[翻譯] CSStickyHeaderFlowLayout





Parallax, Sticky Headers, Growing image heading, done right in one UICollectionViewLayout.objective-c




CSStickyHeaderFlowLayout is available through CocoaPods, to install it simply add the following line to your Podfile:app

你能夠經過 CocoaPods 來安裝 CSStickyHeaderFlowLayout, 在你的 Podfile 裏面添加這麼一句話便可:ui

pod "CSStickyHeaderFlowLayout"

Alternatively, you can just drag the files from CSStickyHeaderFlowLayout / Classes into your own project.this

固然,你也能夠將 CSStickyHeaderFlowLayout 文件夾拖到你的項目當中.atom


Usage (Swift/Code)spa

Documentation is coming soon. For now please open CSStickyHeaderFlowLayout.xcworkspace > SwiftDemo target.



Usage (CocoaPods/Objective-C/Storyboard)

To run the example project; clone the repo, and run pod install from the Project directory first.

你須要先獲取項目,而後在項目目錄中先運行 pod install.

1. Setting up the Sticky Section Header

Configure your collection view to use CSStickyHeaderFlowLayout. Here's an example on how you to do it in Storyboard.

將你的 collection view 配置成 CSStickyHeaderFlowLayout, 參考下圖:

Now all your section headers will get the sticky effect like table view. You can disable it with one line of code.

如今,你全部的 section header 將會得到懸停效果, 你也能夠經過一行代碼來禁止這種效果.

@property (nonatomic) BOOL disableStickyHeaders;

2. Setting up the Collection View Header

We'll be using supplementary views for our parallax header. Here's an example on how use a nib file for that purpose:

用 supplementary views 來做爲視差效果的header, 下面是一個如何使用nib來實現這種效果的例子.

Register that nib file to your collection view controller in code:

而後在你的 collection view 的控制器裏面註冊這個 nib 文件:

#import "CSStickyHeaderFlowLayout.h" - (void)viewDidLoad { [super viewDidLoad]; // Locate your layout CSStickyHeaderFlowLayout *layout = (id)self.collectionViewLayout; if ([layout isKindOfClass:[CSStickyHeaderFlowLayout class]]) { layout.parallaxHeaderReferenceSize = CGSizeMake(320, 200); } // Locate the nib and register it to your collection view UINib *headerNib = [UINib nibWithNibName:@"CSGrowHeader" bundle:nil]; [self.collectionView registerNib:headerNib forSupplementaryViewOfKind:CSStickyHeaderParallaxHeader withReuseIdentifier:@"header"]; }

Implement -[UICollectionViewDataSource collectionView:viewForSupplementaryElementOfKind:atIndexPath:]

實現 -[UICollectionViewDataSource collectionView:viewForSupplementaryElementOfKind:atIndexPath:]

- (UICollectionReusableView *)collectionView:(UICollectionView *)collectionView viewForSupplementaryElementOfKind:(NSString *)kind atIndexPath:(NSIndexPath *)indexPath { // Check the kind if it's CSStickyHeaderParallaxHeader if ([kind isEqualToString:CSStickyHeaderParallaxHeader]) { UICollectionReusableView *cell = [collectionView dequeueReusableSupplementaryViewOfKind:kind withReuseIdentifier:@"header" forIndexPath:indexPath]; return cell; } else if ([kind isEqualToString:UICollectionElementKindSectionHeader]) { // Your code to configure your section header... } else { // other custom supplementary views } return nil; }

That's it. You'll be able to get the header you wanted using the best practice.


Configuring other effects are really just the way how you setup the header cell, by combining different settings in the minimal exposed properties in CSStickyHeaderFlowLayout.h

配置其餘效果跟你配置 header cell 相似, 經過在 CSStickyHeaderFlowLayout.h 設置如下幾個屬性便可:

@property (nonatomic) CGSize parallaxHeaderReferenceSize;
@property (nonatomic) CGSize parallaxHeaderMinimumReferenceSize; @property (nonatomic) BOOL disableStickyHeaders;

Run the project examples and it'll shows you exactly how you achieve different effects.




If you think this worths something, tip me a cup of coffee! (p.s. was trying out ChangeTip, or if you know any better donation button, let me know) :)



  • 0.2.10: Fixed issue because attributes were not copied and datasource might have been niled

  • 0.2.9: Remove Supplementry Header Layout Attribute to prevent crash when returning nil and while is CGSizeZero

  • 0.2.8: Fixed a visual issue when animating contentInsets #85 and crash when dragging cells #69

  • 0.2.7: Fixed scroll indicator covered by cell

  • 0.2.6: Fixing that section header being covered by cell after perform batch update

  • 0.2.5: Fixing a crash when quickly popping back to a view controller using the parallax header

  • 0.2.4: Possibly fix for a crash when parallaxHeaderReferenceSize is changed

  • 0.2.3: Enabled iPhone 6 screen sizes, reverted a patch and fixed a visual bug and content tapping bug.

  • 0.2.2: Fix 1px header and zIndex problem, thanks @m1entus and @Xyand

  • 0.2.1: Fix crash on reloadData in collection view when header is offscreen, thanks @jessesquires

  • 0.2: Added custom UICollectionViewLayoutAttributes to support more advanced example (Spotify App)

  • 0.1.1: Minor fixes for default number of sections, thanks @miwillhite

  • 0.1: Initial Release


Who's using it?

We've a wiki page for that, feel free to add your projects there!



  • Xcode 5
  • iOS 7 (I haven't really test on iOS 6 but it should work if you're using iOS 6 compatible Storyboard)



James Tang, j@jamztang.com



CSStickyHeaderFlowLayout is available under the MIT license. See the LICENSE file for more info.
