1.Fonts 字體java
Windows -> Preferences -> General -> Appearance -> Colors and Fonts
-> Java -> Java editor text font
-> Java -> Properties File editor text font
-> Structured Text Editor -> Structured text editor text font
-> Text Compare -> Java compare text font
-> Text Compare -> Java properties file compare text font
-> Text Compare -> MANIFEST.MF compare text font
2.Background 背景字體
Windows -> Preferences -> General -> Editors -> Text Editors -> Background color
3.Content Assist 內容輔助
Windows -> Preferences -> General -> Keys -> Content Assist
4.Formatter 代碼格式化
Windows -> Preferences -> Java -> Code Style -> Formatter
5. JSP 默認編輯器
Windows -> Preferences -> General -> Editors -> File Associations
在File Types文件類型列表,選中*.jsp,在Associated Editors列表框中選中MyEclipse JSP Editor,後單擊default按鈕
6.Tomcat 配置
Windows -> Preferences -> Myeclipse Enterprise Workbench -> Servers -> Tomcat -> Tomcat 6.x
7.Encoding 編碼
windows -> Preferences -> general -> Workspace -> Text file encoding -> Other框中的Text file encoding改成UTF-8
windows -> Preferences -> general -> Content Types -> Text,選擇Java Source File,在下面的Default encoding輸入框中輸入UTF-8,點Update
Window -> Preferences -> MyEclipse Enterprise Workbench -> Files and Editors -> JSP,將"Encoding"選爲"ISO10646/Unicode(UTF-8)
8.JSP 去掉格式化時頁面中的空行
Window -> Preferences -> MyEclipse Enterprise Workbench -> HTML -> HTML Source
勾選"Clear all blank lines"
9.Update 關閉自動更新
Windows –> Perferences–> Install/Update -> Automatic Updates,不勾選"Automatically find new updates and notify me"
1)Windows –> Perferences–> MyEclipse Enterprise Workbench -> Community Essentials,不勾選"Search for new features at startup"
2)Windows –> Perferences–> MyEclipse Enterprise Workbench -> Maven4MyEclipse,不勾選"Download repository index updates on startup"
10.Startup 關閉不須要的啓動項
MyEclipse:Windows –> Perferences–> General–> Startup and Shutdown
(1) Tomcat6: 必備的... (2) 內存監視器: 能夠查看Myeclipse的使用內存, 我喜歡這工具(在菜單Myeclipse - Utilities - Show Heap Status打開) (3) JSP Debug工具, 其實我也沒用過, 怕有一天用到... (4) 文件建立嚮導(我的常常用到) (5) 向後兼容的意思吧, 怕有一天會用到, 但其實不多用, 可去掉 (6) 透視圖, 應該能夠去掉吧...