1. The Clean Architecture in Python (Brandon Rhodes)python
2. Python Best Practice Patterns (Vladimir Keleshev)編程
3. Transforming Code into Beautiful, Idiomatic Python (Raymond Hettinger)json
4. How to Write Resuable Code (Greg Ward)設計模式
5. How to write actually object-oriented python (Per Fagrell)api
最近看了一些 Python 的演講,以爲頗有啓發。安全
Listing 1,訪問 API,嘗試獲取 Definition 字段信息並返回數據結構
# Listing 1 import requests from urllib import urlencode def find_definition(word): q = 'define' + word url = 'http://api.duckduckgo.com/?' url += urlencode({'q': q, 'format': 'json'}) response = requests.get(url) # I/O data = response.json() # I/O definition = data[u'Definition'] if definition == u'': raise ValueError('that is not a word') return definition
Listing 2, 意識到 IO 應該與邏輯分離,因而有了 call_json_api,表面上,IO 被隱藏了,可是,IO 並無與邏輯分離。socket
如今想測試 find_definition ,有可能繞過 IO 麼?沒可能,IO 與邏輯仍然緊密耦合。ide
再看看 find_definition 究竟作了什麼,構建url,IO,判斷,依此解耦。函數式編程
# Listing 2 def find_definition(word): q = 'define' + word url = 'http://api.duckduckgo.com/?' url += urlencode({'q': q, 'format': 'json'}) data = call_json_api(url) definition = data[u'Definition'] if definition == u'': raise ValueError('that is not a word') return definition def call_json_api(url): response = requests.get(url) data = response.json() return data
Listing 3,代碼沒有變化,可是進行了新的組合,構建 url 和判斷被拆分出來,獨立於 IO。
在這裏,我認爲 IO 維持 call_json_api 也能夠,可是可能做者爲了突出把 IO 由程序底層提高至最上層。
關鍵在於,build_url 和 pluck_definition 與 IO 徹底解耦,能夠隨意測試它們,而且它們屬於 fast function。
若是要測試 find_definition,那麼將比 Listing 1 和 2 的版本更容易。
# Listing 3 def find_definition(word): url = build_url(word) data = requests.get(url).json() # I/O return pluck_definition(data) def build_url(word): q = 'define ' + word url = 'http://api.duckduckgo.com/?' url += urlencode({'q': q, 'format': 'json'}) return url def pluck_definition(data): definition = data[u'Definition'] if definition == u'': raise ValueError('that is not a word') return definition
build_url 和 pluck_definition 屬於純函數,而 Listing 1 和 Listing 2 中的 find_definition, 在 Python 要依賴猴子補丁進行測試了。
def test_build_url(): assert build_url('word') == ( 'http://api.duckduckgo.com/' '?q=define+word&format=json' ) def test_build_url_with_punctuation(): assert build_url('what?!') == ( 'http://api.duckduckgo.com/' '?q=define+what%3F%21&format=json' ) def test_build_url_with_hyphen(): assert build_url('hyphen-ate') == ( 'http://api.duckduckgo.com/' '?q=define+hyphen-ate&format=json' )
再來看兩個版本的 find_definition, 對比 Listing 1,Listing 3 的 find_definition 明顯更清晰,清晰在哪裏?
