raspberrypi3 安裝操做raspbian系統到硬盤

Poor as I am, I don't want a whole SSD storage allocated solely for a raspbian system, it had better be like  both a udisk and a sysdisk for raspbian.ide

I got a HP 240G M700 SSD , I reserve first 100G for raspbian, and the rest for exFat for my convenience.ui

first I need to allocate all the space for a partition, and burn the image into it. and I reconnect the the drive, to see the 'boot' partition in the drive list on my win7, and I add 'dtoverlay=pi3-miniuart-bt' to the end of file config.txt, and remove "init=/usr/lib/raspi-config/init_resize.sh " from the cmdline.txt because it would use all the space on it as raspibian's root(/) ext4 filesystem.spa

and I use the console, type 'sudo parted', and 'print' to list the partition size, and yes, it's 5G drive, resizepart 2 and it asked for how many megabytes would be expanded to, I say 100000, meaning 100G. and 'quit'. till now type 'partprobe /dev/sda' and 'sudo fdisk -l /dev/sda ' to see Disk identifier ,keep track of it (8 characters name), and replace it in the /dev/fstab . 'mount / -o remount,rw'. resize2fs /dev/sda2 it ultimately make sda2 100G partition, the rest 120G can be formated in the win7 using EXFAT.rest

and in the raspbian doesn't support the exfat, you have to 'apt-get install exfat-fuse' to enable the support.orm
