


Move Web Attachment To Rich Text Field

The file upload control feature provided in Notes is used to attach files to a document from the web. But it ends up placing the attachment at the bottom of your document instead of in a rich text field. (Those of us who have been using Notes for a long time know this as a "V2 Attachment"). Here is some script that will take the attachment and place it into a rich text field. Place this code into your web query save agent for the form being created.wordpress

Sub Initialize
Dim s As New notesSession
Dim doc As notesDocument
Set doc = s.documentContext
Call WebMoveAttachment(Doc, "<Your Rich Text Field Name>")
End Sub測試

The subroutine "WebMoveAttachment" does the work of moving the attachment to the rich text field.this

Function WebMoveAttachment(doc As notesDocument, Byval moveToFieldName As String)
' This function moves a file attached via the Web with the File Upload Control to a rich text field.
Dim s As New notesSession
Dim tempDir As String
Dim v2FileNames As Variant
Dim i As Integer
Dim attachedFile As notesEmbeddedObject
Dim filePath As String
Dim rtItem As notesRichTextItem

tempDir = s.getEnvironmentString("Directory", True)
' Put a trailing slash at the end of the directory if it is needed
If Instr(tempDir, "/") <> 0 And Right(tempDir, 1) <> "/" Then tempDir = tempDir & "/"
If Instr(tempDir, "\") <> 0 And Right(tempDir, 1) <> "\" Then tempDir = tempDir & "\"
' Get the names of all the attachments (1 or more)
v2FileNames = Evaluate("@AttachmentNames", doc)
For i = Lbound(v2FileNames) To Ubound(v2FileNames)
If v2FileNames(i) <> "" Then ' Make sure it's a valid file name
Set attachedFile = doc.getAttachment(v2FileNames(i))
filePath = tempDir & v2FileNames(i)
' Save the file on the server
Call attachedFile.extractFile(filePath)
' Create the rich text item and re-attach the file
If doc.hasItem(moveToFieldName) Then
Set rtItem = doc.getFirstItem(moveToFieldName)
' Add a couple of lines to the rich text field before re-attaching the file
Call rtItem.addNewLine(2)
Set rtItem = New notesRichTextItem(doc, moveToFieldName)
End If
Call rtItem.embedObject(1454, "", filePath)
' Delete the file(s) from the server file system
Kill filePath
End If
Next ' Move on to the next file name
End Functionlua
