內置模塊 :Python官方提供的一些模塊功能,好比:random,json,string,base64,pickle,sys,os等python
模塊的導入使用import語句來完成。 import module1[, module2[,... moduleN] 若是導入的模塊和主程序在同個目錄下,直接import就好了。算法
若是導入的模塊是在主程序所在目錄的子目錄下,能夠在子目錄中增長一個空白的__init__.py文件,該文件使得python解釋器將子目錄整個也當成一個模塊,而後直接經過「import 子目錄.模塊」導入便可。shell
(1)經過」import sys,sys.path.append('父目錄的路徑')「來改變,這種方法屬於一次性的,只對當前的python解釋器進程有效,關掉python重啓後就失效了。編程
(2)直接修改環境變量:在windows中是 「 set 變量=‘路徑’ 」 例如:set PYTHONPATH=‘C:\test\...’ 查看是否設置成功用echo %PYTHONPATH%,並且進到python解釋器中查看sys.path,會發現已經有了新增長的路徑了。這種方式是永久的,一次設置之後一直都有效。json
1 inp = input("請輸入要訪問的url:") 2 m, f = inp.split("/") 3 obj = __import__(m) 4 # 這樣導入的m模塊,就被實例到對象obj。 5 6 7 # 帶入帶路徑的模塊,擴展:__import__的使用 8 # __import__("lib.xxx.xxx.xx"+ m) 默認狀況下只導入lib 9 # __import__("lib.xxx.xxx.xx"+ m, fromlist=True) fromlist參數可使它導入lib.xx.xx.xx,使多層次導入生效。默認爲單層
1 def run(): 2 inp = input("請輸入要訪問的url:") 3 if hasattr(commons, inp): 4 func = getattr(commons, inp) # commons是模塊,inp是對應函數 5 func() 6 else:print("不存在")
__doc__ 函數、或者文檔的註釋
__file__ 獲取當前運行的py文件所在的目錄
__cached__ __pycache__的路徑,知道就行
__name__ 1. 獲取函數的名稱 2.只有執行當前文件時,當前文件的特殊變量__name__ 就等於「__main__」
__package__ 輸出對應函數屬於哪一個包 . admin.__package__
1)sys.argv 獲取一個命令行參數的list。 第一個元素是python腳本名稱,其他的每一個元素相似shell中傳參的$1, $2, $3....$n
2)sys.path 查找模塊所在目錄的目錄名列表。經常使用來添加其餘目錄的包或者模塊
import sys, os # 程序主目錄 BASE_DIR = os.path.dirname(os.path.abspath(__file__)) # 添加主目錄至環境變量,一般寫於文件首部位置 sys.path.append(BASE_DIR) print(sys.path[0], type(sys.path[0])) #out: E:\學習經歷\python勃起\SVN目錄\S13-Day05\class <class 'str'>
3)sys.exit(n) 退出程序,正常退出時exit(0).
4)sys.platform 返回操做系統平臺名稱
5)sys.stdin 輸入相關
6)sys.stdout 輸出相關,實際上,這就是print函數真正作的事情:它在你打印的字符串後面加上一個硬回車,而後調用 sys.stdout.write 函數。
7)sys.stderr 錯誤相關
1 os.getcwd() 獲取當前工做目錄,即當前python腳本工做的目錄路徑 2 3 os.chdir("dirname") 改變當前腳本工做目錄;至關於shell下cd 4 os.makedirs('dir1/dir2') 可生成多層遞歸目錄,至關於linux中的mkdir -p 5 os.removedirs('dirname1') 若目錄爲空,則刪除,並遞歸到上一級目錄,如若也爲空,則刪除,依此類推 6 os.mkdir('dirname') 生成單級目錄;至關於shell中mkdir dirname 7 os.rmdir('dirname') 刪除單級空目錄,若目錄不爲空則沒法刪除,報錯;至關於shell中rmdir dirname 8 os.listdir('dirname') 列出指定目錄下的全部文件和子目錄,包括隱藏文件,並以列表方式打印 9 os.remove() 刪除一個文件 10 os.rename("oldname","new") 重命名文件/目錄 11 os.stat('path/filename') 獲取文件/目錄信息 12 os.sep 操做系統特定的路徑分隔符,win下爲"\\",Linux下爲"/" 13 os.linesep 當前平臺使用的行終止符,win下爲"\t\n",Linux下爲"\n" 14 os.pathsep 用於分割文件路徑的字符串,windows下爲";",Linux下爲":" 15 os.name 字符串指示當前使用平臺。win->'nt'; Linux->'posix' 16 os.system("bash command") 運行shell命令,並輸出對應結果 17 os.environ 獲取系統環境變量 18 os.path.abspath(path) 返回path規範化的絕對路徑 19 os.path.split(path) 將path分割成目錄和文件名二元組返回 20 os.path.dirname(path) 返回path的目錄。其實就是os.path.split(path)的第一個元素 21 os.path.basename(path) 返回path最後的文件名。如何path以/或\結尾,那麼就會返回空值。即os.path.split(path)的第二個元素 22 os.path.exists(path) 若是path存在,返回True;若是path不存在,返回False 23 os.path.isabs(path) 若是path是絕對路徑,返回True 24 os.path.isfile(path) 若是path是一個存在的文件,返回True。不然返回False 25 os.path.isdir(path) 若是path是一個存在的目錄,則返回True。不然返回False 26 os.path.join(path1[, path2[, ...]]) 將多個路徑組合後返回,第一個絕對路徑以前的參數將被忽略 27 os.path.getatime(path) 返回path所指向的文件或者目錄的最後存取時間 28 os.path.getmtime(path) 返回path所指向的文件或者目錄的最後修改時間
重點:os.path.join,用於鏈接多個字符串來組成路徑,能夠根據不一樣的操做系統,生成不一樣表現形式的地址 ,'/','\'
