hp rx8640安騰小型機
1. 100M VFAT 格式的 /boot/efi格式的分區
2. /分區
3. swap分區
在重啓的時候,可能須要修改 /boot/efi
在安裝ORACLE的時候,出現不了圖形界面,提示JAVA 虛擬機出現問題。
參考文章 [url]http://www.hxre.org/post/85.html[/url]
前幾天在hp rx6600上安裝oracle 10.2 for windows,圖形界面一直出不來。後來查metalink解決,須要下載補丁包。rx6600是
Itanium Montecito處理器。
metalink note:400227.1
Applies to:
Oracle Server - Enterprise Edition - Version: 9.2 to 10.2
Oracle Universal Installer - Version: 2.2 to 10.2
HP-UX Itanium
Microsoft Windows Server 2003 (64-bit Itanium)
Linux Itanium
HP OpenVMS Itanium
The goal of this document is to provide instructions for installing Oracle RDBMS software on Linux / Windows Itanium servers with Montecito processors.
NOTE: The instructions for installing Oracle CRS and RAC software are in Note 404248.1
Oracle Development have certified RDBMS versions, and on the following Itanium platforms
with Montecito processors :
HPUX Itanium (all 9.2.0.x versions, not just as previously stated in the Certify section of Metalink)
HP OpenVMS Itanium ( only)
Linux Itanium
Windows Itanium
For HPUX Itanium, no additional Oracle patches are required but the following HPUX patches are required:
HP-UX 11.23 Hardware Enablement Patches for HP-UX 11i v2, September 2006
Feature Enablement Patches for HP-UX 11i v2, September 2006
In addition to this, please follow the special instructions in the section below.
NOTE: The Certify section of Metalink previously stated that only was certified on HPUX Itanium, but Development have now agreed to certify all 9.2.0.x versions on this platform (not just
For HP OpenVMS Itanium, no additional Oracle patches are required (and so no special instructions are required for installing Oracle). HP OpenVMS Itanium version 8.3 is required.
For Linux Itanium, additional Oracle patches are required (see below) and the following Linux versions are the minimum requirement:
Red Hat Enterprise Linux 4 (RHEL4) Update 4
SuSE SLES 9 Service Pack 3
NOTE: This note (and the Certify section of Metalink) previously stated that Oracle was certified on Red Hat Enterprise Linux 3 (RHEL3) Update 6, but this is incorrect because Red Hat do not support RHEL 3 Update 6 on Montecito processors.
For Windows Itanium, additional Oracle patches are required (see below) and the following Windows version and Microsoft OS Hot fixes are required:
Windows 2003 Service Pack 1 with the Microsoft OS Hot fixes described in the following articles:
KB Article 924449 (only required if the Java DDK/SDK is installed)
KB Article 924897
These Microsoft OS Hot fixes will be incorporated into Windows 2003 Service Pack 2, which is scheduled for availability at the end of 2006.
Certify previously stated that Microsoft OS Hot fixes 924668, 924669, 924670, 924671 and 924672 were required. These requirements have now been superceded.
NOTE: is now certified on the above platforms too. Future patchsets (like and will also be certified on the above platforms.
HPUX Itanium
How to install Oracle RDBMS version 9.2.0.x
[1]. Download and install the latest JDK/SDK 1.3.1 version from the HP website:
[2]. Download the RDBMS CD's to local disk - the CD's should be unzipped at the same directory level and be called "Disk1", "Disk2" etc.
[3]. Edit
/Disk1/install/hpunix/oraparam.ini and change JRE_LOCATION to point to /opt/java1.3.1/jre
Substitute above with the actual location where the working JDK/SDK 1.3.1 is actually located. Include the "jre" directory at the end.
[4]. Install into the new 9.2 home by running OUI (./runInstaller) from
[5]. Before installing a patchset (for example,, edit the
/Disk1/install/hpunix/oraparam.ini (in the area where the patchset has been unzipped) and change JRE_LOCATION to point to /opt/java1.3.1/jre
Substitute above with the actual location where the working JDK/SDK 1.3.1 is actually located. Include the "jre" directory at the end.
Now install the patchset into the 9.2 home by running OUI from the area where the patchset has been unzipped.
How to install Oracle RDBMS versions 10.1.0.x and 10.2.0.x
There are no special instructions for installing Oracle RDBMS versions 10.1.0.x and 10.2.0.x
Linux Itanium
How to install Oracle RDBMS version
To install and then on Linux Itanium, do the following :
[1]. Set the environment variable LD_ASSUME_KERNEL=2.4.19
[2]. Download Patch 5390952 and run the supplied OUI to install Montecito JDK and JRE into the new 9.2 home
- Unzip the patch
- Start OUI from Patch 5390952 and install JDK into the new 9.2 home
- Start OUI from Patch 5390952 and install JRE into the new 9.2 home
- Download the RDBMS CD's to local disk - the CD's should be unzipped at the same directory level and be called "Disk1", "Disk2" etc.