word -> url -> data 這都是真實的數據,就像是 Shell 中的管道同樣,數據從一個管道流向下一個管道,而且咱們能清晰的想象到,這個數據每一步的形態。
#Listing 1 def find_definition(word): q = 'define' + word url = 'http://api.duckduckgo.com/?' url += urlencode({'q': q, 'format': 'json'}) response = requests.get(url) # I/O data = response.json() # I/O definition = data[u'Definition'] if definition == u'': raise ValueError('that is not a word') return definition #Listing 3 def find_definition(word): url = build_url(word) data = requests.get(url).json() # I/O return pluck_definition(data)
演講的題目是 The Clean Architecture in Python,而讓 architecture 不 clean 的是由於 IO 操做,IO 操做處理起來每每麻煩,因此將其單獨包裝放到子程序中,看起來像是解決了問題,可是視而不見的策略下 IO 和邏輯仍是強耦和的,沒有辦法脫離 IO 對某一部分邏輯進行單獨測試,爲了解決這個問題,靜態語言引入了依賴注入,動態語言使用猴子補丁,但都不如從一開始就正視 IO,實現 IO 與邏輯的解耦;只包含邏輯的函數稱爲純函數,數據在純函數中流動,與 Shell 的管道類似,每一步都有具體的數據表現形式,這些就構成了 clean architecture。
safety_check 包括 溫度壓力讀取和計算,臨界判斷,關機,報警,它們屬於同一層次,可是它們內部的邏輯不是,依此解耦。
class Boiler(object): # ... def safety_check(self): # Convert fixed-point floating-point: temperature = self.modbus.read_holding() perssure_psi = self.abb_f100.register / F100_FACTOR if psi_to_pascal(pressure_psi) > MAX_PRESSURE: if temperature > MAX_TEMPERATURE: # Shutdown! self.pnoz.relay[15] &= MASK_POWER_COIL self.pnoz.port.write("$PL,15\0") sleep(RELAY_RESPONSE_DELAY) # Successfull shutdown? if self.pnoz.relay[16] & MASK_POWER_OFF: # Play alarm: with open(BUZZER_MP3_FILE) as f: play_sound(f.read())
值得一提的是 @property 和 all 的使用,all 以外還有 any
class Boiler(object): # ... def alarm(self): with open(BUZZER_MP3_FILE) as f: play_sound(f.read()) def shutdown(self): self.pnoz.relay[15] &= MASK_POWER_COIL self.pnoz.port.write("$PL,15\0") sleep(RELAY_RESPONSE_DELAY) return not (self.ponz.relay[16] & MASK_POWER_OFF) def safety_check(self): if all((self.pressure > MAX_PRESSURE, temperature > MAX_TEMPERATURE)): if not self.shutdown(): self.alarm() @property def temperature(self): return self.modbus.read_holding() @property def pressure(self): perssure_psi = self.abb_f100.register / F100_FACTOR return psi_to_pascal(perssure_psi)
# wrong point = Point() point.x = 12 point.y = 5 # better point = Point(x=12, y=5) point = Point.polar(r=13, theta=22.6) class Point(object): def __init__(self, x, y): self.x, self.y = x, y @classmethod def polar(cls, r, theta): return cls(r * cos(theta), r * sin(theta))
面對一個複雜的任務,後面的代碼依賴 processed,copied,executed 這些臨時變量,而臨時變量依賴 task, job, obligation 這些參數。
假設 send_task 能夠解耦爲 prepare, process, execute
def send_task(task, job, obligation): ... processed = ... ... copied = ... ... executed = ... ... 100 more lines
第一次解耦,把生成 processed,copied,executed 的準備工做提出來,並無很大的改善,而且若是 process 和 execute 也依賴 task, job, obligation
def prepare(task, job, obligation): ... return processed, copied, executed def process(processed, copied, executed) ... return processed, copied, executed def execute(processed, copied, executed) ... def send_task(task, job, obligation): execute(*process(*prepare(task, job, obligation)))
class TaskSender(object): def __init__(self, task, job, obligation): self.task = task self.job = job self.obligation = obligation self.processed = [] self.copied = [] self.executed = [] def __call__(self): self.prepare() self.process() self.execute() ...
使用 Context Manager
# not good f = open('file.txt', 'w') f.write('hi') f.close() # better with open('file.txt', 'w') as f: f.write('hi') with SomeProtocol(host, port) as protocol: protocol.send(['get', signal]) result = protocol.receive() class SomeProtocol(object): def __init__(self, host, port): self.host, self.port = host, port def __enter__(self): self._client = socket() self._client.connect((self.host, self.port)) return self def __exit__(self, exception, value, traceback): self._client.close() def send(self, payload): ... def receive(self): ...