1 random.random() 用於生成一個0到1的隨機浮點數: 0 <= n < 1.0 2 random.uniform(a,b) 用於生成一個指定範圍內的隨機符點數,兩個參數其中一個是上限,一個是下限 3 random.randint(a, b) 用於生成一個指定範圍內的整數。其中參數a是下限,參數b是上限,生成的隨機數n: a <= n <= b 4 random.randrange([start], stop[, step]) 從指定範圍內,按指定基數遞增的集合中 獲取一個隨機數 5 random.choice 從序列中獲取一個隨機元素。其函數原型爲:random.choice(sequence)。參數sequence表示一個有序類型 6 random.sample(sequence, k) 從指定序列中隨機獲取指定長度的片段
1 import time 2 import datetime 3 4 print(time.time()) #返回當前系統時間戳 5 print(time.ctime()) #輸出Tue Jan 26 18:23:48 2016 ,當前系統時間 6 print(time.ctime(time.time()-86640)) #將時間戳轉爲字符串格式 7 print(time.gmtime(time.time()-86640)) #將時間戳轉換成struct_time格式 8 print(time.localtime(time.time()-86640)) #將時間戳轉換成struct_time格式,但返回 的本地時間 9 print(time.mktime(time.localtime())) #與time.localtime()功能相反,將struct_time格式轉回成時間戳格式 10 #time.sleep(4) #sleep 11 print(time.strftime("%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S",time.gmtime()) ) #將struct_time格式轉成指定的字符串格式 12 print(time.strptime("2016-01-28","%Y-%m-%d") ) #將字符串格式轉換成struct_time格式 13 14 #datetime module 15 16 print(datetime.date.today()) #輸出格式 2016-01-26 17 print(datetime.date.fromtimestamp(time.time()-864400) ) #2016-01-16 將時間戳轉成日期格式 18 current_time = datetime.datetime.now() # 19 print(current_time) #輸出2016-01-26 19:04:30.335935 20 print(current_time.timetuple()) #返回struct_time格式 21 22 #datetime.replace([year[, month[, day[, hour[, minute[, second[, microsecond[, tzinfo]]]]]]]]) 23 print(current_time.replace(2014,9,12)) #輸出2014-09-12 19:06:24.074900,返回當前時間,但指定的值將被替換 24 25 str_to_date = datetime.datetime.strptime("21/11/06 16:30", "%d/%m/%y %H:%M") #將字符串轉換成日期格式 26 new_date = datetime.datetime.now() + datetime.timedelta(days=10) #比如今加10天 27 new_date = datetime.datetime.now() + datetime.timedelta(days=-10) #比如今減10天 28 new_date = datetime.datetime.now() + datetime.timedelta(hours=-10) #比如今減10小時 29 new_date = datetime.datetime.now() + datetime.timedelta(seconds=120) #比如今+120s 30 print(new_date)
json,用於字符串 和 python數據類型間進行轉換.更加適合跨語言(通常都是字符串)
json.loads 將字符串轉換爲python的數據類型
json.dumps 將python的基本數據類型轉換爲字符串
1 import json 2 dic = '{"k1":1, "k2":2}' 3 print(json.loads(dic), type(json.loads(dic))) 4 5 out: {'k1': 1, 'k2': 2} <class 'dict'> 6 7 8 9 dic = {'k1':1} 10 s = json.dumps(dic) 11 print(s, type(s)) 12 13 out: {"k1": 1} <class 'str'>
json.load 從文件讀取json數據格式的字符串,進而轉換成python中的數據格式
json.dump 將json數據,寫入文件
1 import json, os 2 li = [11, 22, 33] 3 json.dump(li, open('write.txt', 'w')) 4 os.system("type write.txt") 5 6 out: [11, 22, 33] 7 8 9 LI = json.load(open('write.txt', 'r')) 10 print(LI, type(LI)) 11 12 out: [11, 22, 33] <class 'list'>
pickle,用於python特有的類型和 python的數據類型間進行轉換,對python複雜類型作操做,是一種持久化存儲的方式。缺點:python版本之間的不一樣,可能會致使沒法反序列化其餘版本的序列化結果或文件。
pickle.loads 將bytes數據類型轉換爲對應的python數據類型
pickles.dumps 將python數據類型轉換爲bytes對象
1 import pickle 2 li = [11,22,33] 3 r = pickle.dumps(li) 4 print(r, type(r)) 5 6 out: b'\x80\x03]q\x00(K\x0bK\x16K!e.' <class 'bytes'> 7 8 9 s = pickle.loads(r) 10 print(s, type(s)) 11 12 out: [11, 22, 33] <class 'list'>
pickle.load 從pickle數據格式的文件中讀取數據,並轉化爲python數據格式。
pickles.dump 將python數據格式,存儲入文件中,返回None
1 import pickle 2 li = [11,22,33] 3 r = pickle.dump(li,open("write.txt",'wb')) 4 print(r, type(r)) 5 6 out: None <class 'NoneType'> 7 8 s = pickle.load(open("write.txt",'rb'), encoding='utf-8') 9 print(s, type(s)) 10 11 out: [11, 22, 33] <class 'list'>
