oracle 筆記1

create table users(
id number not null primary key,
name varchar2(50) not null,
pwd varchar2(50) not null
create sequence users_seq;git

create table userinfo(
id number not null primary key check(regexp_like(id, '^\d{4}$\')),--約束id只能是4位數字
name varchar2(50) not null,
pwd varchar2(50) not null
alter table userinfo add(sex varchar2(1) not null);
alter table userinfo modify(sex varchar2(2));
alter table userinfo rename column id to uerid;
alter table userinfo add constraint ck_sex check (sex = '男' or sex = '女');函數


create table employee(
id number not null primary key check(regexp_like(id, '^\d{4}$\')),
birthday date not null,
hiredate date not null
alter table employee add constraint ck_date check(birthday<hiredate);oop

create table employees(
id number not null primary key check(regexp_like(id, '^\d{4}$\')),
name varchar2(20) not null,
sex varchar2(2) not null constraint ck_sexes check(sex in('男','女')),
birthday date not null,
hiredate date not null

create table emp as select * from zhuhongdan.employee;three



select lower('SQL: Structural Query Language') from dual; --dual是系統的一個虛表(僞表)ip

select upper('SQL: Structural Query Language') from dual;字符串

select initcap('SQL is an ENGLISH LIKE language') from dual;it

select concat('SQL alows you to manipulate the data in DB',' without any programming knowledge') from dual;io

select substr('SQL lets you concentrate on what has to be done',14) from dual;table

select length('SQL does no let you concentrate on how it will be achieved') from dual;

select trim('?' from '?SQL*PLUS is the SQL implementation used in an Oracle RDBMS or ORDBMS.') from dual;

select replace('SQL*PLUS supports loops or if statements','supports','does not support') from dual;

select round(168.888,1),trunc(168.888,1) from dual;
select mod(1900,400) from dual;

yy two digits 兩位年 顯示值:07
yyy three digits 三位年 顯示值:007
yyyy four digits 四位年 顯示值:2007

mm number 兩位月 顯示值:11
mon abbreviated 字符集表示 顯示值:11月,如果英文版,顯示nov
month spelled out 字符集表示 顯示值:11月,如果英文版,顯示november

dd number 當月第幾天 顯示值:02
ddd number 當年第幾天 顯示值:02
dy abbreviated 當週第幾天簡寫 顯示值:星期五,如果英文版,顯示fri
day spelled out 當週第幾天全寫 顯示值:星期五,如果英文版,顯示friday
ddspth spelled out, ordinal twelfth

hh two digits 12小時進制 顯示值:01
hh24 two digits 24小時進制 顯示值:13

mi two digits 60進制 顯示值:45

ss two digits 60進制 顯示值:25

Q digit 季度 顯示值:4
WW digit 當年第幾周 顯示值:44
W digit 當月第幾周 顯示值:1*/

select sysdate from dual;
select to_char(sysdate,'yyyy-mm-dd') from dual;
select to_date('2004-05-07 13:23:44','yyyy-mm-dd hh24:mi:ss') from dual;
select to_char(to_date('2016-10-11','yyyy-mm-dd'),'day') from dual;
select floor(sysdate - to_date('2016-10-10','yyyy-mm-dd')) from dual;

select '3.14159' + 20 from dual;
select '100' || 124 from dual;

--分頁SQL--rownum是從1開始,查詢前五條爲rownum>0 and rownum<=5select * from ( select t.*,rownum from users t) where rownum>0 and rownum<=5; select * from (select t.*,rownum from users t order by id desc) where rownum>0 and rownum<=5;
