class any;
(since C++17)
The class any describes a type-safe container for single values of any type.c++
- (1) An object of class any stores an instance of any type that satisfies the constructor requirements or is empty, and this is referred to as the state of the class any object. The stored instance is called the contained object. Two states are equivalent if they are either both empty or if both are not empty and if the contained objects are equivalent.
- (2) The non-member any_cast functions provide type-safe access to the contained object.Implementations are encouraged to avoid dynamic allocations for small objects, but such an optimization may only be applied to types for which std::is_nothrow_move_constructible returns true.
- 實現思路
class holder { public: virtual holder* clone() const = 0; virtual const std::type_info& type() const = 0; virtual ~holder() { } };
template<typename value_type> class dataholder : public holder { private: typedef dataholder<value_type> self; public: dataholder(const value_type& v) :val(v) {} dataholder(const self&) = delete; self& operator = (const self& rhs) = delete; virtual dataholder* clone() const { return new dataholder(val); } virtual const std::type_info& type() const { return typeid(val); } value_type val; };
- any 的實現:
利用基類指針+ 模板 接受不一樣lei'xin
class any { public: template<typename value_type> friend value_type& any_cast(const any& rhs); any() :content(nullptr) {} template<typename value_type> any(const value_type& val) :content(new dataholder<value_type>(val)) {} any(const any& rhs) { content = rhs.content->clone(); } any& operator=(const any& rhs) { any tmp(rhs); std::swap(*this, tmp); } ~any() { delete content; } const std::type_info& type() const { return content == nullptr ? typeid(void) : content->type(); } private: holder* content; }; template<typename value_type> value_type& any_cast(const any& rhs) { assert(typeid(typename value_type) == rhs.type()); return static_cast<dataholder<value_type>*>(rhs.content)->val; }