日誌模塊基本上是全部程序中最經常使用的功能, 而logging模塊屬於python內置的一個模塊(注意,是內置哦,能夠跨平臺使用,能夠跨平臺使用,能夠跨平臺使用,重要的事情說三遍)。若是簡單的打印日誌信息到文件,使用很是簡單,分爲如下倆步:
1)定義文件 2)輸出信息 (若是隻是輸出至屏幕,第一步「1」)能夠省去)
1 import logging, os 2 3 logging.basicConfig(filename='example.log',level=logging.INFO) 4 logging.debug('This message should go to the log file') 5 logging.info('So should this') 6 logging.warning('And this, too') 7 os.system("type example.log") 8 9 out: 10 INFO:root:So should this 11 WARNING:root:And this, too
Level | When it’s used |
Detailed information, typically of interest only when diagnosing problems. |
Confirmation that things are working as expected. |
An indication that something unexpected happened, or indicative of some problem in the near future (e.g. ‘disk space low’). The software is still working as expected. |
Due to a more serious problem, the software has not been able to perform some function. |
A serious error, indicating that the program itself may be unable to continue running. |
filename Specifies that a FileHandler be created, using the specified filename, rather than a StreamHandler.#定義輸出文件名 filemode Specifies the mode to open the file, if filename is specified (if filemode is unspecified, it defaults to 'a').#定義輸出日誌文件的打開方式,默認爲append追加模式。 format Use the specified format string for the handler.#定義日誌格式 datefmt Use the specified date/time format.#定義時間格式,即%(asctime)的格式 style If a format string is specified, use this to specify the type of format string (possible values '%', '{', '$', for %-formatting, :meth:`str.format` and :class:`string.Template` - defaults to '%'). level Set the root logger level to the specified level.#定義日誌輸出級別 stream Use the specified stream to initialize the StreamHandler. Note that this argument is incompatible with 'filename' - if both are present, 'stream' is ignored.#與finename配置項衝突,共存時此項配置忽略 handlers If specified, this should be an iterable of already created handlers, which will be added to the root handler. Any handler in the list which does not have a formatter assigned will be assigned the formatter created in this function.
'%(asctime)s - %(name)s - %(levelname)s -%(module)s: %(message)s'
%()s中,分別表明什麼呢?看下錶:(着重關注:levelname,filename, module, lineno, funcName, asctime, message)
%(name)s Name of the logger (logging channel) %(levelno)s Numeric logging level for the message (DEBUG, INFO, WARNING, ERROR, CRITICAL) %(levelname)s Text logging level for the message ("DEBUG", "INFO", "WARNING", "ERROR", "CRITICAL") %(pathname)s Full pathname of the source file where the logging call was issued (if available) %(filename)s Filename portion of pathname %(module)s Module (name portion of filename) %(lineno)d Source line number where the logging call was issued (if available) %(funcName)s Function name %(created)f Time when the LogRecord was created (time.time() return value) %(asctime)s Textual time when the LogRecord was created %(msecs)d Millisecond portion of the creation time %(relativeCreated)d Time in milliseconds when the LogRecord was created, relative to the time the logging module was loaded (typically at application startup time) %(thread)d Thread ID (if available) %(threadName)s Thread name (if available) %(process)d Process ID (if available) %(message)s The result of record.getMessage(), computed just as the record is emitted
