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GradleAndroid Plugin for Gradle 提供了一種靈活[flexible]的方式來編譯、構建和打包您的 Android 應用或庫。本頁面彙總了一些有用提示和配置,旨在幫助您充分利用每個構建[get the most out of each build]。java


[Manage projects and sources]android

下面是一些可用於管理您的項目的模塊及其源代碼的配置。要詳細瞭解如何建立和管理項目與模塊,請閱讀 項目概覽git


[Change default source set configurations]github

您可使用模塊級 build.gradle 文件中的 sourceSets 代碼塊更改 Gradle 但願爲源集 的每一個組件收集文件的位置。api


android {
  sourceSets {
    main {
      java.srcDirs = ['other/java'] //默認爲【src/main/java】
      res.srcDirs = ['other/res1', 'other/res2'] //默認爲【src/main/res】
      manifest.srcFile 'other/AndroidManifest.xml' //默認爲【src/main/AndroidManifest.xml】
    androidTest {
      setRoot 'src/tests' //默認有三個根目錄【src/androidTest】【src/test】【src/main】


android {
  sourceSets {
    main { // Encapsulates將包封 configurations for the main source set.
      java.srcDirs = ['other/java'] // Changes the directory for Java sources.
/** If you list multiple directories, Gradle uses all of them to collect sources. Because Gradle gives these directories equal priority, if you define the same resource in more than one directory, you get an error when merging resources. */
      res.srcDirs = ['other/res1', 'other/res2']

/** Note: You should avoid specifying a directory which is a 【parent】 to one or more other directories you specify. For example, avoid the following: res.srcDirs = ['other/res1', 'other/res1/layouts', 'other/res1/strings']. You should specify either only the root 'other/res1' directory, or only the nested 'other/res1/layouts' and 'other/res1/strings' directories. */

/** For each source set, you can specify only one Android manifest. By default, Android Studio creates a manifest for your main source set in the src/main/ directory. */
      manifest.srcFile 'other/AndroidManifest.xml'

    androidTest {  // Create additional blocks to configure other source sets.

/** If all the files for a source set are located under a single root directory, you can specify that directory using the setRoot property. When gathering蒐集 sources for the source set, Gradle looks only in locations relative to the root directory you specify. For example, after applying the configuration below for the androidTest source set, Gradle looks for Java sources only in the src/tests/java/ directory. */
      setRoot 'src/tests'


[configure project-wide properties]less

對於包含多個模塊的項目,在項目級別定義屬性,而後在全部模塊間共享這些屬性可能會很是有用。爲此,您能夠將 extra properties 添加到 the top-level build.gradle 文件的 ext 代碼塊中。jvm


ext {
    compileSdkVersion = 26
    supportLibVersion = "27.1.1"


buildscript {...}

allprojects {...}

// This block encapsulates封裝 custom properties and makes them available to all modules in the project.
ext { // The following are only a few examples of the types of properties you can define.
    compileSdkVersion = 26
    // You can also create properties to specify versions for dependencies指定依賴項的版本.
    // Having consistent一致的 versions between modules can avoid conflicts with behavior.
    supportLibVersion = "27.1.1"

要從相同項目中的模塊訪問這些屬性,請在 module-level build.gradle 文件中使用如下語法。

android {
  compileSdkVersion rootProject.ext.compileSdkVersion //語法【rootProject.ext.property_name】

dependencies {
    compile "${rootProject.ext.supportLibVersion}"


[Manage libraries and dependencies]

Gradle 提供了一種穩健的機制來管理依賴項,無論它們是遠程庫仍是本地庫模塊。


[Target specific builds with dependency configurations]


If you want a dependency for only a specific build variant source set or testing source set, capitalize the dependency configuration name and prefix it with the name of the build variant or testing source set.


configurations {
    freeDebugRuntimeOnly{} //初始化配置名稱,用於指定具體是哪一個構建(此名稱表明 free Debug 的構建)

dependencies {
    freeDebugRuntimeOnly fileTree(dir: 'libs', include: ['*.jar']) //僅爲指定構建添加此依賴
    feeDebugImplementation ''


android {...}

// Creates Gradle dependency configurations to use in the dependencies block.
configurations {
  // For variants that combine a product flavor and build type, you need to intitialize a placeholder for its dependency configuration.

dependencies {
    freeImplementation ''  // Adds an implementation dependency only to the "free" product flavor.
    freeDebugRuntimeOnly fileTree(dir: 'libs', include: ['*.jar']) // Adds a runtimeOnly dependency only to the "freeDebug" build variant.
    testImplementation 'junit:junit:4.12' // Adds a remote binary dependency only for local tests.
    androidTestImplementation '' // Adds a remote binary dependency only for the instrumented test APK.


