Vue3.0 發 beta 版都有一段時間了,正式版也不遠了,因此真的要學習一下 Vue3.0 的語法了。html
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$ git pull $ cd vue-next && yarn
下載完成以後打開代碼, 開啓 sourceMap :vue
"sourceMap": true
output.sourcemap = true
yarn dev
api 的使用都是很簡單的,下文的內容,看例子代碼就能懂了的,因此下面的例子不會作過多解釋。react
reactive: 建立響應式數據對象setup 函數是個新的入口函數,至關於 vue2.x 中 beforeCreate 和 created,在
<head> <meta charset="UTF-8"> <meta name="viewport" content="width=device-width, initial-scale=1.0"> <meta http-equiv="X-UA-Compatible" content="ie=edge"> <title>Hello Vue3.0</title> <style> body, #app { text-align: center; padding: 30px; } </style> <script src="../../packages/vue/dist/"></script> </head> <body> <h3>reactive</h3> <div id='app'></div> </body> <script> const { createApp, reactive } = Vue const App = { template: ` <button @click='click'>reverse</button> <div style="margin-top: 20px">{{ state.message }}</div> `, setup() { console.log('setup '); const state = reactive({ message: 'Hello Vue3!!' }) click = () => { state.message = state.message.split('').reverse().join('') } return { state, click } } } createApp(App).mount('#app') </script> </html>
ref : 建立一個響應式的數據對象
isRef : 檢查值是不是 ref 的引用對象。
<html lang="en"> <head> <meta charset="UTF-8"> <meta name="viewport" content="width=device-width, initial-scale=1.0"> <meta http-equiv="X-UA-Compatible" content="ie=edge"> <title>Hello Vue3.0</title> <style> body, #app { text-align: center; padding: 30px; } </style> <script src="../../packages/vue/dist/"></script> </head> <body> <h3>ref & isRef</h3> <div id='app'></div> </body> <script> const { createApp, reactive, ref, isRef } = Vue const App = { template: ` <button @click='click'>count++</button> <div style="margin-top: 20px">{{ count }}</div> `, setup() { const count = ref(0); console.log("count.value:", count.value) // 0 count.value++ console.log("count.value:", count.value) // 1 // 判斷某值是不是響應式類型 console.log('count is ref:', isRef(count)) click = () => { count.value++; console.log("click count.value:", count.value) } return { count, click, } } } createApp(App).mount('#app') </script> </html>
使用 Composition API
爲了得到對模板中元素或組件實例的引用,咱們能夠像往常同樣聲明 ref
並從 setup()
<html lang="en"> <head> <meta charset="UTF-8"> <meta name="viewport" content="width=device-width, initial-scale=1.0"> <meta http-equiv="X-UA-Compatible" content="ie=edge"> <title>Hello Vue3.0</title> <style> body, #app { text-align: center; padding: 30px; } </style> <script src="../../packages/vue/dist/"></script> </head> <body> <h3>Template Refs</h3> <div id='app'></div> </body> <script> const { createApp, reactive, ref, isRef, toRefs, onMounted, onBeforeUpdate } = Vue const App = { template: ` <button @click='click'>count++</button> <div ref="count" style="margin-top: 20px">{{ count }}</div> `, setup() { const count = ref(null); onMounted(() => { // the DOM element will be assigned to the ref after initial render console.log(count.value) // <div/> }) click = () => { count.value++; console.log("click count.value:", count.value) } return { count, click } } } createApp(App).mount('#app') </script> </html>
<html lang="en"> <head> <meta charset="UTF-8"> <meta name="viewport" content="width=device-width, initial-scale=1.0"> <meta http-equiv="X-UA-Compatible" content="ie=edge"> <title>Hello Vue3.0</title> <style> body, #app { text-align: center; padding: 30px; } </style> <script src="../../packages/vue/dist/"></script> </head> <body> <h3>Template Refs</h3> <div id='app'></div> </body> <script> const { createApp, reactive, ref, isRef, toRefs, onMounted, onBeforeUpdate } = Vue const App = { template: ` <div v-for="(item, i) in list" :ref="el => { divs[i] = el }"> {{ item }} </div> `, setup() { const list = reactive([1, 2, 3]) const divs = ref([]) // make sure to reset the refs before each update onBeforeUpdate(() => { divs.value = [] }) onMounted(() => { // the DOM element will be assigned to the ref after initial render console.log(divs.value) // [<div/>] }) return { list, divs } } } createApp(App).mount('#app') </script> </html>
toRefs : 將響應式數據對象轉換爲單一響應式對象
將一個 reactive 代理對象打平,轉換爲 ref 代理對象,使得對象的屬性能夠直接在 template 上使用。算法