import logging logging.debug('This is debug message') logging.info('This is info message') logging.warning('This is warning message') logging.critical('This is critical message') logging.error('This is error message') out: WARNING:root:This is warning message CRITICAL:root:This is critical message ERROR:root:This is error message
import logging #define logfile/logformat/loglevel for file log logging.basicConfig(level=logging.DEBUG, format='%(asctime)s %(filename)s[line:%(lineno)d] %(levelname)s %(message)s', datefmt='%a, %d %b %Y %H:%M:%S', filename='example.log', filemode='w') #create logger obj logger = logging.getLogger('CURRENT-USER') logger.setLevel(logging.DEBUG) #create console handler and set level to INFO ch = logging.StreamHandler() ch.setLevel(logging.INFO) # define log format for console log formatter = logging.Formatter('%(asctime)s - %(name)s - %(levelname)s - %(message)s') ch.setFormatter(formatter) # add console handle to logger obj logger.addHandler(ch) logger.debug('This is debug message') logger.info('This is info message') logger.warning('This is warning message') logger.critical('This is critical message') logger.error('This is error message')
2016-06-08 16:26:50,007 - CURRENT-USER - INFO - This is info message 2016-06-08 16:26:50,007 - CURRENT-USER - WARNING - This is warning message 2016-06-08 16:26:50,007 - CURRENT-USER - CRITICAL - This is critical message 2016-06-08 16:26:50,010 - CURRENT-USER - ERROR - This is error message
Wed, 08 Jun 2016 16:30:35 practice3.py[line:183] DEBUG This is debug message Wed, 08 Jun 2016 16:30:35 practice3.py[line:184] INFO This is info message Wed, 08 Jun 2016 16:30:35 practice3.py[line:185] WARNING This is warning message Wed, 08 Jun 2016 16:30:35 practice3.py[line:186] CRITICAL This is critical message Wed, 08 Jun 2016 16:30:35 practice3.py[line:187] ERROR This is error message
案例3:設置log rotate(TimedRotatingFileHandler和RotatingFileHandler)
#定義一個RotatingFileHandler,最多備份5個日誌文件,每一個日誌文件最大238byte Rthandler = RotatingFileHandler('example.log', maxBytes=238,backupCount=5) Rthandler.setLevel(logging.INFO) formatter = logging.Formatter('%(asctime)s %(filename)s[line:%(lineno)d] %(levelname)s %(message)s') Rthandler.setFormatter(formatter) logging.getLogger('').addHandler(Rthandler) logging.debug('This is debug message') logging.info('This is info message') logging.warning('This is warning message') logging.critical('This is critical message') logging.error('This is error message')
PS. 還有一個日誌的第三方模塊,syslog感受沒有logging好用,關鍵不支持跨平臺操做(windows就不能夠)。因此這裏不做過多說明。
因爲只是簡單使用hashlib.md5() , hashlib.sha1() , hashlib.sha256() , hashlib.sha384() , hashlib.sha512() 的話,能夠經過撞庫的方式進行反解,所以有必要對加密算法中添加自定義key再來作加密,即加鹽。以sha512加鹽加密爲例,其他的使用方法同樣。
1 import hashlib 2 3 hash = hashlib.sha512('nihao'.encode('utf-8')) 4 hash.update('123'.encode("utf-8")) 5 print(hash.hexdigest()) 6 7 out: 480ad41a6a159cba1811ccac4561845816e9a488cc992b0979a73065560e6a30f34a1f1a051c7044ae7d636df0327cc4f3bb7f54e129e4d76688f389394c257c
