rados_tmap_to_omap app
使用示例 async
#include <rados/librados.hpp>
#include <string>
#include <list>
int main(int argc, const char **argv)
int ret = 0 ;
* Errors are not checked to avoid pollution.
* After each Ceph operation:
* if (ret < 0) error_condition
* else success
// Get cluster handle and connect to cluster
std::string cluster_name("ceph");
std::string user_name("client.admin");
librados::Rados cluster ;
cluster.init2(user_name.c_str(), cluster_name.c_str(), 0);
// IO context
librados::IoCtx io_ctx ;
std::string pool_name("data");
cluster.ioctx_create(pool_name.c_str(), io_ctx);
// Write an object synchronously
librados::bufferlist bl;
std::string objectId("hw");
std::string objectContent("Hello World!");
io_ctx.write(objectId, bl, objectContent.size(), 0);
// Add an xattr to the object.
librados::bufferlist lang_bl;
io_ctx.setxattr(objectId, "lang", lang_bl);
// Read the object back asynchronously
librados::bufferlist read_buf;
int read_len = 4194304;
//Create I/O Completion.
librados::AioCompletion *read_completion = librados::Rados::aio_create_completion();
//Send read request.
io_ctx.aio_read(objectId, read_completion, &read_buf, read_len, 0 );
// Wait for the request to complete, and print content
std::cout<< "Object name: " << objectId << "\n"
<< "Content: " << read_buf.c_str() << std::endl ;
// Read the xattr.
librados::bufferlist lang_res;
io_ctx.getxattr(objectId, "lang", lang_res);
std::cout<< "Object xattr: " << lang_res.c_str() << std::endl ;
// Print the list of pools
std::list<std::string> pools ;
cluster.pool_list(pools );
std::cout << "List of pools from this cluster handle" << std::endl ;
for (std::list<std::string>::iterator i = pools.begin(); i != pools.end(); ++i)
std::cout << *i << std::endl;
// Print the list of objects
librados::ObjectIterator oit=io_ctx.objects_begin();
librados::ObjectIterator oet=io_ctx.objects_end();
std::cout<< "List of objects from this pool" << std::endl ;
for(; oit!= oet; oit++ ) {
std::cout << "\t" << oit->first << std::endl ;
// Remove the xattr
io_ctx.rmxattr(objectId, "lang");
// Remove the object.
// Cleanup
return 0 ;
} this
保存爲cephrados.cpp,編譯命令行以下 命令行
g++ cephrados.cpp -lrados -o cephrados 指針
rados getxattr rbd.py lang -p data顯示data池中對象rbd.py的擴展屬性lang的值 對象
rados listxattr -p data rbd.py顯示data池中對象rbd.py的擴展屬性,若是沒有設置顯示爲空 rem
rados stat rbd.py -p data 顯示data池中對象rbd.py的大小、時間 get