體現的數據 由於Android操做系統基於Linux架構,存儲單元佈置(Memory Mapping)在有效的處理過程當中起着一個關鍵的做用。從本質上而講,爲Android操做系統資源的處理代碼最佳的整理是4字節界層。這個意思是說,若是APK應用程序包是存儲單元佈置到4字節界層,依據相應的整理,操做系統將不須要通讀整個應用程序包以獲取所須要的數據表,而每個系統處理都將提早知道到哪裏去尋找它所須要的資源,所以執行效率更快(運行更平滑,速度更快) 總結而講,Zipalign一個APK應用程序的結果便是讓全部的未壓縮的數據以整合包的形式被整理到4字節界層,讓全部的數據能夠直接從存儲器映象讀取。而由於正訪問的代碼沒有通讀到整個應用程序包使得執行消耗的程序運行內存(RAM)下降。最終,操做系統總體上的速度會更快 UnZipalign(未整理)的APK應用程序包有什麼劣勢呢? 這是很容易理解的,對於未整理的應用程序包的狀況,資源讀取將會緩慢,程序運行內存(RAM)的使用將會處在一個較高的範圍。它也取決於當前有多少未整理的應用程序。例如,若是有着較少的應用程序,而後有一個未整理的主界面程序,在啓動時間上,你能觀察到更慢的應用程序,這是最理想的狀況。 對於一個糟糕的狀況,若有着許多的未整理的應用程序,將會致使系統反覆的啓動和結束進程,系統運行將會滯後,電池的使用時間將會大幅度下降 咱們應該怎麼作呢? 當前,Zipalign檔案整理工具已變成Android SDK(Software Development Kit)軟件開發工具包的一部分。它能夠在電腦上已安裝好的Android SDK 「tools」 或「platform-tools」 目錄或文件夾中被查看 對於使用Zipalign檔案整理工具,能夠簡單地輸入並執行Command命令—— zipalign [-f] [-v] <alignment> infile.apk outfile.apk 其中,infile.apk是源文件,outfile.apk是輸出文件 更多的,咱們也能夠確認APK應用程序的整理,輸入並執行Command命令—— zipalign -c -v <alignment> existing.apk 其中,existing.apk能被任何你須要的應用程序包得到確認。 另外<alignment>命令須要是一個整數值,否則,命令會返回無效的錯誤提示。而這個值,雖然能夠是任何的整數,但必須始終是4,由於這將提供32位元的整理層,任何其餘的值,它們都是有效的,但不起任何做用 對於這些Command命令的標識—— -f—重寫存在的outfile.zip -v—提供詳細的輸出 -c—確認一個給定的文件的整理 有什麼要注意呢? Zipalign操做必須且僅在標記APK文件附有我的加密鑰以後。若是在標記以前進行Zipalign操做,標記過程將會干擾整理
1 <!--compress, if you want to compress the file, the name is relative path, such as resources.arsc, res/drawable-hdpi/welcome.png--> 2 <!--what can you compress? generally, if your resources.arsc less than 1m, you can compress it. and i think compress .png, .jpg is ok--> 3 <!--isactive, whether to use compress, you can set false to close it simply--> 4 <issue id="compress" isactive="true"> 5 <!--you must use / separation, and it support *, ?, such as *.png, *.jpg, res/drawable-hdpi/welcome_?.png--> 6 <path value="*.png"/> 7 <path value="*.jpg"/> 8 <path value="*.jpeg"/> 9 <path value="*.gif"/> 10 <path value="resources.arsc"/> 11 </issue>
1 <?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?> 2 <resproguard> 3 <!--defaut property to set --> 4 <issue id="property"> 5 <!--是否使用極限壓縮:7zip --> 6 <!--whether use 7zip to repackage the signed apk, you must install the 7z command line version in window --> 7 <!--sudo apt-get install p7zip-full in linux --> 8 <!--and you must write the sign data fist, and i found that if we use linux, we can get a better result --> 9 <seventzip value="true"/> 10 <!--密鑰--> 11 <!--the sign data file name in your apk, default must be META-INF--> 12 <!--generally, you do not need to change it if you dont change the meta file name in your apk--> 13 <metaname value="META-INF"/> 14 <!--名稱的極端的壓縮--> 15 <!--if keep root, res/drawable will be kept, it won't be changed to such as r/s--> 16 <keeproot value="false"/> 17 </issue> 18 19 <!--whitelist, some resource id you can not proguard, such as getIdentifier--> 20 <!--isactive, whether to use whitelist, you can set false to close it simply--> 21 <!--白名單:能夠指定第三方的資源不被修更名稱 --> 22 <issue id="whitelist" isactive="true"> 23 <!--you must write the full package name, such as com.tencent.mm.R --> 24 <!--for some reason, we should keep our icon better--> 25 <!--and it support *, ?, such as com.tencent.mm.R.drawable.emoji_*, com.tencent.mm.R.drawable.emoji_?--> 26 <path value="com.codeboy.autoresguarddemo.R.mipmap.ic_launcher"/> 27 </issue> 28 29 <!--是否生成映射文件 --> 30 <!--keepmapping, sometimes if we need to support incremental upgrade, we should keep the old mapping--> 31 <!--isactive, whether to use keepmapping, you can set false to close it simply--> 32 <!--if you use -mapping to set sign property in cammand line, these setting will be overlayed--> 33 <issue id="keepmapping" isactive="false"> 34 <!--the old mapping path, in window use \, in linux use /, and the default path is the running location--> 35 <path value="resource_mapping.txt"/> 36 </issue> 37 38 <!--compress, if you want to compress the file, the name is relative path, such as resources.arsc, res/drawable-hdpi/welcome.png--> 39 <!--what can you compress? generally, if your resources.arsc less than 1m, you can compress it. and i think compress .png, .jpg is ok--> 40 <!--isactive, whether to use compress, you can set false to close it simply--> 41 <issue id="compress" isactive="true"> 42 <!--you must use / separation, and it support *, ?, such as *.png, *.jpg, res/drawable-hdpi/welcome_?.png--> 43 <path value="*.png"/> 44 <path value="*.jpg"/> 45 <path value="*.jpeg"/> 46 <path value="*.gif"/> 47 <path value="resources.arsc"/> 48 </issue> 49 50 <!--sign, if you want to sign the apk, and if you want to use 7zip, you must fill in the following data--> 51 <!--isactive, whether to use sign, you can set false to close it simply--> 52 <!--if you use -signature to set sign property in cammand line, these setting will be overlayed--> 53 <issue id="sign" isactive="true"> 54 <!-- <issue id="sign" isactive="false"> --> 55 <!--the signature file path, in window use \, in linux use /, and the default path is the running location--> 56 <!-- <path value="簽名路徑"/> --> 57 <!-- storepass --> 58 <!-- <storepass value="簽名密碼"/> --> 59 <!-- keypass --> 60 <!-- <keypass value="別名密碼"/> --> 61 <!-- alias --> 62 <!-- <alias value="別名"/> --> 63 <path value="C:\Users\luoding\workspace_test\dn_android_resproguard\mykeystore.keystore"/> 64 <!--storepass--> 65 <storepass value="123456"/> 66 <!--keypass--> 67 <keypass value="123456"/> 68 <!--alias--> 69 <alias value="123456"/> 70 </issue> 71 72 </resproguard>