Ps: 須要額外注意,python在全部平臺上均可以使用的加密算法以下:
>>> hashlib.algorithms_guaranteed
{'sha224', 'sha512', 'sha256', 'sha384', 'sha1', 'md5'}
1. 客戶端發出登陸請求(假設是瀏覽器的GET請求)
2. 服務器返回一個隨機值,並在會話中記錄這個隨機值
3. 客戶端將該隨機值做爲密鑰,用戶密碼進行hmac運算,而後提交給服務器
4. 服務器讀取用戶數據庫中的用戶密碼和步驟2中發送的隨機值作與客戶端同樣的hmac運算,而後與用戶發送的結果比較,若是結果一致則驗證用戶合法
1 import hmac 2 myhmac = hmac.new(b'suijizhi') 3 myhmac.update(b'mypassword') 4 print(myhmac.hexdigest()) 5 6 out: 7b6a9485f5b1f513d6d55b24642db70c
科普哈希長度擴展攻擊(Hash Length Extension Attacks)_百度安全論壇
1)re.match(pattern, string, flags=0) 從起始位置開始根據模型去字符串中匹配指定內容,匹配單個.起始位置不匹配,則返回None
# 標誌位以下
I = IGNORECASE = sre_compile.SRE_FLAG_IGNORECASE # ignore case
L = LOCALE = sre_compile.SRE_FLAG_LOCALE # assume current 8-bit locale
U = UNICODE = sre_compile.SRE_FLAG_UNICODE # assume unicode locale
M = MULTILINE = sre_compile.SRE_FLAG_MULTILINE # make anchors look for newline
S = DOTALL = sre_compile.SRE_FLAG_DOTALL # make dot match newline
X = VERBOSE = sre_compile.SRE_FLAG_VERBOSE # ignore whitespace and comments
import re # 匹配第一個單詞 text = "JGood is a handsome boy, he is cool, clever, and so on..." m = re.match(r"(\w+)\s", text) print(m) print(m.group()) print(m.group(0)) print(m.group(1)) out: <_sre.SRE_Match object; span=(0, 6), match='JGood '> JGood_ # _表示空格 JGood_ JGood
從上面結果能夠看出, m.group() = m.group(0) = m.group(1) + '\s'
2) re.search(pattern, string, flags=0) 在字符串內查找模式匹配,匹配單個,只到找到第一個匹配而後返回,若是字符串沒有匹配,則返回None。
text = "JGood is a handsome boy, he is cool, clever, and so on..." m = re.search(r"\w{8}\s", text) print(m) print(m.group()) print(m.group(0)) out: <_sre.SRE_Match object; span=(11, 20), match='handsome '> handsome_ # _表示空格 handsome_
3)從上邊的print(m) 能夠看到,匹配結果返回一個 SRE_Match object,下面講講這個Object 的幾個經常使用方法:
返回匹配到的一個或者多個子組。若是是一個參數,那麼結果就是一個字符串,若是是多個參數,那麼結果就是一個參數一個item的元組。group1的默認等於0(即返回全部的匹配值).若是groupN參數爲0,相對應的返回值就是所有匹配的字符串,若是group1的值是[1…99]範圍以內的,那麼 將匹配對應括號組的字符串。若是組號是負的或者比pattern中定義的組號大,那麼將拋出IndexError異常。若是pattern沒有匹配到,可是group匹配到了,那麼group的值也爲None。若是一個pattern能夠匹配多個,那麼組對應的是樣式匹配的最後一個。另外,子組是根據括號從左向右來進行區分的。
4)findall(pattern, string, flags=0) 獲取字符串中全部匹配的字符串
1 text = "JGood is a handsome boy, he is cool, clever, and so on..." 2 obj = re.findall('\wo{2}\w', text) 3 print(obj) 4 5 out: ['Good', 'cool']
5) re.sub(pattern, repl, string, count=0, flags=0) re.sub用於替換字符串中的匹配項。
1 text = "JGood is a handsome boy, he is cool, clever, and so on..." 2 obj = re.sub(r'\s+', '-', text) # 將空格替換成「-」 3 print(obj) 4 5 out: 6 JGood-is-a-handsome-boy,-he-is-cool,-clever,-and-so-on...
6)re.split(pattern, string, maxsplit=0, flags=0) 根據指定匹配進行分組
1 text = "JGood is a handsome boy, he is cool, clever, and so on..." 2 obj = re.split(r'\s+', text) #以空格爲分隔符進行切分 3 print(obj) 4 5 out: 6 ['JGood', 'is', 'a', 'handsome', 'boy,', 'he', 'is', 'cool,', 'clever,', 'and', 'so', 'on...']
7) re.compile(pattern, flags=0) 能夠把正則表達式編譯成一個正則表達式對象。能夠把那些常用的正則表達式編譯成正則表達式對象,這樣能夠提升必定的效率
1 import re 2 3 text = "JGood is a handsome boy, he is cool, clever, and so on..." 4 regex = re.compile(r'\w*oo\w*') 5 print(regex.findall(text)) #查找全部包含'oo'的單詞 6 print(regex.sub(lambda m: '[' + m.group(0) + ']', text)) #將字符串中含有'oo'的單詞用[]括起來。 7 8 out: 9 ['JGood', 'cool'] 10 [JGood] is a handsome boy, he is [cool], clever, and so on...