debug 時能夠直接print實例而不是使用屬性初始化字符串
# default >>> Point(12, 5) <__main__.Point instance at 0x100b4a758> # __repr__ >>> Point(12, 5) Point(x=12, y=5) # __str__ >>> print(Point(12, 5)) (12, 5) class Point(object): ... def __str__(self): return '({x}, {y})'.format(self.x, self.y) def __repr__(self): return '{}(x={}, y={})'.format(self.__class__.__name__, self.x, self.y)
引自演講1中提到的極限編程的一個觀點,在這裏也是講一部分 comment 能夠更好的呈如今程序中
# not good if self.flags & 0b1000: # Am I visible? ... # better @property def is_visible(self): return self.flags & 0b1000 if self.is_visible: ... # Tell my station to process me self.station.process(self)
if else 在某種程度上能夠由良好的設計替代
# normal if type(entry) is Film: responsible = entry.producer else: responsible = entry.author # better class Film(object): ... @property def responsible(self): return self.producer entry.responsible
能使用類變量的地方,儘可能不使用全局變量, 類變量在實例方法中經過 Classname.variable 使用
經過 __iter__ 實現迭代器,還不能徹底理解迭代器的好處,可是感受上使用迭代器要更好一些,不只僅是代碼整潔,Department 的屬性更少的暴露可能也是好處。
# normal class Department(object): def __init__(self, *employees): self.employees = employees for employee in department.employees: ... # use __iter__ class Department(object): def __init__(self, *employees): self._employees = employees def __iter__(self): return iter(self._employees) for employee in department: ...
set 的使用和神庫 itertools
item in a_set item not in a_set a_set <= other a_set.is_subset(other) a_set | other a_set.union(other) a_set & other a_set.intersection(other) a_set - other a_set.difference(other) # not good for each in big_list + another_big_list: ... # better for each in itertools.chain(big_list, another_big_list) ...
演講1提到的 IO 與邏輯分離,在這裏給出了更普適的實踐方法,每一個函數都應該有肯定的功能,函數內的代碼應該在同一抽象層次上,依此進行解耦。又提到對於一個大型的方法,方法中代碼共享多個參數和臨時變量,解耦後函數參數過多,這時候就應該使用類,類是數據和方法的集合。這兩點其實是回答了代碼應該怎麼組織的問題,剩下的就是一些技巧,好比上下文管理器,迭代器,set,itertools等。還值得一提的是,註釋是本應該出現程序中卻沒有出現的 bug, 這不是在宣揚不寫註釋,而是講代碼應該更明確。
reversed, sorted, enumerate, izip, iter, partial, .iteritems(), dict(izip(list1, list2)), dict(enumerate(list1)), defaultdict, .setdefault, popitem is atomic, namedtuple,
Pascal's best idea: functions compute stuff, procedures do stuff
rule of thumb: every function should either return a value or have a side effect: never both!
僅僅一個 class Foo 並不能讓代碼可擴展可複用。
Code should have one and only one reason to change.
# not good class Modem(object): def call(self, number): pass def disconnect(self): pass def send_data(self, data): pass def recv_data(self): pass # better class ConnectionManage(object): def call(self, number): pass def disconnect(self): pass class DataTransciever(object): def send_data(self, data): pass def recv_data(self): pass
class Person(object): def calculate_pay(self): ... def save(self): ... class Person(object): def calculate_pay(self): ... class DbPersistMixin(object): def save(self): ...
Code should open to extension but close to modification.
# normal def validate_link(self, links): for link in links: track = Track(link) self.validate(track) # when modify def validate_link(self, links): for link in links: if link.startwith("spotify:album:"): uri = Album(link) else: uri = Track(link) self.validate(uri) # better def validate_link(self, links): for link in links: self.validate(uri_factory(link))
Anywhere you use a base class, you should be able to use a subclass and not know it.
Python duck typing
Don't force clients to use interfaces they don't need.
High-level modules shouldn't relay on low-level modules. Both should relay on abstractions.
Tell objects to do the work, don't ask them for their data.
能夠理解意思,可是演講者的例子有些牽強,除非 calculate 不是爲了計算 cost,那麼更細的拆分是有意義的。
def calculate(self): cost = 0 for line_item in self.bill.items: cost += line_item.cost def calculate(self): cost = self.bill.total_cost() ...
主要介紹了OOP SOLID設計原則,着重介紹了SRP,其實是 IO 和邏輯分離,函數內部代碼同層次抽象的思想延伸到了類,不一樣的是,類強調單一職責,職責的範圍概念上比函數的功能大了一點,另外在講到應用邏輯與持久化分離的時候,實際上持久化部分使用了多重繼承,Python中是典型的鑽石繼承,不過鑽石繼承要注意super的使用,而且有一種觀點是鑽石繼承其實不該該存在,能夠經過組合的方式來解決。最後一個做者本身添加的原則,實際上與人開車,可是drive方法是在車類中意思相近。