需求以下: html
alter table fanwe_supplier
add column operator_id varchar(55);code
② 後臺添加商戶的時候,加當前登陸管理員的ID,htm
③統計報表選項添加, 查看left.html 得知是數據庫出來的:接口
show tables like '%group%';
Tables_in_hdm1430549_db (%group%) |
fanwe_filter_group |
fanwe_images_group |
fanwe_images_group_link |
fanwe_link_group |
fanwe_point_group |
fanwe_point_group_link |
fanwe_role_group |
fanwe_supplier_tag_group_preset |
fanwe_tag_group |
fanwe_tag_group_link |
fanwe_topic_group |
fanwe_topic_group_cate |
fanwe_user_group |
fanwe_user_topic_group |
select * from fanwe_role_group where name like '%報表%';
id | name | nav_id | is_delete | is_effect | sort |
68 | 報表與結算 | 8 | 0 | 1 | 14 |
select * from fanwe_role_group where nav_id=8;
id | name | nav_id | is_delete | is_effect | sort |
16 | 支付接口 | 8 | 0 | 1 | 14 |
17 | 配送方式 | 8 | 0 | 1 | 15 |
23 | 訂單管理 | 8 | 0 | 1 | 13 |
24 | 充值訂單 | 8 | 0 | 1 | 13 |
68 | 報表與結算 | 8 | 0 | 1 | 14 |
$nav_group = M("RoleGroup")->where("nav_id=".$nav_id." and is_effect = 1 and is_delete = 0")->order("sort asc")->findAll(); foreach($nav_group as $k=>$v) { $sql = "select role_node.`action` as a,role_module.`module` as m,role_node.id as nid,role_node.name as name from ".conf("DB_PREFIX")."role_node as role_node left join ". conf("DB_PREFIX")."role_module as role_module on role_module.id = role_node.module_id ". "where role_node.is_effect = 1 and role_node.is_delete = 0 and role_module.is_effect = 1 and role_module.is_delete = 0 and role_node.group_id = ".$v['id']." order by role_node.id asc"; $nav_group[$k]['nodes'] = M()->query($sql); }
select * from fanwe_role_node where name like '%報表%' limit 3;
id | action | name | is_effect | is_delete | group_id | module_id |
604 | index | 報表列表 | 1 | 0 | 68 | 112 |
select * from fanwe_role_module where name like '%報表%' limit 3;
id | module | name | is_effect | is_delete |
112 | Statistic | 報表 | 1 | 0 |
insert into fanwe_role_node values(null,'tongji','業務員列表',1,0,68,112);
$sql = "SELECT c.id, c.name,count(*) as num, sum(a.pay_amount) as money FROM `fanwe_deal_order` as a left join fanwe_deal as b on a.deal_ids = b.id left join fanwe_supplier as c on c.id = b.supplier_id WHERE a.is_delete = 0 and a.type = 0 and a.pay_status = 2 and c.operator_id is null group by c.id limit 33";