[section1] # 節點1 k1 = v1 # 值1 k2:v2 # 值2 [section2] # 節點2 k1 = v1 # 值1
config.getint(setion_name, key_name) , config.getfloat(setion_name, key_name), config.getboolean(setion_name, key_name)
2)獲取全部的節點section : config.sections() 返回值是一個list
3)獲取指定節點下鍵值對 : config.items(section_name)
4)獲取指定節點下全部的key : config.options(section_name)
5)獲取指定節點下指定的key : config.get(section_name, key_name)
6)檢查、刪除、增長節點 :
7)檢查、刪除、設置指定section中的鍵值 :
config.has_option(section_name, key_name)
config.remove_option(section_name, key_name)
config.set(section_name, key_name, value)
用途:1. 頁面上作展現 2.配置文件
# filename : example.xml
<data> <country name="Liechtenstein"> <rank updated="yes">2</rank> <year>2023</year> <gdppc>141100</gdppc> <neighbor direction="E" name="Austria" /> <neighbor direction="W" name="Switzerland" /> </country> <country name="Singapore"> <rank updated="yes">5</rank> <year>2026</year> <gdppc>59900</gdppc> <neighbor direction="N" name="Malaysia" /> </country> <country name="Panama"> <rank updated="yes">69</rank> <year>2026</year> <gdppc>13600</gdppc> <neighbor direction="W" name="Costa Rica" /> <neighbor direction="E" name="Colombia" /> </country> </data>
from xml.etree import ElementTree as ET # 直接解析XML # ElementTree 類型具備將內存中xml數據寫入文件的屬性,而Element不具有 tree = ET.parse("example.xml") root = tree.getroot() print(root) out: <Element 'data' at 0x0000000000A56138>
from xml.etree import ElementTree as ET str_xml = open('example.xml', 'r').read() root = ET.XML(str_xml) print(root) out: <Element 'data' at 0x0000000000C37818>
from xml.etree import ElementTree as ET tree = ET.parse("example.xml") root = tree.getroot() for child in root: print(child, child.tag, child.attrib) for gradechild in child: print(gradechild, gradechild.tag, gradechild.text, gradechild.attrib, ) out: <Element 'country' at 0x0000000000E03AE8> country {'name': 'Liechtenstein'} <Element 'rank' at 0x0000000000E18318> rank 2 {'updated': 'yes'} <Element 'year' at 0x0000000000E18368> year 2023 {} <Element 'gdppc' at 0x0000000000E183B8> gdppc 141100 {} <Element 'neighbor' at 0x0000000000E18408> neighbor None {'direction': 'E', 'name': 'Austria'} <Element 'neighbor' at 0x0000000000E18458> neighbor None {'direction': 'W', 'name': 'Switzerland'} <Element 'country' at 0x0000000000E184A8> country {'name': 'Singapore'} <Element 'rank' at 0x0000000000E184F8> rank 5 {'updated': 'yes'} <Element 'year' at 0x0000000000E18548> year 2026 {} <Element 'gdppc' at 0x0000000000E18598> gdppc 59900 {} <Element 'neighbor' at 0x0000000000E185E8> neighbor None {'direction': 'N', 'name': 'Malaysia'} <Element 'country' at 0x0000000000E18638> country {'name': 'Panama'} <Element 'rank' at 0x0000000000E18688> rank 69 {'updated': 'yes'} <Element 'year' at 0x0000000000E186D8> year 2026 {} <Element 'gdppc' at 0x0000000000E18728> gdppc 13600 {} <Element 'neighbor' at 0x0000000000E18778> neighbor None {'direction': 'W', 'name': 'Costa Rica'} <Element 'neighbor' at 0x0000000000E187C8> neighbor None {'direction': 'E', 'name': 'Colombia'}
from xml.etree import ElementTree as ET str_xml = open('example.xml', 'r').read() root = ET.XML(str_xml) for node in root.iter('year'): # 去全部子和子孫節點中,找尋year節點 print(node.tag, node.text) out: year 2023 year 2026 year 2026
from xml.etree import ElementTree as ET # 打開文件,讀取XML內容 str_xml = open('example.xml', 'r').read() # 將字符串解析成xml特殊對象,root代指xml文件的根節點 root = ET.XML(str_xml) ############ 操做 ############ # 頂層標籤 print(root.tag) # 循環全部的year節點 for node in root.iter('year'): # 將year節點中的內容自增一 new_year = int(node.text) + 1 node.text = str(new_year) # 設置屬性 node.set('name', 'alex') node.set('age', '18') # 刪除屬性 del node.attrib['name'] ############ 保存文件 ############ tree = ET.ElementTree(root) tree.write("test3.xml", encoding='utf-8')