[Create different versions of your app]

Gradle 和 Android 插件容許您經過配置構建變體的方式從一個模塊建立不一樣版本的應用。

配置多 APK 支持:splits、density、abi

[Configure multiple APK support]

利用 Android 插件,您能夠構建多個 APK,讓每個都針對不一樣的 ABI 或屏幕密度,並充分利用 Google Play 的多 APK 支持。

按屏幕密度配置單獨的 APK
[Configure separate APKs per screen density]

要爲不一樣的屏幕密度建立單獨的 APK,請將 android.splits.density 代碼塊添加到您的模塊的 build.gradle 文件中。

android {
  splits {
    density { // Configures multiple APKs based on screen density.
      enable true  // The default value is false
      exclude "ldpi", "xxhdpi", "xxxhdpi" //排除。Specifies a list of screen densities Gradle should not create multiple APKs for.
      compatibleScreens 'small', 'normal', 'large', 'xlarge'  //兼容的 Specifies a list of compatible screen size settings for the manifest.

按 ABI 配置單獨的 APK
[Configure separate APKs per ABI]

要爲每一個 ABI 建立單獨的 APK,請將 android.splits.abi 代碼塊添加到您的模塊的 build.gradle 文件中。

android {
  splits {
    abi { // Configures multiple APKs based on ABI.
      enable true  // The default value is false
      // By default all ABIs are included, so use reset() and include to specify that we only want APKs for x86 and x86_64.
      reset() // Resets the list of ABIs that Gradle should create APKs for to none.
      include "x86", "x86_64"  // Specifies a list of ABIs that Gradle should create APKs for.
      universalApk false  // Specifies that we do not want to also generate a universal APK that includes all ABIs.


[Configure dynamic version codes]

默認狀況下,在 Gradle 爲您的項目生成 APK 時,每一個 APK 都有相同的版本信息,此信息在模塊級 build.gradle 文件中指定。因爲 Google Play 商店不容許同一個應用的多個 APK 全都具備相同的版本信息,在上傳到 Play 商店以前,您須要確保每一個 APK 都有本身惟一的 versionCode

爲此,您可使用自定義構建邏輯在構建時向每一個 APK 分配不一樣的版本代碼。例如,在爲每一個 ABI 建立單獨的 APK 時,自動 APK 版本控制將以下所示:


ext.abiCodes = ['armeabi-v7a':1, x86:2, x86_64:3]

android.applicationVariants.all { variant -> 
  variant.outputs.each { output ->
    def baseAbiVersionCode = project.ext.abiCodes.get(output.getFilter(OutputFile.ABI))
    if (baseAbiVersionCode != null) {
       output.versionCodeOverride =  baseAbiVersionCode * 1000 + variant.versionCode


ext.abiCodes = ['armeabi-v7a':1, x86:2, x86_64:3]

android.applicationVariants.all { variant -> 
  variant.outputs.each { output -> // Assigns a different version code for each output APK other than the universal APK.
    def baseAbiVersionCode = project.ext.abiCodes.get(output.getFilter(OutputFile.ABI))// Determines the ABI for this variant and returns the mapped value.

/** Because abiCodes.get() returns null for ABIs that are not mapped by ext.abiCodes, the following code does not override the version code for universal APKs. However, because we want universal APKs to have the lowest version code, this outcome is desirable使人滿意的. */
    if (baseAbiVersionCode != null) {
/** Assigns the new version code to versionCodeOverride, which changes the version code for only the output APK, not for the variant itself. Skipping this step simply causes只會致使 Gradle to use the value of variant.versionCode for the APK. */
      output.versionCodeOverride =  baseAbiVersionCode * 1000 + variant.versionCode


[Combine multiple product flavors]

某些狀況下,您可能但願組合多個產品風味中的配置。爲此,您能夠經過 Android Plugin for Gradle 建立產品風味組,稱爲風味維度。

下面的代碼示例使用 flavorDimensions 屬性建立一個「模式」風味維度以組織「完整」和「演示」產品風味,以及一個「api」風味維度以基於 API 級別組織產品風味配置。隨後,Gradle 會將「模式」維度的產品風味與「api」維度的產品風味組合。


android {
  buildTypes {
    debug {...}
    release {...}

  flavorDimensions "api", "mode"

  productFlavors {
    demo {
      dimension "mode"  //風味維度:mode
    full {
      dimension "mode"  //風味維度:mode

    minApi24 {
      dimension "api"  //風味維度:api
      minSdkVersion '24'
      versionCode 30000 + android.defaultConfig.versionCode
      versionNameSuffix "-minApi24"
    minApi23 {...}  //風味維度:api
    minApi21 {...}  //風味維度:api


android {
  buildTypes {
    debug {...}
    release {...}

/** Specifies指定 the flavor dimensions you want to use. The order in which you list each dimension determines決定了 its priority優先級, from highest to lowest, when Gradle merges合併 variant sources and configurations. You must assign分配給 each product flavor you configure to one of the flavor dimensions. */
  flavorDimensions "api", "mode"

  productFlavors {
    demo {
      dimension "mode"  // Assigns this product flavor to the "mode" flavor dimension.