<html lang="en"> <head> <meta charset="UTF-8"> <meta name="viewport" content="width=device-width, initial-scale=1.0"> <meta http-equiv="X-UA-Compatible" content="ie=edge"> <title>Hello Vue3.0</title> <style> body, #app { text-align: center; padding: 30px; } </style> <script src="../../packages/vue/dist/"></script> </head> <body> <h3>toRefs</h3> <div id='app'></div> </body> <script> const { createApp, reactive, ref, isRef, toRefs } = Vue const App = { // template: ` // <button @click='click'>reverse</button> // <div style="margin-top: 20px">{{ state.message }}</div> // `, // setup() { // const state = reactive({ // message: 'Hello Vue3.0!!' // }) // click = () => { // state.message = state.message.split('').reverse().join('') // console.log('state.message: ', state.message) // } // return { // state, // click // } // } template: ` <button @click='click'>count++</button> <div style="margin-top: 20px">{{ message }}</div> `, setup() { const state = reactive({ message: 'Hello Vue3.0!!' }) click = () => { state.message = state.message.split('').reverse().join('') console.log('state.message: ', state.message) } return { click, ...toRefs(state) } } } createApp(App).mount('#app') </script> </html>
computed : 建立計算屬性
<html lang="en"> <head> <meta charset="UTF-8"> <meta name="viewport" content="width=device-width, initial-scale=1.0"> <meta http-equiv="X-UA-Compatible" content="ie=edge"> <title>Hello Vue3.0</title> <style> body, #app { text-align: center; padding: 30px; } </style> <script src="../../packages/vue/dist/"></script> </head> <body> <h3>computed</h3> <div id='app'></div> </body> <script> const { createApp, reactive, ref, computed } = Vue const App = { template: ` <button @click='handleClick'>count++</button> <div style="margin-top: 20px">{{ count }}</div> `, setup() { const refData = ref(0); const count = computed(()=>{ return refData.value; }) const handleClick = () =>{ refData.value += 1 // 要修改 count 的依賴項 refData } console.log("refData:" , refData) return { count, handleClick } } } createApp(App).mount('#app') </script> </html>
<html lang="en"> <head> <meta charset="UTF-8"> <meta name="viewport" content="width=device-width, initial-scale=1.0"> <meta http-equiv="X-UA-Compatible" content="ie=edge"> <title>Hello Vue3.0</title> <style> body, #app { text-align: center; padding: 30px; } </style> <script src="../../packages/vue/dist/"></script> </head> <body> <h3>computed</h3> <div id='app'></div> </body> <script> const { createApp, reactive, ref, computed } = Vue const App = { template: ` <button @click='handleClick'>count++</button> <div style="margin-top: 20px">{{ count }}</div> `, setup() { const refData = ref(0); const count = computed({ get(){ return refData.value; }, set(value){ console.log("value:", value) refData.value = value; } }) const handleClick = () =>{ count.value += 1 // 直接修改 count } console.log(refData) return { count, handleClick } } } createApp(App).mount('#app') </script> </html>
watch : 建立 watch 監聽watchEffect : 若是響應性的屬性有變動,就會觸發這個函數json
<html lang="en"> <head> <meta charset="UTF-8"> <meta name="viewport" content="width=device-width, initial-scale=1.0"> <meta http-equiv="X-UA-Compatible" content="ie=edge"> <title>Hello Vue3.0</title> <style> body, #app { text-align: center; padding: 30px; } </style> <script src="../../packages/vue/dist/"></script> </head> <body> <h3>watch && watchEffect</h3> <div id='app'></div> </body> <script> const { createApp, reactive, ref, watch, watchEffect } = Vue const App = { template: ` <div class="container"> <button style="margin-left: 10px" @click="handleClick()">按鈕</button> <button style="margin-left: 10px" @click="handleStop">中止 watch</button> <button style="margin-left: 10px" @click="handleStopWatchEffect">中止 watchEffect</button> <div style="margin-top: 20px">{{ refData }}</div> </div>` , setup() { let refData = ref(0); const handleClick = () =>{ refData.value += 1 } const stop = watch(refData, (val, oldVal) => { console.log('watch ', refData.value) }) const stopWatchEffect = watchEffect(() => { console.log('watchEffect ', refData.value) }) const handleStop = () =>{ stop() } const handleStopWatchEffect = () =>{ stopWatchEffect() } return { refData, handleClick, handleStop, handleStopWatchEffect } } } createApp(App).mount('#app') </script> </html>
