
積累經驗吧 html

利用 image magick 處理圖片——電腦硬盤過小,照片太大佔空間,又很差刪了,試着修改下尺寸: linux

# 參考文章:用ImageMagick命令行處理圖片

for img in `ls *.JPG`
	convert -sample 25%x25% ${img} thm${img}

VIM 拼寫檢查:開啓 set spell        <---->     關閉 set nospell shell

------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- windows

perldoc Spreadsheet::WriteExcel
<standard input>:5060: warning [p 63, 0.0i]: can't break line
<standard input>:5128: warning [p 64, 1.7i]: can't break line
<standard input>:5128: warning [p 64, 1.8i]: can't break line
<standard input>:5128: warning [p 64, 2.2i]: can't break line
<standard input>:5128: warning [p 64, 2.3i]: can't break line
<standard input>:5309: warning [p 66, 8.7i]: can't break line
<standard input>:5370: warning [p 67, 7.5i]: can't break line
對此,perldocspec 裏面說:
Pod formatters should tolerate lines in verbatim blocks that are of any length, even if that means having to break them (possibly several times, for very long lines) to avoid text running off the side of the page. Pod formatters may warn of such line-breaking. Such warnings are particularly appropriate for lines are over 100 characters long, which are usually not intentional.

#========================================================== app


http://linux-wiki.cn/wiki/zh-hans/Vim%E4%BB%A3%E7%A0%81%E7%BC%A9%E8%BF%9B%E8%AE%BE%E7%BD%AE ide

#========================================================== 字體

windows XP Vim 字體設置: ui

set guifont=Consolas:h14:cANSI

轉換爲 html ------>    :TOhtml spa
