1 static void Main(string[] args) 2 { 3 Console.InputEncoding = Encoding.UTF8; 4 5 PdfConvert.Environment.Debug = true; 6 PdfConvert.ConvertHtmlToPdf(new PdfDocument { Url = "http://www.codaxy.com" }, new PdfOutput 7 { 8 OutputFilePath = "c:\\pdf\\codaxy.pdf" 9 }); 10 PdfConvert.ConvertHtmlToPdf(new PdfDocument { Url = "-", Html = "<html><h1>test</h1></html>" }, new PdfOutput 11 { 12 OutputFilePath = "c:\\pdf\\inline.pdf" 13 }); 14 PdfConvert.ConvertHtmlToPdf(new PdfDocument { Url = "-", Html = "<html><h1>測試</h1></html>" }, new PdfOutput 15 { 16 OutputFilePath = "c:\\pdf\\inline_cht.pdf" 17 }); 18 }
注意OutputFilePath 若是不輸入盤符,默認是生成在程序運行目錄下;需注意OutputFilePath 的輸出路徑寫入權限問題。windows
1 //Button的Click事件(把Url的網頁內容轉成PDF) 2 protected void btn_execute_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) 3 { 4 5 //由於Web 是多線程環境,避免甲產生的文件被乙下載去,因此檔名都用惟一 6 string fileNameWithOutExtention = Guid.NewGuid().ToString(); 7 8 //執行wkhtmltopdf.exe 9 Process p = System.Diagnostics.Process.Start(@"D:\wkhtmltopdf\wkhtmltopdf.exe", @"http://msdn.microsoft.com/zh-cn D:\" + fileNameWithOutExtention + ".pdf"); 10 11 //若不加這一行,程序就會立刻執行下一句而抓不到文件發生意外:System.IO.FileNotFoundException: 找不到文件 ''。 12 p.WaitForExit(); 13 14 15 //把文件讀進文件流 16 FileStream fs = new FileStream(@"D:\" + fileNameWithOutExtention + ".pdf", FileMode.Open); 17 byte[] file = new byte[fs.Length]; 18 fs.Read(file, 0, file.Length); 19 fs.Close(); 20 21 //Response給客戶端下載 22 Response.Clear(); 23 Response.AddHeader("content-disposition", "attachment; filename=" + fileNameWithOutExtention + ".pdf");//強制下載 24 Response.ContentType = "application/octet-stream"; 25 Response.BinaryWrite(file); 26 }
1. C:\Program Files (x86)\wkhtmltopdf>wkhtmltopdf.exe app
2. --post ctl00$txtLoginAccount xxxxx@163.com //--post 表示Post方式提交數據,ctl00$txtLoginAccount 爲登陸頁面輸入登陸賬號的控件的name名稱, xxxxx@163.com 爲我輸入的賬號post
3. --post ctl00$txtLoginPassword 123123 //同代碼行2,依次表示登陸頁面輸入密碼的控件name名稱,我輸入的密碼ui
4. --post ctl00$ContentPlaceHolder1$LoginOrRegisterUCL1$txtval dag2 //同代碼行2,依次表示登陸頁面輸入驗證碼控件name名稱,dag2 爲我輸入的4位的驗證碼,若是還須要其它的登陸數據,按此方式傳入便可 google
5. --ignore-load-errors //官方的說法是,有時候登陸出錯加上這個命令就能夠經過。
6. "http://www.xxxx.com/web/MyJobs/ViewApplicantInfoPage.aspx?resumeId=170&jobid=2&type=1&applicati
MainPage.aspx" //要導出的須要form認證經過的頁面。
7. c:\pdf\222.pdf //導出文件路徑,注意c:\pdf這個文件夾須要有寫入權限。
Loading pages (1/5)
Resolving links (2/5)
Counting pages (3/5)
Printing pages (5/5)
ProcessStartInfo psi = new ProcessStartInfo(); psi.FileName = "wkhtmltopdf.exe"; string cookieArgs = ""; var cookies = HttpContext.Current.Request.Cookies; if (cookies != null) { var sb = new System.Text.StringBuilder(); // you probably only need the ".ASPXFORMSAUTH" // and "ASP.NET_SessionId" cookies // but I pass everything just in case foreach (string key in cookies.AllKeys) { string value = cookies[key].Value; sb.AppendFormat("--cookie {0} {1} ", key, value); } cookieArgs = sb.ToString(); } psi.Arguments = urlToPrint + " -q " + cookieArgs + " -"; Process.Start(psi);