katana源碼 https://katanaproject.codeplex.com/服務器
owin官網 http://owin.org/數據結構
1 Environment框架
IDictionary<string, object>異步
This data structure is responsible for storing all of the state necessary for processing an HTTP request and response, as well as any relevant server state. An OWIN-compatible Web server is responsible for populating the environment dictionary with data such as the body streams and header collections for an HTTP request and response. It is then the responsibility of the application or framework components to populate or update the dictionary with additional values and write to the response body stream.ui
Environment是在pipeline中流動的數據,表明着一個具體的request和response,後文會介紹在每一個pipeline stage中會對這個dictionary中本身關心的數據進行處理,並在進入下一個stage的時候丟棄引用,採用的是原子操做,於是每一個Environment只存在一個pipeline stage中。數據舉例:atom
Key Namespa |
Value Description |
"owin.RequestBody" |
A Stream with the request body, if any. Stream.Null MAY be used as a placeholder if there is no request body. See Request Body. |
"owin.RequestHeaders" |
An IDictionary<string, string[]> of request headers. See Headers. |
"owin.RequestMethod" |
A string containing the HTTP request method of the request (e.g., "GET", "POST"). |
"owin.RequestPath" |
A string containing the request path. The path MUST be relative to the "root" of the application delegate; see Paths. |
"owin.RequestPathBase" |
A string containing the portion of the request path corresponding to the "root" of the application delegate; see Paths. |
"owin.RequestProtocol" |
A string containing the protocol name and version (e.g. "HTTP/1.0" or "HTTP/1.1"). |
"owin.RequestQueryString" |
A string containing the query string component of the HTTP request URI, without the leading 「?」 (e.g., "foo=bar&baz=quux"). The value may be an empty string. |
"owin.RequestScheme" |
A string containing the URI scheme used for the request (e.g., "http", "https"); see URI Scheme. |
2 AppFunc
Func<IDictionary<string, object>, Task>;
The second key element of OWIN is the application delegate. This is a function signature which serves as the primary interface between all components in an OWIN application. The definition for the application delegate is as follows:
The application delegate then is simply an implementation of the Func delegate type where the function accepts the environment dictionary as input and returns a Task. This design has several implications for developers:
這就是middleware,也是每一個pipeline stage中具體的處理方法,採用異步調用的方式,由StartUp類進行註冊,並生成一條鏈,實際上就是壓進一個List中。