- Edit
/Disk1/install/linux/oraparam.ini and change JRE_LOCATION to point to $ORACLE_HOME/jre/1.4.2
[3]. Install into the new 9.2 home by running OUI (./runInstaller) from
[4]. At the root.sh stage, do the following before running root.sh :
- Change directory to the ORACLE_HOME
- Run the command "rm JRE" to remove the symbolic link
- Run the command "ln -s $ORACLE_HOME/jre/1.4.2 JRE" to link the JRE to the Montecito JRE installed in step 2
- Run the commands "cd $ORACLE_HOME/jre/1.4.2/bin" and then the command "ln -s java jre"
[5]. Run root.sh
[6]. Start OUI from the patchset (Patch 4547809) with jreLoc option
./runInstaller -jreLoc $ORACLE_HOME/JRE/
How to install Oracle RDBMS version
To install and then on Linux Itanium, do the following :
[1]. Download Patch 5390875 and run the supplied OUI to install Montecito JDK and JRE into the new 10.1 home
- Unzip the patch
- Start OUI from Patch 5390875 and install JDK into the new 10.1 home
- Start OUI from Patch 5390875 and install JRE into the new 10.1 home
[2]. Install into the new 10.1 home by running OUI from the database CD:
./runInstaller -jreLoc
[3]. Install into the new 10.1 home by running OUI from where the patchset (Patch 4505133) has been unzipped:
./runInstaller -jreLoc $ORACLE_HOME/JRE/
[4]. After installing the patchset, apply the JDK patch
- Change directory to $ORACLE_HOME
- Rename the $ORACLE_HOME/jdk directory
- Extract the file
NOTE: Patch 5390875 was re-uploaded on 18-DEC-2006 (as the previous version of the patch did not contain
How to install Oracle RDBMS version (or higher)
To install and then (or higher) on Linux Itanium, do the following :
[1]. Download Patch 5390722 and run the supplied OUI to install Montecito JDK and JRE into the new 10.2 home
- Unzip the patch
- Start OUI from Patch 5390722 and install JDK into the new 10.2 home
- Start OUI from Patch 5390722 and install JRE into the new 10.2 home
[2]. Install into the new 10.2 home by running OUI from the DVD :
./runInstaller -jreLoc $ORACLE_HOME/jre/1.4.2
NOTE: During the installation (on the "Product Specific Prerequisite Checks" page) the "Checking for Oracle Home incompatibilities..." check will fail. Click the check box next to it, so that the status changes to "User Verified", and continue with the installation.
[3]. Install (or higher) into the new 10.2 home by running OUI from where the patchset has been unzipped :
./runInstaller -jreLoc $ORACLE_HOME/jre/1.4.2
Windows Itanium
How to install Oracle RDBMS version
To install and then on Windows Itanium, do the following :
[1]. Download Patch 5656176 and run the supplied setup.exe to install Montecito JDK and JRE into the new 9.2 home
[2]. Download the RDBMS CD's to local disk - the CD's should be at the same directory level and be called "Disk1", "Disk2" etc.
[3]. Copy Orainstaller.jar from Patch 5656176 to
\Disk1 is the location where the first RDBMS CD was downloaded in step 2.
[4]. Remove directory
\Disk1\stage\Components\oracle.swd.jre\\1\DataFiles\Expanded and replace it with the 'Expanded' directory that is shipped with Patch 5656176
[5]. Install into the new 9.2 home by running setup.exe from the
\Disk1 directory.
[6]. Install into the new 9.2 home by running setup.exe from where the patchset (Patch 4547809) has been unzipped :
setup.exe -jreLoc %ORACLE_HOME%\jre\1.4.2
NOTE: See Note 402444.1 regarding a known issue affecting NetCA and Note 402553.1 regarding a known JDK issue affecting JDBC drivers
How to install Oracle RDBMS version
To install and then on Windows Itanium, do the following :
[1]. Download Patch 5391619 and run the supplied setup.exe to install Montecito JDK and JRE into the new 10.1 home
[2]. Install into the new 10.1 home by running setup.exe from the database CD :
setup.exe -jreLoc %ORACLE_HOME%\jre\1.4.2
[3]. Install into the new 10.1 home by running setup.exe from where the patchset (Patch 4505133) has been unzipped :
setup.exe -jreLoc %ORACLE_HOME%\jre\1.4.2
NOTE: See Note 402553.1 regarding a known JDK issue affecting JDBC drivers
How to install Oracle RDBMS version (or higher)
To install and then (or higher) on Windows Itanium, do the following :
[1]. Download Patch 5391050 and run the supplied setup.exe to install the Montecito JDK and JRE into the new 10.2 home
[2]. Install into the new 10.2 home by running setup.exe from the DVD :
setup.exe -jreLoc %ORACLE_HOME%\jre\1.4.2
NOTE: During the installation (on the "Product Specific Prerequisite Checks" page) the "Checking for Oracle Home incompatibilities..." check will fail. Click the check box next to it, so that the status changes to "User Verified", and continue with the installation.
[3]. Install (or higher) into the new 10.2 home by running setup.exe from where the patchset has been unzipped :
setup.exe -jreLoc %ORACLE_HOME%\jre\1.4.2
NOTE: See Note 402553.1 regarding a known JDK issue affecting JDBC drivers