    full {
      dimension "mode"

/** Configurations in the "api" product flavors override覆蓋 those in "mode" flavors and the defaultConfig {} block. Gradle determines肯定 the priority between flavor dimensions based on根據 the order in which they appear next to the flavorDimensions property above--the first dimension has a higher priority than the second, and so on. */
    minApi24 {
      dimension "api"
      minSdkVersion '24'
/** To ensure the target device receives the version of the app with the highest compatible API level[要確保目標設備接收具備最高兼容API級別的應用程序版本], assign分配 version codes in increasing value with API level. */
      versionCode 30000 + android.defaultConfig.versionCode
      versionNameSuffix "-minApi24"

    minApi23 {
      dimension "api"
      minSdkVersion '23'
      versionCode 20000  + android.defaultConfig.versionCode
      versionNameSuffix "-minApi23"

    minApi21 {
      dimension "api"
      minSdkVersion '21'
      versionCode 10000  + android.defaultConfig.versionCode
      versionNameSuffix "-minApi21"


[Filter variants]

您可使用模塊的 build.gradle 文件中的 variantFilter 代碼塊過濾構建變體,將您不想要的變體過濾掉。如下示例代碼將指示 Gradle 不構建任何能夠將 minApi21 與 demo 產品風味組合的變體


android {
  variantFilter { variant ->
      def names = variant.flavors*.name //精準匹配時使用【 == "<buildType>"】
      if (names.contains("minApi21") && names.contains("demo")) {


android {
  buildTypes {...}
  flavorDimensions "api", "mode"
  productFlavors {
    demo {...}
    full {...}
    minApi24 {...}
    minApi23 {...}
    minApi21 {...}

  variantFilter { variant ->
      def names = variant.flavors*.name
      // To check for a certain build type, use 【 == "<buildType>"】
      if (names.contains("minApi21") && names.contains("demo")) {
          setIgnore(true)  // Gradle ignores any variants that satisfy知足 the conditions above.


[Test your app]


配置 lint 選項:lintOptions

[Configure lint options]

您可使用模塊級 build.gradle 文件中的 lintOptions 代碼塊配置特定的 lint 選項。要詳細瞭解如何爲您的 Android 項目使用 lint,請閱讀使用 Lint 改進您的代碼。


android {
  lintOptions {
    disable 'TypographyFractions','TypographyQuotes'
    enable 'RtlHardcoded', 'RtlCompat', 'RtlEnabled'
    check 'NewApi', 'InlinedApi'
    quiet true
    abortOnError false
    ignoreWarnings true


android {
  lintOptions {
    disable 'TypographyFractions','TypographyQuotes'  // Turns off checks for the issue IDs you specify.
    enable 'RtlHardcoded', 'RtlCompat', 'RtlEnabled' // These checks are in addition to the default lint checks.
/** To enable checks for only a subset of issue IDs and ignore all others, list the issue IDs with the 'check' property instead. This property overrides any issue IDs you enable or disable using the properties above. */
    check 'NewApi', 'InlinedApi'
    quiet true  // If set to true, turns off analysis progress reporting by lint.
    abortOnError false // if set to true (default), stops the build if errors are found.
    ignoreWarnings true // if true, only report errors.

配置儀器 manifest 設置:test**

[Configure instrumentation manifest settings]

在 Gradle 構建您的測試 APK 時,它會自動生成 AndroidManifest.xml 文件併爲其配置 <instrumentation> 節點。您能夠在 測試源集 中建立另外一個 manifest 文件或者配置您的模塊級 build.gradle 文件,經過這兩種方式更改此節點的一些設置,如如下代碼示例中所示。


android {
  defaultConfig {
    testApplicationId ""
    testInstrumentationRunner "android.test.InstrumentationTestRunner"
    testFunctionalTest true


android {
  defaultConfig {
    testApplicationId ""  // Specifies the application ID for the test APK.
    testInstrumentationRunner "android.test.InstrumentationTestRunner" // fully-qualified class name
    // If set to 'true', enables the instrumentation class to start and stop profiling.
    // If set to false (default), profiling occurs the entire time the instrumentation class is running.
    testHandleProfiling true
    // If set to 'true', indicates that the Android system should run the instrumentation class as a functional test. 
    testFunctionalTest true //The default value is 'false'


