ESTABLISHED socket已經創建鏈接bash
CLOSED socket沒有被使用,無鏈接
CLOSING 服務器端和客戶端都同時關閉鏈接併發
CLOSE_WAIT 等待關閉鏈接socket
TIME_WAIT The socket is waiting after close to handle packets still in the network. 表示收到了對方的FIN報文,併發送出了ACK報文,等待2MSL後就可回到CLOSED狀態tcp
LAST_ACK The remote end has shut down, and the socket is closed. Waiting for acknowledgement. 遠端關閉,當前socket被動關閉後發送FIN報文,等待對方ACK報文ide
LISTEN 監聽狀態測試
SYN_RECV 接收到SYN報文this
FIN_WAIT1 The socket is closed, and the connection is shutting down
FIN_WAIT2 Connection is closed, and the socket is waiting for a shutdown from the remote end.
1 搭建環境:
zabbix server :centos 6 ip
zabbix client (nginx) :centos 7 ip:
2 監控方法:
/usr/sbin/ss state all | awk '{++S[$1]} END {for (a in S) {printf "%11-s %s\n",a,S[a]}}' LISTEN 9 ESTAB 1 State 1 TIME-WAIT 110
/bin/netstat -an|awk '/^tcp/{++S[$NF]}END{for(a in S) print a,S[a]}' LISTEN 9 ESTABLISHED 1 SYN_SENT 1 TIME_WAIT 126
3 監控腳本編寫
vi /usr/local/zabbix/scripts/tcp.sh
#!/bin/bash #this script is used to get tcp and udp connetion status #tcp status metric=$1 tmp_file=/tmp/tcp_status.txt /bin/netstat -an|awk '/^tcp/{++S[$NF]}END{for(a in S) print a,S[a]}' > $tmp_file case $metric in closed) output=$(awk '/CLOSED/{print $2}' $tmp_file) if [ "$output" == "" ];then echo 0 else echo $output fi ;; listen) output=$(awk '/LISTEN/{print $2}' $tmp_file) if [ "$output" == "" ];then echo 0 else echo $output fi ;; synrecv) output=$(awk '/SYN_RECV/{print $2}' $tmp_file) if [ "$output" == "" ];then echo 0 else echo $output fi ;; synsent) output=$(awk '/SYN_SENT/{print $2}' $tmp_file) if [ "$output" == "" ];then echo 0 else echo $output fi ;; established) output=$(awk '/ESTABLISHED/{print $2}' $tmp_file) if [ "$output" == "" ];then echo 0 else echo $output fi ;; timewait) output=$(awk '/TIME_WAIT/{print $2}' $tmp_file) if [ "$output" == "" ];then echo 0 else echo $output fi ;; closing) output=$(awk '/CLOSING/{print $2}' $tmp_file) if [ "$output" == "" ];then echo 0 else echo $output fi ;; closewait) output=$(awk '/CLOSE_WAIT/{print $2}' $tmp_file) if [ "$output" == "" ];then echo 0 else echo $output fi ;; lastack) output=$(awk '/LAST_ACK/{print $2}' $tmp_file) if [ "$output" == "" ];then echo 0 else echo $output fi ;; finwait1) output=$(awk '/FIN_WAIT1/{print $2}' $tmp_file) if [ "$output" == "" ];then echo 0 else echo $output fi ;; finwait2) output=$(awk '/FIN_WAIT2/{print $2}' $tmp_file) if [ "$output" == "" ];then echo 0 else echo $output fi ;; *) echo -e "\e[033mUsage: sh $0 [closed|closing|closewait|synrecv|synsent|finwait1|finwait2|listen|established|lastack|timewait]\e[0m" esac
vi /usr/local/zabbix/etc/zabbix_agentd.conf 添加 UserParameter=tcp.status[*],/usr/local/zabbix/scripts/tcp.sh $1
5 測試連接
zabbix_get -s -p 10055 -k tcp.status[timewait]
6 倒入模板,確認出圖