socket connection error in rredis

    I have had similar issues although with registerDoRedis() as you cannot set a timeout and I believe the problem is with the timeout value used in the function 'redisConnect'.     In R if you run fix(redisConnect) and you can see the default for timeout is as follows: redisConnect <- function (host = "localhost", port = 6379, returnRef = FALSE, timeout = 2147483647L)     It seems this huge timeout value is causing the issue. To check change it on the line it is used from this: con <- socketConnection(host, port, open = "a+b", blocking = TRUE,      timeout = timeout)     To this: con <- socketConnection(host, port, open = "a+b", blocking = TRUE,      timeout = 30)     I find that works although as soon as you reload the package the change gets wiped. I just found this today so will submit a bug to the developer. I'm running R 2.15 on OSX by the way.     The function you are using should default to timeout 30, or you can try setting it on the function call to be sure rather than fix()'ing the underlying code.