<html lang="en"> <head> <meta charset="UTF-8"> <meta name="viewport" content="width=device-width, initial-scale=1.0"> <meta http-equiv="X-UA-Compatible" content="ie=edge"> <title>Hello Vue3.0</title> <style> body, #app { text-align: center; padding: 30px; } </style> <script src="../../packages/vue/dist/"></script> </head> <body> <h3>v-model</h3> <div id='app'></div> </body> <script> const { createApp, reactive, watchEffect } = Vue const App = { template: `<button @click='click'>reverse</button> <div></div> <input v-model="state.message" style="margin-top: 20px" /> <div style="margin-top: 20px">{{ state.message }}</div>`, setup() { const state = reactive({ message:'Hello Vue 3!!' }) watchEffect(() => { console.log('state change ', state.message) }) click = () => { state.message = state.message.split('').reverse().join('') } return { state, click } } } createApp(App).mount('#app') </script> </html>
使用 readonly
函數,能夠把 普通 object 對象
、reactive 對象
、ref 對象
返回的 readonly 對象
,一旦修改就會在 console
有 warning
<html lang="en"> <head> <meta charset="UTF-8"> <meta name="viewport" content="width=device-width, initial-scale=1.0"> <meta http-equiv="X-UA-Compatible" content="ie=edge"> <title>Hello Vue3.0</title> <style> body, #app { text-align: center; padding: 30px; } </style> <script src="../../packages/vue/dist/"></script> </head> <body> <h3>readonly</h3> <div id='app'></div> </body> <script> const { createApp, reactive, readonly, watchEffect } = Vue const App = { template: ` <button @click='click'>reverse</button> <button @click='clickReadonly' style="margin-left: 20px">readonly++</button> <div style="margin-top: 20px">{{ original.count }}</div> `, setup() { const original = reactive({ count: 0 }) const copy = readonly(original) watchEffect(() => { // works for reactivity tracking console.log(copy.count) }) click = () => { // mutating original will trigger watchers relying on the copy original.count++ } clickReadonly = () => { // mutating the copy will fail and result in a warning copy.count++ // warning! } return { original, click, clickReadonly } } } createApp(App).mount('#app') </script> </html>
和 inject
啓用相似於 2.x provide / inject
二者都只能在 setup()
import { provide, inject } from 'vue' const ThemeSymbol = Symbol() const Ancestor = { setup() { provide(ThemeSymbol, 'dark') } } const Descendent = { setup() { const theme = inject(ThemeSymbol, 'light' /* optional default value */) return { theme } } }
若是未提供默認值,而且在 Provide
上下文中找不到該屬性,則 inject
返回 undefined
Vue2 與 Vue3 的生命週期勾子對比:
| Vue2 | Vue3 |
| :------ | :------ |
| beforeCreate | setup(替代) |
| created | setup(替代) |
| beforeMount | onBeforeMount |
| mounted | onMounted |
| beforeUpdate | onBeforeUpdate |
| updated | onUpdated |
| beforeDestroy | onBeforeUnmount |
| destroyed | onUnmounted |
| errorCaptured | onErrorCaptured |
| 空 | onRenderTracked |
| 空 | onRenderTriggered |
除了 2.x 生命週期等效項以外,Composition API
這兩個鉤子都收到一個 DebuggerEvent
,相似於觀察者的 onTrack
和 onTrigger
export default { onRenderTriggered(e) { debugger // inspect which dependency is causing the component to re-render } }
<html lang="en"> <head> <meta charset="UTF-8"> <meta name="viewport" content="width=device-width, initial-scale=1.0"> <meta http-equiv="X-UA-Compatible" content="ie=edge"> <title>Hello Vue3.0</title> <style> body, #app { text-align: center; padding: 30px; } </style> <script src="../../packages/vue/dist/"></script> </head> <body> <h3>Lifecycle Hooks</h3> <div id='app'></div> </body> <script> const { createApp, reactive, onMounted, onUpdated, onUnmounted } = Vue const App = { template: ` <div class="container"> <button @click='click'>reverse</button> <div style="margin-top: 20px">{{ state.message }}</div> </div>` , setup() { console.log('setup!') const state = reactive({ message: 'Hello Vue3!!' }) click = () => { state.message = state.message.split('').reverse().join('') } onMounted(() => { console.log('mounted!') }) onUpdated(() => { console.log('updated!') }) onUnmounted(() => { console.log('unmounted!') }) return { state, click } } } createApp(App).mount('#app') </script> </html>
本文只列出了筆者以爲會用得很是多的 api,Vue3.0 裏面還有很多新特性的,好比 customRef
,若是讀者有興趣可看 Vue Composition API 文檔。
1. 重磅:GitHub 上 100K+ Star 的前端面試開源項目彙總(進大廠必備)