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   limitations under the License.

package job

import (

type workerPool struct {
	workerChan chan *Worker
	workerList []*Worker //和業務相關不用理會

// WorkerPool is a set of workers each worker is associate to a statemachine for handling jobs.
// it consists of a channel for free workers and a list to all workers
	var WorkerPool *workerPool

// StopJobs accepts a list of jobs and will try to stop them if any of them is being executed by the worker.
func (wp *workerPool) StopJobs(jobs []int64) {
	log.Debugf("Works working on jobs: %v will be stopped", jobs)
	for _, id := range jobs {
		for _, w := range wp.workerList {
			if w.SM.JobID == id {
				log.Debugf("found a worker whose job ID is %d, will try to stop it", id)

// Worker consists of a channel for job from which worker gets the next job to handle, and a pointer to a statemachine,
// the actual work to handle the job is done via state machine.
type Worker struct {
	ID      int
	RepJobs chan int64
	SM      *SM
	quit    chan bool

// Start is a loop worker gets id from its channel and handle it.
func (w *Worker)  Start() {
	go func() {
		for {
			WorkerPool.workerChan <- w
			select {
			case jobID := <-w.RepJobs:
				log.Debugf("worker: %d, will handle job: %d", w.ID, jobID)
			case q := <-w.quit: 
				if q {
					log.Debugf("worker: %d, will stop.", w.ID)

// Stop ...
func (w *Worker) Stop() {
	go func() {
		w.quit <- true

func (w *Worker) handleRepJob(id int64) {
	err := w.SM.Reset(id)
	if err != nil {
		log.Errorf("Worker %d, failed to re-initialize statemachine for job: %d, error: %v", w.ID, id, err)
		err2 := dao.UpdateRepJobStatus(id, models.JobError)
		if err2 != nil {
			log.Errorf("Failed to update job status to ERROR, job: %d, error:%v", id, err2)
	if w.SM.Parms.Enabled == 0 {
		log.Debugf("The policy of job:%d is disabled, will cancel the job", id)
		_ = dao.UpdateRepJobStatus(id, models.JobCanceled)
		w.SM.Logger.Info("The job has been canceled")
	} else {

// NewWorker returns a pointer to new instance of worker
func NewWorker(id int) *Worker {
	w := &Worker{
		ID:      id, //工人名稱
		RepJobs: make(chan int64), //任務隊列
		quit:    make(chan bool),//退出goroutine
		SM:      &SM{},//和業務有關,沒必要理會
	w.SM.Init()    //和業務有關,沒必要理會
	return w

// InitWorkerPool create workers according to configuration.
func InitWorkerPool() {
	WorkerPool = &workerPool{
		workerChan: make(chan *Worker, config.MaxJobWorkers()), //初始化工人池
		workerList: make([]*Worker, 0, config.MaxJobWorkers()),     //和業務有關,沒必要理會
	for i := 0; i < config.MaxJobWorkers(); i++ {
		worker := NewWorker(i)
		WorkerPool.workerList = append(WorkerPool.workerList, worker)     //和業務有關,沒必要理會
		worker.Start() //啓動
		log.Debugf("worker %d started", worker.ID)

// Dispatch will listen to the jobQueue of job service and try to pick a free worker from the worker pool and assign the job to it.
func Dispatch() {
	for {
		select {
		case job := <-jobQueue: //監放任務隊列,若是存在就取出
			go func(jobID int64) {
				log.Debugf("Trying to dispatch job: %d", jobID)
				worker := <-WorkerPool.workerChan //從工人池當中取出一個工人
				worker.RepJobs <- jobID //把取到的工做交由工人去處理