# 直接解析xml文件 tree = ET.parse("example.xml") # 獲取xml文件的根節點 root = tree.getroot() ############ 操做 ############ # 頂層標籤 print(root.tag) # 遍歷data下的全部country節點 for country in root.findall('country'): # 獲取每個country節點下rank節點的內容 rank = int(country.find('rank').text) if rank > 50: # 刪除指定country節點 root.remove(country) ############ 保存文件 ############ tree.write("test-delnode.xml", encoding='utf-8')
from xml.etree import ElementTree as ET tree = ET.parse("example.xml") root = tree.getroot() # ele = ET.Element() ele = ET.Element('test', {'k1': 'v1'}) ele.text = "內容" # 在無text內容的時候,採用自閉合標籤,即<test k1='v1' /> # def __init__(self, tag, attrib={}, **extra): root.append(ele) tree.write('createxml.xml', encoding='utf-8')
4.1) 方式1:嫁接的方式生成XML文檔。即先生成子孫,而後將子孫嫁接到root部位,最後保存,完成整個建立工做
from xml.etree import ElementTree as ET # 建立根節點 root = ET.Element("family") # 建立節點大兒子 son1 = ET.Element('son', {'name': 'lisi'}) # 建立節點小兒子 son2 = ET.Element('son', {'name': 'zhangsan'}) # 在大兒子中建立兩個孫子 grandson1 = ET.Element('grandson', {'name': 'wangwu'}) grandson2 = ET.Element('grandson', {'name': 'maliu'}) # 把孫子添加到父親節點中 son1.append(grandson1) son2.append(grandson2) # 把父親添加到爺爺節點中 root.append(son1) root.append(son2) # 將爺爺節點轉換爲Etree類型 tree = ET.ElementTree(root) # 默認狀況下write,會保存爲一行,沒有縮進 # tree.write("create_new_xml.xml", encoding='utf-8') tree.write("create_new_xml.xml", encoding='GBK', xml_declaration=True, short_empty_elements=False) # short_empty_elements = True表示開啓自封閉標籤,False表示關閉自封閉標籤 # xml_declaration = None時,若是爲US-ASCII 或者UTF-8則不添加聲明,其餘編碼格式添加聲明。若是爲True則永遠添加聲明.False關閉添加聲明
<?xml version='1.0' encoding='GBK'?> <family><son name="lisi"><grandson name="wangwu"></grandson></son><son name="zhangsan"><grandson name="maliu"></grandson></son></family>
def prettify(elem): """將節點轉換成字符串,並添加縮進。 """ rough_string = ET.tostring(elem, 'utf-8') reparsed = minidom.parseString(rough_string) return reparsed.toprettyxml(indent="\t") from xml.dom import minidom from xml.etree import ElementTree as ET # 建立根節點 root = ET.Element("family") # 建立節點大兒子 son1 = ET.Element('son', {'name': 'lisi'}) # 建立節點小兒子 son2 = ET.Element('son', {'name': 'zhangsan'}) # 在大兒子中建立兩個孫子 grandson1 = ET.Element('grandson', {'name': 'wangwu'}) grandson2 = ET.Element('grandson', {'name': 'maliu'}) # 把孫子添加到父親節點中 son1.append(grandson1) son2.append(grandson2) # 把父親添加到爺爺節點中 root.append(son1) root.append(son2) raw_str = prettify(root) f = open("create_new_xml.xml",'w',encoding='utf-8') f.write(raw_str) f.close()
from xml.etree import ElementTree as ET # 建立根節點 root = ET.Element("famliy") # 建立大兒子 # son1 = ET.Element('son', {'name': '兒1'}) son1 = root.makeelement('son', {'name': '兒1'}) # 建立小兒子 # son2 = ET.Element('son', {"name": '兒2'}) son2 = root.makeelement('son', {"name": '兒2'}) # 在大兒子中建立兩個孫子 # grandson1 = ET.Element('grandson', {'name': '兒11'}) grandson1 = son1.makeelement('grandson', {'name': '兒11'}) # grandson2 = ET.Element('grandson', {'name': '兒12'}) grandson2 = son1.makeelement('grandson', {'name': '兒12'}) son1.append(grandson1) son1.append(grandson2) # 把兒子添加到根節點中 root.append(son1) root.append(son1) tree = ET.ElementTree(root) tree.write('oooo.xml',encoding='utf-8', short_empty_elements=False)
from xml.etree import ElementTree as ET # 建立根節點 root = ET.Element("famliy") # 建立節點大兒子 son1 = ET.SubElement(root, "son", attrib={'name': '兒1'}) # 建立小兒子 son2 = ET.SubElement(root, "son", attrib={"name": "兒2"}) # 在大兒子中建立一個孫子 grandson1 = ET.SubElement(son1, "age", attrib={'name': '兒11'}) grandson1.text = '孫子' et = ET.ElementTree(root) #生成文檔對象 et.write("test.xml", encoding="utf-8", xml_declaration=True, short_empty_elements=False)
參考連接: http://www.w3school.com.cn/xml/xml_namespaces.asp
1 import shutil 2 shutil.copyfileobj(open('old.txt','r'), open('new.txt', 'w'))
shutil.copyfile('old.txt', 'new.txt')
shutil.copymode('old.txt', 'new.txt')
4)僅拷貝狀態的信息,包括:mode bits, atime, mtime, flags
shutil.copystat('old.txt', 'new.txt')
shutil.copy('old.txt', 'new.txt')
shutil.copy2('old.txt', 'new.txt')
shutil.copytree('folder1', 'folder2', ignore=shutil.ignore_patterns('*.pyc', 'tmp*'))