[Change the test build type]

默認狀況下,全部測試均針對調試構建類型運行。您能夠利用模塊級 build.gradle 文件中的 testBuildType 屬性將其更改成其餘構建類型。例如,若是您想針對「staging」構建類型運行測試,請按下面這段代碼中所示對該文件進行編輯。

android {
    testBuildType "staging"

配置 Gradle 測試選項:testOptions

[Configure Gradle test options]

要指定能夠更改 Gradle 運行全部測試方式的選項,請配置模塊級 build.gradle 中的 testOptions 代碼塊。

android {
  testOptions {
    // '$rootDir' sets the path relative to the root directory of the current project.
    reportDir "$rootDir/test-reports" //默認在 project/module_name/build/outputs/reports/
    resultsDir "$rootDir/test-results" //默認在 project/module_name/build/outputs/test-results/

要僅爲本地單元測試指定選項,請配置 testOptions.unitTests 代碼塊。

android {
  testOptions {
    unitTests {
/** By default, local unit tests throw an exception any time the code you are testing tries to access Android platform APIs (unless you mock嘲笑、藐視、不尊重 Android dependencies yourself or with a testing framework like Mockito). However, you can enable the following property so that the test returns either null or zero when accessing platform APIs, rather than throwing an exception. */
      returnDefaultValues true

      all { // controlling how Gradle executes local unit tests.
        jvmArgs '-XX:MaxPermSize=256m' // Sets JVM argument(s) for the test JVM(s).
        if ( == 'testDebugUnitTest') {  // You can also check the task name to apply options to only the tests you specify.
          systemProperty 'debug', 'true'


[Optimize your build]



[Shrink your code]

Android Studio 使用 ProGuard 來壓縮代碼。對於新項目,Android Studio 將使用 Android_SDK/tools/proguard/ 下的默認設置文件 proguard-android.txt。要想進一步壓縮代碼,請嘗試使用位於同一位置的 proguard-android-optimize.txt 文件。

android {
  buildTypes {
    release {
      minifyEnabled true //默認爲false
      proguardFiles getDefaultProguardFile('proguard-android-optimize.txt'), '' //默認配置

要添加特定於每一個構建變體的 ProGuard 規則,請爲每一個風味配置其餘 proguardFiles 屬性。例如,如下示例會將 添加到「flavor2」中。如今,發佈版本「flavor2」使用全部三個 ProGuard 規則,由於還應用了來自 release 代碼塊的規則。

android {
    buildTypes {
        release {
            minifyEnabled true
            proguardFiles getDefaultProguardFile('proguard-android.txt'),''
    productFlavors {
        flavor1 {
        flavor2 {
            proguardFile ''

經過 Instant Run 啓用代碼壓縮:useProguard

[Enable code shrinking with Instant Run]

要經過 Instant Run 啓用代碼壓縮,只需將 useProguard 設爲 false(並保持 minifyEnabled 設爲 true)。這將使用實驗性代碼壓縮器,它不會對您的代碼進行混淆處理或優化(所以,您應當僅爲 debug 構建類型啓用此壓縮器)。

android {
    buildTypes {
        debug {
            minifyEnabled true
            useProguard false
            proguardFiles getDefaultProguardFile('proguard-android.txt'), ''
        release {
            minifyEnabled true
            proguardFiles getDefaultProguardFile('proguard-android.txt'), ''

配置 DEX 選項:dexOptions

[Configure dex Options]

在 Gradle 將您的代碼編譯到 DEX 文件中時,使用如下屬性能夠縮短構建時間。

android {
  dexOptions {
    maxProcessCount 8 // Sets the maximum number of DEX processes that can be started concurrently.
    javaMaxHeapSize "2g" // Sets the maximum memory allocation pool size for the dex operation.
    preDexLibraries true // Enables Gradle to pre-dex library dependencies.


