Africa The Middle English word was Affrike

Africa (n.)ci

Latin Africa (terra) "African land, Libya, the Carthaginian territory, the province of Africa; Africa as a continent," fem. of adjective Africus, from Afer "an African," a word of uncertain origin. The Latin word originally was used only in reference to the region around modern Tunisia; it gradually was extended to the whole continent. Derivation from a Phoenician cognate of Arabic afar "dust, earth" is tempting. The Middle English word was

Affrike n. "Africa," place name. KEY: affrike The Middle English word was Affrike The Fardle of Facions Conteining the Aunciente Maners, Customes, and Lawes, of the Peoples Enhabiting the Two Partes of the Earth, Called Affrike and Asia。 I am right inheritor of Alexandria, and Affrike, of all the out isles.」 Affrike and Europe bordering on your land,And continent to your Dominionsio