import zipfile # 壓縮。 壓縮以後源文件不消失 z = zipfile.ZipFile('test.zip', 'w') # w表示建立新的,a表示追加 z.write('file_1.log') # file必須存在,不然會報錯FileNotFoundError z.write('file_2.txt') z.close() # 解壓 z = zipfile.ZipFile('test.zip', 'r') # 查看壓縮包中文件名列表 print(z.namelist()) # 解壓單個文件 z.extract('file_1.log') # 解壓所有文件 z.extractall() z.close()
# 壓縮 tar = tarfile.open('test.tar','w') tar.add('file_1.log', arcname='bbs2.log') # 壓縮後可改變壓縮名 tar.add('file_2.txt') # 不寫arcname的話,文件名保持不變 tar.close() # 解壓 tar = tarfile.open('test.tar','r') # 獲取壓縮文件的文件名列表 print(tar.getnames()) # 解壓單個文件 tar.extract("file_2.txt") # 解壓所有文件 tar.extractall() # 可設置解壓地址,默認爲當前目錄 tar.close()
在執行一些Linux系統命令的時候,有多種方式:好比os.system(command) , os.popen(commond).read(), commands.getstatusoutput(command) 等方法。以上執行shell命令的相關的模塊和函數的功能均在 subprocess 模塊中實現,並提供了更豐富的功能。
subprocess包中定義有數個建立子進程的函數,這些函數分別以不一樣的方式建立子進程,因此咱們能夠根據須要來從中選取一個使用。另外subprocess還提供了一些管理標準流(standard stream)和管道(pipe)的工具,從而在進程間使用文本通訊。
1)subprocess.call() 執行命令,返回狀態碼,至關於return exit_code
retcode = subprocess.call(["ls", "-l"], shell=False)
retcode = subprocess.call("ls -l", shell=True)
shell=False時,該方法的執行是以os.execvp(file, args)來執行的,若是接收一個列表或元組,則列表第一個元素當作命令,以後的當作參數進行執行。若是接收一個字符串,則認爲該字符串是一個可執行文件的文件名,會執行該文件,文件不存在報:OSError: [Errno 2] No such file or directory
2)subprocess.check_call() 執行命令,若是執行狀態碼是0,能夠取到返回的狀態碼,不然報出錯誤subprocess.CalledProcessError(returncode, cmd, output=None, stderr=None),該對象包含有returncode屬性
subprocess.check_call(["ls", "-l"], shell=False)
subprocess.check_call("ls -l", shell=True)
import subprocess
b = subprocess.CalledProcessError
subprocess.check_call('fff', shell=True)
except b:
print b
out:/bin/sh: fff: command not found
Command 'fff' returned non-zero exit status 127
3)subprocess.check_output() 執行命令,若是執行狀態碼是 0 ,則返回執行結果,且return值存在,若是return code不爲0,則舉出錯誤subprocess.CalledProcessError,該對象包含有returncode屬性和output屬性,output屬性爲標準輸出的輸出結果。
retinfo = subprocess.check_output(["ls", "-l"], shell=False)
retinfo = subprocess.check_output("ls -l", shell=True)
4)subprocess.Popen(self, args, bufsize=-1, executable=None,stdin=None, stdout=None, stderr=None,preexec_fn=None, lose_fds=_PLATFORM_DEFAULT_CLOSE_FDS,shell=False, cwd=None, env=None, universal_newlines=False,startupinfo=None, creationflags=0,restore_signals=True, start_new_session=False,pass_fds=()) 用戶執行復雜的命令
bufsize:指定緩衝。0 無緩衝,1 行緩衝,其餘 緩衝區大小,負值 系統緩衝
stdin, stdout, stderr:分別表示程序的標準輸入、輸出、錯誤句柄
preexec_fn:只在Unix平臺下有效,用於指定一個可執行對象(callable object),它將在子進程運行以前被調用
因此不能將close_fds設置爲True同時重定向子進程的標準輸入、輸出與錯誤(stdin, stdout, stderr)。
env:用於指定子進程的環境變量。若是env = None,子進程的環境變量將從父進程中繼承。
universal_newlines:不一樣系統的換行符不一樣,True -> 贊成使用 \n
import subprocess ret1 = subprocess.Popen(["mkdir","t1"]) ret2 = subprocess.Popen("mkdir t2", shell=True)
import subprocess obj = subprocess.Popen("mkdir t3", shell=True, cwd='/home/dev',)
import subprocess obj = subprocess.Popen(["python3"], stdin=subprocess.PIPE, stdout=subprocess.PIPE, stderr=subprocess.PIPE, universal_newlines=True) obj.stdin.write("print(1)\n") obj.stdin.write("print(2)") obj.stdin.close() cmd_out = obj.stdout.read() obj.stdout.close() cmd_error = obj.stderr.read() obj.stderr.close() print(cmd_out) print(cmd_error)
import subprocess obj = subprocess.Popen(["python"], stdin=subprocess.PIPE, stdout=subprocess.PIPE, stderr=subprocess.PIPE, universal_newlines=True) obj.stdin.write("print(1)\n") obj.stdin.write("print(2)") out_error_list = obj.communicate() print(out_error_list) # out_error_list = (stdout, stderr)
import subprocess obj = subprocess.Popen(["python"], stdin=subprocess.PIPE, stdout=subprocess.PIPE, stderr=subprocess.PIPE, universal_newlines=True) out_error_list = obj.communicate('print("hello")') print(out_error_list) # if self.universal_newlines is True, this should be a string; if it is False, "input" should be bytes.
# universal_newlines=True表示以text的方式打開stdout和stderr。