[Publish your app]

要詳細瞭解如何將使用的應用發佈到 Google Play,請閱讀發佈您的應用。


[Sign your app]

儘管 Android Studio 提供了一種從界面爲發佈構建配置簽署的簡單方式,您仍然能夠手動配置模塊的 build.gradle 文件中的 signingConfigs 代碼塊:

android {
    defaultConfig {...}
    signingConfigs {
        release {
            storeFile file("myreleasekey.keystore")
            storePassword "password"
            keyAlias "MyReleaseKey"
            keyPassword "password"
    buildTypes {
        release {
            signingConfig signingConfigs.release


[Remove private signing information from your project]

默認狀況下,簽署配置將以純文本形式記錄到模塊的 build.gradle 文件中。若是您正在與某個團隊合做或者參與一個開放源代碼項目,能夠執行如下步驟,將此敏感信息移出構建文件。


def keystoreProperties = new Properties()
keystoreProperties.load(new FileInputStream(rootProject.file(""))) //加載配置文件

android {
  signingConfigs {
    config {
      keyAlias keystoreProperties['keyAlias']
      keyPassword keystoreProperties['keyPassword']
      storeFile file(keystoreProperties['storeFile'])
      storePassword keystoreProperties['storePassword']

一、在項目的根目錄下建立一個名爲 的文件,幷包含如下信息:


二、在您的 build.gradle 文件中,按如下步驟操做來加載 文件(必須在 android 代碼塊以前):

def keystorePropertiesFile = rootProject.file("") // Creates and initializes a variable to the file.
def keystoreProperties = new Properties() // Initializes a new Properties() object
keystoreProperties.load(new FileInputStream(keystorePropertiesFile)) // Loads the file into the Properties object.

android { ... }

三、輸入存儲在 keystoreProperties 對象中的簽署信息:

android {
  signingConfigs {
    config {
      keyAlias keystoreProperties['keyAlias']
      keyPassword keystoreProperties['keyPassword']
      storeFile file(keystoreProperties['storeFile'])
      storePassword keystoreProperties['storePassword']

要詳細瞭解應用簽署,請閱讀 簽署您的應用。


[Simplify app development]

下面的提示有助於簡化您的 Android 應用開發。

與代碼共享自定義字段和資源值:buildConfigField 和 resValue

[Share custom fields and resource values with your app's code]

在構建時,Gradle 將生成 BuildConfig 類,以便您的應用代碼能夠檢查與當前構建有關的信息。您也可使用 buildConfigField() 函數,將自定義字段添加到 Gradle 構建配置文件的 BuildConfig 類中,而後在應用的運行時代碼中訪問這些值。一樣,您也可使用 resValue() 添加應用資源值。


android {
  buildTypes {
    release {
      buildConfigField("String", "BUILD_TIME", "\"${minutesSinceEpoch}\"")
      resValue("string", "build_time", "${minutesSinceEpoch}")


android {
  buildTypes {
    release {
      // These values are defined only for the release build, which is typically典型的 used for 【full builds】 and 【continuous builds】.
      buildConfigField("String", "BUILD_TIME", "\"${minutesSinceEpoch}\"")
      resValue("string", "build_time", "${minutesSinceEpoch}")
    debug {
      // Use static values for incremental builds to ensure that resource files and BuildConfig aren't rebuilt重建 with each run.
      // If they were dynamic, they would prevent阻止 certain某1、某些 benefits利益、福利、優點 of Instant Run as well as Gradle UP-TO-DATE checks.
      buildConfigField("String", "BUILD_TIME", "\"0\"")
      resValue("string", "build_time", "0")


Log.i(TAG, BuildConfig.BUILD_TIME);
Log.i(TAG, getString(R.string.build_time));

與 manifest 共享屬性:manifestPlaceholders

[Share properties with the manifest]

某些狀況下,您可能須要同時在 manifest 和代碼中聲明相同屬性(例如,在爲FileProvider聲明機構時)。如如下示例中所示,請在模塊的 build.gradle 文件中定義一個屬性並使其對 manifest 和代碼都可用,而沒必要在多個位置更新相同的屬性以反映更改。要了解詳情,請閱讀 將構建變量注入 Manifest。


android {
  defaultConfig {
      manifestPlaceholders = [
          filesAuthority: "${applicationId}.files",
          app_logo         : "@drawable/icon",
          app_channel_value: "小米應用市場",


android {
  defaultConfig {
      def filesAuthorityValue = applicationId + ".files" // Creates a property for the FileProvider authority.

      // Creates a placeholder property to use in the manifest.
      manifestPlaceholders = [filesAuthority: filesAuthorityValue,
                                    app_logo         : "@drawable/icon",
                                    app_channel_value: "小米應用市場",

      // Adds a new field for the authority to the BuildConfig class.
      buildConfigField("String", "FILES_AUTHORITY", "\"${filesAuthorityValue}\"")
      buildConfigField "String", "BASE_URL", '""'
      buildConfigField "int", "countryCode", "20094"

在您的 manifest 中,訪問如下佔位符:


以上內容上次更新日期:五月 8, 2018

